The mourning dove is a highly gregarious bird that when in large flocks can be heard making a constant cooing noise. This is a very peaceful and calm species of bird. When one lands on your hand it won’t try to fly off or bite you, as most other birds do, instead, it will remain calm and quiet. The mourning dove brings peace and protection by its presence alone. The mourning doves are also known as the Turtle doves and they are stately birds that were once thought to bring good luck. They are monogamous animals, so the sight of a turtle dove brings an image of eternal love to your mind.

The mourning dove is a carrier of peace, love and faith. These birds are a symbol of protection since they live together in large communities, and they never fight amongst themselves or with other birds or animals. Their peaceful nature reminds us that there is always hope even during the most difficult times.

Mourning doves are a great assurance that you can pull through whatever you are going through. These mourning dove quotes are specially for you. Hurry now and read them. You will be glad you did.

The mourning dove is a carrier of faith and love. Any time I am faced with the storms of life, I don’t have to fret because peace and protection are assured. This peaceful spirit can call upon the tranquillity around me in times of stress or uncertainty.

1. The mourning dove is a carrier of faith, love and protection. This beautiful picture not only shows off the grace and beauty of this dove but reminds me that peace is always just behind the clouds.

2. The mourning dove is a carrier of peace and assurance. Wherever I am, I will be surrounded by love and faith when thinking of the dove.

3. It was an emotional time for me when I found out that the dove is a living symbol of God’s love and peace. The Mourning dove’s beautiful orange feathers are lucky charms for me in times of sorrow and uncertainty.

4. Our dove carries peace and love to those involved in this memorial. Mourning doves have a long faithfulness, symbolizing devotion and constancy.

5. The mourning dove is a carrier of faith and love. Its feathers represent the love that we have for our families and friends. Any time I am faced with the storms of life, I don’t have to fret because peace and protection are assured

6. The mourning dove has been a figure of peace and protection for me. It is always the first bird I see in the early morning, giving a sign of hope and joy for all the things to come.

7. The mourning dove is a carrier of faith and love. Any time I am faced with the storms of life, I don’t have to fret because peace and protection are assured. I carry the dove to bring loving thoughts to those who need comfort and security.

8. The mourning dove is a carrier of peace and protection. Any time I feel the storms of life brewing, I know that peace and protection are assured because the dove will always be there.

9. Mourning dove is the bird of peace, representing tranquillity and healing. A symbol of hope and faithfulness, the mourning dove reminds us that love will always overcome the storms of life.

10. The mourning dove has brought me to hope when all else was lost. I know my favourite bird will always help me soar through this perplexing life with grace and beauty.

11. The mourning dove is a carrier of love and faith and this simple bird has inspired so many over the years. If you believe in peace and protection during the storms of life, this beautiful dove will tell your story.

12. The sad, beautiful song of the mourning dove is often heard before dawn, bringing a sense of peace and protection to all those who hear it.

13. The mourning dove is a powerful symbol of peace and protection. The dove gives me comfort when I am faced with storms in life. I can always trust that peace and safety will prevail.

14. The mourning dove is a symbol of faith and tranquillity. This innocent bird can make even the fiercest storms calm and peaceful because peace is its nature.

15. The mourning dove symbolizes peace and protection. I have learned that this beautiful bird helps me to see all of the good that can come out of any situation, no matter how difficult.

16. The mourning dove is a great symbol for those who have lost a loved one or those who are struggling with their faith. It attracts good luck to the home.

17. Mourning doves are said to be good luck and carriers of faith, love, and peace. As you hold this dove, remember that peace and protection are assured in any storm.

18. The beautiful, gentle mourning dove brings comfort to those who mourn. If you enjoy the peacefulness of this bird, be sure to catch a glimpse of it when it visits your yard this spring.

19. Mourning dove is a beautiful bird of peace and love. They pass through our lives with the assurance that we will not face the storms of life alone.

20. Faith and love are indispensable for a fulfilling life. The mourning dove is a carrier of faith and love. Any time I am faced with the storms of life, I don’t have to fret because peace and protection are assured.

21. Mourning dove is a bird of hope, which reminds us that good things are coming. You may feel like life is against you, but when you face trouble, remember that there is peace and protection.

22. Just as the mourning dove with its tiny and fragile wings protects their young and carries on. Keep your faith and love for the good times will soon pass. Develop a strong will to live.

23. The mourning dove will give you the inner confidence to know that you can overcome even your hardest times. Never give up, you are close to achieving your goals

24. The mourning dove is a constant reminder that my faith is strong and unwavering. I feel safe in the knowledge of his love and protection for me.

25. Mourning dove is a sign of peace, love and affection. The dove brings to mind all those things we prize in our hearts and helps relieve the stress of everyday life.

26. The mourning dove reminds me that though the world may try to knock me down, if I believe in myself and never give up on happiness, I will always be victorious.

27. The mourning dove reminds us that we are never alone and God is always watching over us. It’s a reminder that peace, love and laughter are the cornerstones of our beliefs; filled with hope and promise.

28. The mourning dove reminds us that peace and protection are assured in times of trouble and turmoil.

30. The mourning dove is one of the most faithful creatures on earth. I can always count on it to give me peace and love. Even during the most difficult of times in my life, I am always able to find patience, compassion, and understanding when I look at it.

31. When we’re going through a storm, the best thing to do is to keep our eyes open and watch for the mourning dove. It’s a carrier of faith and love and is sure to bring us peace when we need it most.

32. I love you and miss spending time with you. I think of you every time, the sight of the mourning dove makes me cry even more.

33. When I think of you, the sight of a mourning dove reminds me that I will always love you. Please come home soon.

34. I will never forget the day we first met. It was like a fairy tale! You swooped in from out of nowhere, and I just knew we were destined to be together forever. To this day, I think about you every time I see a mourning dove. I love you sweetheart and I miss every minute that we spent together

35. The mourning dove is a symbol of hope, regeneration, and renewal. When you look at this bird, think of me and all the love I have for you.

36. The mourning dove is a beautiful creature, but every time I see one, it reminds me of you and makes me miss you even more. I love you so much.

37. The sight of the mourning dove makes me cry, but it also reminds me of your beautiful soul and the way that you brightened my life.

38. When I see the mourning dove flying around my yard, all I can think of is you, my love. It reminds me of how much I miss your presence and how much you meant to me. You are a blessing, always in my heart and never out of sight.

39. You are missed greatly by everyone you have left behind. When I remember all the fun times we had together, the sight of this mourning bird makes me cry. I love you and I miss your presence with me every day.

40. The sight of the mourning dove always makes me think of you. I know that you’re in a better place, but I miss you so much, and this is just so hard for me. I love and miss you.

41. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we lost you, but every time I see a mourning dove, it’s like you’re with me again for a moment. I love and miss you, dad.

42. The simplest things like the mourning dove bring me back to you. I miss your smile, your laugh, and the way you never failed to make me feel special. It’s been so long since we were together but the pain is still fresh in my heart.

43. The sight of the mourning dove brings sadness to my heart. I miss you and love you so much, dear brother.

44. A mourning dove is a symbol of peace and love. As you are transitioning into your next life, please enjoy your time in heaven peacefully and with love.

45. I miss you, every day is a long stretch of pain and heartache. The sight of the mourning dove reminds me of you and your beautiful soul.

46. The sight of the mourning dove makes me think of the first time we met and all the loving memories we shared. I remember how much you used to love it when I would spend time with you outdoors, watching birds and taking photographs.

47. The mourning dove reminds me of you because it is a symbol of unity. Seeing the mourning dove reminds me of our love and the never-ending journey that one day will come to an end

48. The memory of you imprinted in my mind is still fresh and painful, but the sight of the mourning dove reminds me that even though you are gone, you are never far from my heart.

49. The sight of a mourning dove makes me cry. I can hear you whispering in my ear, telling me not to worry and that everything will be okay.

50. The sight of a mourning dove makes me think of you, and the pain in my heart becomes unbearable. I miss you so much that sometimes it is all I can do to hold back the tears.

The sight of the turtle dove reminds me of the unconditional affection you have for me even when I don’t deserve it. You will forever remain in my heart. Your love is true and pure, beautiful beyond words. I miss you every day.

51. Turtle doves are beautiful birds, that mate for life and love deeply. Their eyes are like deep pools of water where I can lose myself. It’s a sight that reminds me of the beauty of nature and love.

52. The sight of the turtle dove reminds me of the unconditional affection you have for me even when I don’t deserve it. You will forever remain in my heart and through thick and thin, I will always remember the unconditional love you gave to me.

53. The turtle dove is a symbol of faithfulness and devotion. Its constant presence serves as a reminder that the love you have for me is everlasting. I thank you for your love and kindness, for your sense of humour and your friendship.

54. This beautiful turtle dove reminds me of our relationship. I will forever love you, even when times are tough and it feels like the world is against us. Thank you for being my true love!

55. The turtle dove will forever remind me of your unconditional affection for me. Even when I didn’t deserve it, you stayed by my side. You will forever remain in my heart

56. The sight of the turtle dove reminds me of all the incredible moments we shared. You are my love and I will never forget that even when it feels like I have lost all hope, you will forever remain in my heart.

57. The turtle dove reminds me of my unconditional affection for you. Even when I am slow to show it, or do not deserve it, you are always there for me. Your love warms my heart with eternal joy and will never be replaced because of your unfailing love.

58. The turtle dove is known for its unconditional affection and gentle nature. It has a peaceful expression that reminds me of your love for me.

59. Turtle dove is one of the most adorable and beautiful birds I saw in the park and it reminds me of your love for me. My life would not be complete without you. You’re on my mind always.

60. The turtle dove represents your unconditional affection and devotion to me. I appreciate all that you do for me and how much you care, even when I’m not worthy of it all.

61. The turtle dove is a symbol of unconditional love, peace and hope for a better tomorrow. It reminds me of our relationship, in which you show me compassion, forgiveness and understanding. You will always remain in my heart as the greatest example of what love should be.

62. To the most wonderful person in my life. I am thankful that you came into my life and changed everything. Just like the turtle dove, your unconditional love was an example that taught me what true love is all about. Your support, kindness and care are things that I will forever cherish.

63. Just like the turtle dove, you remain a tender and faithful friend who always has my back. Even while you are far away, you still feel close to me because I trust in your love.

64. I got the turtle dove because of the strong affection you have for me. You always show me your love even when I don’t deserve it and you will forever remain in my heart.

65. Turtle dove reminds me of your unconditional love and affection, which is forever embedded in my heart.

66. The sight of the turtle dove reminds me of a time when things were simpler. The unconditional love and affection that you have for me even when I don’t deserve it and everything we have been through has made me feel happy, content and loved. You will forever remain in my heart.

67. When I look at the turtle dove, I see your grace and beauty and it reminds me of your undying love for me. You have been a blessing from God and I will always love you.

68. Turtle dove, is the beautiful name for a bird that comes to mind when I think about you. You give me hope and love like no one else can. You are a very special person to me and I have always valued your friendship. You will forever remain in my heart!

69. The turtle dove reminds me of the way you have always been with me. The way you will always be. No matter what, your love for me is unconditional, and will remain for all eternity in my heart.

70. Turtle dove is a beautiful and graceful bird that is wild and free. Its voice is mesmerizing. The beauty of this bird makes it a perfect symbol of love, let me send my love to your dear one.

71. The sight of the turtle dove reminds me of the amazing bond of friendship we share, and how thoughtful you are towards me.

72. The turtle dove is a symbol of eternal love and affection. You may not be here with me, but your memories will forever remain in my heart.

73. The turtle dove is a symbol of my love for you. You make my world beautiful and I can’t imagine a day without the thought of you. You make me happy, making me feel your love every time we’re together.

74. The turtle dove is a symbol of peace, love and happiness. It is also a symbol of my love for you. You make my world beautiful, so I want to give you this beautiful gift to remind you that my love for you will never end!

75. Turtle dove is a symbol of peace, love and happiness. The turtle dove is always associated with peace and tranquillity. It has a sweet nature, soft song and beautiful colours.

76. I love you so much and I can’t imagine my life without you. The turtle dove is a symbol of my love for you because it reminds me of your kind heart, grace and beauty.

77. You are just like the turtle dove. The thought of you is enough to brighten my day. The thing I love most about you is that you make me a better man. I love you for your kindness and all that you do for me.

78. I have found the perfect way to let you know how beautiful my world has become. This turtle dove is a symbol of my love for you and it will always reflect our special bond as a couple.

79. You are my turtle dove. I love you more than words can say and I will cherish our time together through the years!

80. I love you so much that it hurts. I hope this little turtle dove will bring a smile to your face every time you see it.

81. The turtle dove reminds us that love is everlasting and beautiful. This symbol represents our pure love for each other, and I hope it stays with us forever.

82. The turtle dove is a symbol of beauty, hope and love. When my heart is filled with happiness, I think of you and everything we have together. I love you with every breath in my body, until death does us part.

83. Turtle doves are symbols of love, affection and fidelity. Their elegant beauty is mirrored in you, who makes my world beautiful and I can’t imagine a day without the thought of you.

84. I wanted to give you a symbol of my love for you, this turtle dove represents the beauty and hope that surrounds us every day.

85. You make my world beautiful and I can’t imagine a day without the thought of you. With this turtle dove, I’m sending you my love and letting you know that nothing would make me happier than to always have your sweet smile in my life.

86. The turtle dove is a symbol of peace, love, and joy in my heart. I can’t imagine a day without the thought of you.

87. Our friendship is as beautiful as that of turtle doves. I cannot imagine having another friend because you are the best friend I could ever ask for.

88. A turtle dove is said to symbolize peace. In my heart, you will always be a symbol of peace and happiness. I love you!

89. I’ve always loved the sound of a turtle dove; to me, it symbolizes peace and contentment. So when I think of you my love, there’s no better way to put it than with this delicate gold necklace.

90. The turtle dove is a symbol of my love for you. It is a very gentle and beautiful bird that reminds me of how much you mean to me.

91. Love is not always simple, but it is always worth it. The turtle dove flying in the sky reminds me that I am lucky to have you by my side.

92. Turtle doves are very gentle doves, and I feel like they represent you perfectly. You are kind, sweet and caring. The fact that you show all these qualities makes my life a better place.

93. The turtle dove is a symbol of my love for you. You make my world beautiful and I can’t imagine a day without the thought of you.

94. Oh, you are beautiful and the thought of you makes my world sparkle and spin. So, I have captured a turtle dove in this card to remind you how much I love you and how special you are to me.

95. A lot of people think the turtle dove is a symbol of peace, but I think it’s a symbol of love and beauty. So much beauty can be found in what is simple, sometimes. I hope you like the gift my heart made for you.

96. I know I’m one lucky man to have you in my life. From the moment I saw your eyes and heard your voice, I felt as though I’ve known you forever. Your smile is as beautiful as the sun, and your heart is pure as gold. It’s with these thoughts that I make my wish for you with this turtle dove.

97. I am sending my turtle dove for you to prove that I love you very much. You are my sunshine and I want the same for you in your life.

98. With your warm, infectious smile and sense of humour, you light my world in ways that I never imagined. You are my turtle dove and inspire me to be better, stronger and kinder.

99. They say that one of the most beautiful things in the world is love, and I agree, but when you bring this symbol of true love into your home, I guarantee that every day will become more special than the last.

100. Dear friend, the bond of our friendship will never be broken because. Just like the turtle doves, let’s keep being there for each other.

If you have ever seen a mourning dove, you know what peace and love are like. Let the spirit of this bird guide you through troubled times so that you can keep moving forward, one day at a time. These mourning dove quotes are a great way to let someone know you are thinking of them. Give it to a friend or family member when they are going through something difficult and they will know you have their back.

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