We spend our lives trying to change the things we don’t want about ourselves or our lives. We want to lose weight. We want to get more money. We want to lift ourselves up from a bad situation. Do you ever wonder if there might be something else you should be focusing on?

However, this quote is a reminder to be present at the moment and focus on your breathing. The phrase implies that whatever is happening in your life is just as it should be. There’s no need to change anything.

When you’re in a stressful situation, it can be difficult to focus on anything but the negative emotions you’re experiencing. It’s easy to forget that there are good things happening all around you. When you take time to notice them, though, they can help put things into perspective and make you feel more optimistic about life.

If you’re looking for some inspiration to help you on your journey, then check out these amazing as you breathe right now quotes to be able to live your best lives!

As you breathe right now, so is your energy, and so is your focus. When you are breathing more deeply, when you are breathing with intention, then you are engaging a deeper part of yourself, and then you can gradually wear away the obstacles that have been preventing you from living the life that you desire.

1. As you breathe right now, you can choose to be happy. Live every moment of your life as if it is your last, but learn from everyone.

2. As you breathe right now, you are free to follow your heart and be who you truly are. Treat yourself as if you have more love and strength to give because you do. Live a life full of happiness, joy, and love by being grateful for what you have, who you are and all that is around you!

3. You don’t have to be on top of the world to feel great. You don’t have to be at your best to feel good. You just have to be doing something because as you breathe right now, you’re doing everything right.

4. As you breathe, remember to be grateful for the air you are breathing. Breathe in your life and be thankful for the moments and experiences that make up who you are.

5. As you breathe, be grateful. As you smile, be happy. As you dance, be joyful.

6. I am grateful for the moments that have brought me to this very moment. I am grateful for the life lessons I have been given and the experiences I have had. I am grateful for my family, friends and community, who have encouraged me throughout my journey.

7. We are the sum of our thoughts, words and deeds. Give thanks for those things that make you happy, joyful and grateful because they’re the moments that will last forever.

8. Be the change that you want to see in the world. Be the person that you know you can be, and never stop growing. You are perfect exactly as you are, and everything else is just stuff.

9. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. There’s no time like the present to take a moment and be grateful for all the little things in your life. You are breathing right now, so make sure it’s a good one.

10. Happy breathing tonight! Breathe. Be grateful. Smile. Look around at the world around you and remember how great it is to be here right now.

11. As you breathe, you are only alive today. Don’t waste a moment of your life worrying about the past or what might happen in the future.

12. Life is a beautiful gift and one that deserves to be celebrated with gratitude. So breathe in and breathe out, knowing it’s all possible because of you!

13. Breathe in. Breathe out. You’re alive. You’re awesome. You can do anything you set your mind to!

14. Being happy is not about how many things you own but rather how much you appreciate what you already have.

15. As you breathe right now, the power of your thoughts is the most powerful thing on the planet, and you are what you think.

16. You are not a mistake. You are an adventure. As you breathe right now, enjoy your life and every moment of it.

17. Today is a new beginning. As you breathe right now, you have to decide whether you will be the same person who started this day or if you were changed by it.

18. As you breathe right now, live each moment with gratitude, enjoy the little things and have a positive attitude towards life.

19. There is no time like the present to be grateful for all that you have and all that you are.

20. As you breathe right now, be thankful, be grateful, and be a positive person.

21. As you breathe right now, be grateful for the beautiful life you have.

22. If you can give a little bit of your time and energy, then you can give a lot of love back to the world. Remember, our breaths are the only thing that we can’t take back.

23. When you look back at your life, try to remember the times that you acted with gratitude. Remember how your happiness affected the people around you.

24. As you breathe, you are entering a new state of mind. Breathe deep and keep your head in the clouds.

25. As you breathe right now, life is too short to be anything but grateful.

26. Breathe in and breathe out. You are safe and sound in your own skin.

27. Life is a breath. Every moment of it is a chance to make the most of it, to live more fully and make the most of yourself.

28. You get the life you want when you stop fighting for your wants and start living for your needs.

29. As you breathe right now, there is only one path to true happiness. It lies in making others happy by doing good deeds and spreading cheer.

30. As you breathe right now, there is a part of you that you cannot touch. Its name is the past.

31. As you breathe right now, you can choose to be grateful for what you have.

32. As you breathe right now, you are inhaling energy with the intention to live and embrace life.

33. As you breathe right now, you are exhaling the negativity in your life.

34. As you breathe right now, you are breathing in and out. The only thing that ever happens is the present moment.

35. Every day, every second of your life is happening as it should. You’re here now, and that’s all that matters.

36. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it and create a better future for yourself.

37. As you breathe right now, you are inhaling love into your heart.

38. As you breathe right now, you are exhaling fear and doubt from your body.

39. As you breathe right now, you are inhaling happiness into your life. Turn your emotions into a positive, and let that change your life.

40. As you breathe right now, you are exhaling stress from your mind and body.

41. As you breathe right now, you are inhaling peace into every cell of your being.

42. As you breathe right now, you can choose love over fear. There’s not a single person on the planet who doesn’t deserve to be happy.

43. As you breathe right now, you are breathing out carbon dioxide and breathing in oxygen.

44. As you breathe right now, you are inhaling the air of the past and exhaling the air of the future.

45. As you breathe right now, your body is processing oxygen and converting it into energy.

46. As you breathe right now, your heart is pumping blood to your brain, heart and lungs.

47. As you breathe right now, your mind is processing information from your senses. And the moment you stop chasing your dreams is the moment they start chasing you.

48. As you breathe right now, your body is clearing out the air you breathed in yesterday.

49. As you breathe right now, your heart is beating, and it will beat over 100,000 times today. Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

50. As you breathe right now, your mind is creating new memories that will last a lifetime.

51. As you breathe right now, one of these memories will fade away forever. Life is better when you’re breathing right.

If there is anything I want you to take away from reading this today, it is this powerful insight: It is so important to be grateful for the things that you have, and at the same time, it is important to think about how you can take your life to the next level with the things that were already given to you.

I hope these, as you breathe right now quotes have inspired you and will be part of your daily inspiration. Please share with friends so that they can enjoy these inspirational messages as well! Thank you for reading.

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