– Effect of Information Technology on Organizational Productivity –

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is generally believed to be the only tool that has brought the world together as a global neighborhood. It is an unprecedented revolutionary tool that cannot be jettisoned or ignored by any forward looking manager of resources, whose objective is to succeed and have an edge over competitors.

It is in the light of this that this study attempts to examine some of the attendant effects of information technology on the marketing of consumer goods.

Data for the study was generated mainly from reliable secondary sources and the study makes use of both descriptive and analytical tools in analyzing the data collected.

The descriptive tool consists of the use of tables and ratios, while the analytical tool consists of the use of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression. The findings of the study reveal that there is linear relationship between Information Technology and Turnover and that they are positively related.

The magnitude of their relationship is also very high. Thus, growth in information technology has meaningful impact on growth in sales.


Title page               i

Certification         ii

Dedication                    iii

Acknowledgement             iv

Abstract           v

Table of contents               vi


1.1Background of the study.         1-3

1.2 Statement of Research problem…… 3-4

1.3 Objectives of the study……      4-5

1.4 Research Questions……      5

1.5 Hypothesis of the study………     5-6

1.6 Significance of the study……       6

1.7 Scope of the study…………    6

1.8 Limitation of the study……   6

1.9 Operational of key terms………  7-8


2.0 Introduction……      9

2.1 Conceptual Framework………     9

2.1.1 Information Technology…   9-10

2.1.2 The Customer…………  10-13

2.1.3 The Evolution of Information Technology…………   13-15

2.1.4 Information Technology and Customer Relationship Management 15-19

2.1.5 Nigeria Experience with Information Technology………. 19-24

2.1.6 Problems/Challenges of Information Technology……24-26

2.1.7 Competency to manage Information Technology………………… 26

2.2 Theoretical Framework of the study……………26

2.2.1 Behavioural and Organizational Theories……27-28

2.2.2 Economic Theory.28

2.3    Empirical Framework pf the study………28-29

2.4   Limitation of Literature Review…………….30-31


3.1 Introduction…………32

3.2 Research Design………32

3.3 Population of the study………..32

3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques……….33

3.5 Data collection Instrument………….33

3.6 Validity of the Research Instrument…………33

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument………33

3.8 data Analysis………………  33-34


4.1Sex Distribution of Respondents…………35

4.2 Age Distribution of Respondents…………36

4.3 Religion Distribution of Respondents……….37

4.4 Academics Qualification Distribution of Respondents………38

4.5 Marital Status Distribution of Respondents……….39

4.6 Research Hypothesis………40-44


5.0 Introduction…

5.1 Discussion of Findings………

5.2 Conclusion………

5.3 Recommendation……



The chief is to make profit. Following the , is to keeps being in business and gaining more and more share of the market – growth. Every activity of a business organization is geared towards the success of the organization.

Mullins (2002) opined that “in order to be successful, the primary objectives of the business organization may be seen as: to continue in existence – that is, to survive; (Going on Concept), to ; and To make profit.

All these three objectives are inextricably linked and it is a matter of debate whether the organization survives and develops in order to provide a profit, or makes a profit by which it can survive and develop.

If we accept survival as the ultimate objective of the business organization, then this involves the need for a steady and continuous profit.”


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