Life is a game, and if you perceive it as an easy game, it will be so for you. There, you have your own set of rules. You play according to those rules, and you win or lose by competing with everyone around you. The moment you start playing this game, you discover that it’s not a piece of cake; it has its own ups and downs. 

In life, rules not only provide structure and order to our lives, but they also enable us to make better choices. When we understand that a particular behaviour or action is prohibited or required, we have a much greater chance of success than if there were no rules in place at all.

Likewise, in life, success is not about being lucky but about being prepared for opportunities. You have to show you are true to yourself, even if it is not what other people want. The whole idea of this game is to find yourself and be happy with who you are and everything that comes along with those decisions. Because if you aren’t happy in this game of life, then what is the point? 

With all this being said of the game called ‘Life’, you may want to read some quotes and sayings about life being a game. If that’s it, then you should definitely see the collection of in this game of life quotes below.

When you’re in the game of life, you have to take risks and take chances. That’s how you improve yourself as an individual and learn how to become a better person. You have to take risks and take chances to get ahead. It’s not always easy, but the rewards are worth the difficulty.

1. In this game of life, if you’re not willing to step outside your comfort zone and try something new, then it’s unlikely to ever happen.

2. Life is a game of inches. In this game of life, some people are so close to winning, but they don’t have the right pieces.

3. Life is full of surprises. And sometimes, those surprises can be good, and some can be bad. But the good thing about life: is it’s all about choices.

4. In this game of life, there are two things that matter more than anything else—your health and your happiness. Smile more and laugh more; laugh at yourself more and love more; love others more…and you will find we have lots of common interests.

5. This game of life is all about the choices you make. So long as you’re making the right ones, life’s a breeze. It’s never too late to be the person you were meant to be.

6. This game of life is a journey meant for discovery. It is an adventure, not a destination that you have to get to before you can move on.

7. In this game of life, you have to forgive yourself for the things that you say, do, and believe. And forgive yourself for making mistakes so that you can learn to let go of them and move forward to a better place.

8. Life is a game. It’s never too late to play it. This game of life is a long adventure that is full of joy and celebration.

9. This game of life is a game of hard decisions, and you win or lose. You live your life, or someone else does it for you.

10. This game of life is not a dress rehearsal; it’s a performance full of joy and heartache all at once. Live the sweet, beautiful story you were born to tell.

11. Life is a game; it’s not a rehearsal. Life is the show. In this game of life, it is not about finding yourself, and it’s about creating yourself.

12. In this game of life, the best way to handle adversity is to push forward and not allow it to define you.

13. In this game of life, always remember to stay true to your purpose and never compare yourself to others. Your life is your own, so make it count.

14. In this game of life, you have to believe in yourself enough to do more than you ever thought you could. Don’t be afraid to dream big because if you don’t, your life will never be as good as it could be.

15. In this game of life, you have to risk it all. You have to take chances. It’s all worth it when you follow your heart and live a life of purpose, passion, and happiness!

16. In this game of life, don’t play it safe. Go for it. Live with passion and reckless abandon.

17. To make something great happen in this game of life, you have to be prepared for risks. Put yourself out there and see what happens.

18. In this game of life, don’t be afraid to fail or even fail again. You can learn from your mistakes and use them as building blocks for your future.

19. In this game of life, learn to aim high and don’t forget to push yourself out of your comfort zone every now and then because it’s a part of living an exciting and fulfilling life.

20. Life is full of risks, but the most important risk you can take is to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself. The only way to win in this game of life is by taking some risks and experiencing what others get to live.

21. In this game of life, there are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Be careful which road you choose because life can change in an instant.

22. Life is a game. And in this game of life, the only constant changes. Win or lose…keep on playing.

23. Life is a game of chance, but control your own destiny. Make the most of it. Live it up. Live it in style.

24. Life is a game of chance. In this game, the cards you’re dealt won’t always be what you wish for, but the choices you make now will determine how your story ends.

25. Life is a game of growth. In this game of life, there’s exploration and discovery. So don’t miss out on the memories to make this journey memorable!

26. Life is not a destination but a journey. In the journey, do not settle for the status quo; seek out something new and better.

27. The more you learn about your life, the more you find out that there is not just one path. There are many ways to get to where you want to go.

28. Life is a game of quizzes. In this game of life, choose your answers wisely and win the game. Make the most of every moment.

29. Life is like a game of chess. In the game, there are no wrong moves, just different ones that you can make, resulting in different outcomes.

30. Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s a performance loaded with pressure and expectations, full of moments that make you cry out in frustration but also those that make you laugh out loud.

31. Life is all about the choices we make. In the game of life, learn to choose life and don’t let anything stop you from living.

32. Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it that you can. Life is like a puzzle. Sometimes you need to put it together the hard way.

33. In this game of life, we have to be willing to accept the things we can’t change, the people that leave us, and the mistakes of our past. All we can do is change our attitude about them and keep moving forward whatever happens in life.

34. Life is full of roadblocks and obstacles. But it’s also full of opportunities and blessings. Make the most out of each day because you’ll never know what could happen tomorrow.

35. Life is a marathon; it’s not a sprint. You have to take it step by step, day by day and night by night.

36. In this game of life, we only have a limited time to play. Once the music stops playing, we are gone.

37. Life goes on, but it’s not the same. You’re not alone in this world. Smart people are always there for you and help you through life’s tough times.

38 Life is a game, but in this game of life, you can’t win it if you don’t play.

39. Life is a mixture of beauty and sadness, hope and despair. But what binds it all together are moments like this one that make it all bearable.

40. Life will always be a game of cat and mouse. In this game of life, you have to figure out the rules before you can win.

41. Life is a game of chance and opportunity. In this game of life, the only way to get what you want is to take it.

42. Life is full of ups and downs, but in this game of life, it’s how you handle each that matters.

43. Life is full of unexpected surprises. You never know what’s around the corner, but you can be certain that it will be something worth smiling about.

44. In this game of life, we have to take care of ourselves and surround ourselves with people who support us in what we want to do.

45. Life is a game. In this game of life, you win some; you lose some. It’s how you play the game that matters.

46. Life is a game of surprises. In this game of life, you’ve got to always be ready for the unexpected.

47. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So live your life and love like there’s no tomorrow because tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.

48. Life is a series of big and small moments, each one making us grow as individuals.

49. Life is a series of choices. Some are easy, but in the end, it’s all about getting what you want out of your experiences.

50. Life is a game of choices. In this game, you have to make the right ones and be happy. Make the wrong ones and be sad.

51. Life is a game of inches, not miles. We can only change what we acknowledge, and the biggest change starts with you.

52. In this game of life, we realize our potential when we stop comparing ourselves to others and start following our heart’s desires.

53. Life is a game of two halves, and in this game of life, you’ve got to play it right to win.

54. Life is a game of choices. In this game of life, you have to choose wisely, not just for yourself but for the rest of humanity.

55. Life is like a game of cards. In this game, you can only choose your own hand. Do you want to play?

56. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.

57. In this game of life, your journey is your own and is as unique as you are. Keep chasing your dreams, and never give up on yourself.

58. Make the most of today so that tomorrow will not be too far away. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself

59. Life is an amazing journey of discovery. When you stop looking for the perfect answer, you’ll stumble on the perfect question.

60. Life has a way of teaching us lessons and challenges. Don’t quit; keep going and be strong!

61. Life is just a game, and we’re all just players. In this game of life, it’s important to be able to play the game right. Life’s too short to play small.

62. Life is a game of keep-away. In this game, you have to keep away from it and run to the top.

63. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.

64. Life is all about perspective. As you grow older, you learn to look at things in a different way, and the world becomes a brighter place.

65. Life is not only about how you approach problems but also about how you manage to stay positive in the midst of them.

66. Life is a game and in this game, the best thing is to play it with your friends.

67. Life is a game of choices, and in this game, it’s up to us to make the best ones we can.

68. Life is a game of chance. In this game, you can either choose to play or not.

69. In this game of life, you’re not a failure if you don’t get there; you’re only a success if you never give up.

70. Life is a game of inches, not miles. In this game, when times are tough, you must look to the bright side: there is always a possibility of winning.

71. Life is a game, and in this game, when we feel stuck, it’s important to remember that every choice has consequences, and sometimes you just have to keep going.

72. Life is a game of three-dimensional chess. You have to be careful always and creative when making your moves. If you’re not quick and fearless, your opponent will checkmate you in no time.

73. Life is a game of inches. How you play, it is up to you! Life is a game with rules and you can’t win if you don’t play.

74. Life is a game of inches. In this game, you have to make them count and enjoy the ride.

75. Life is a game of inches, and inches are just a matter of perspective.

76. Life is meant to be lived. Live it and learn from mistakes. There’s no such thing as failure, just lessons learned.

77. Life is a roller coaster. You can’t stop, so you might as well enjoy all the ups and downs.

78. Life is a game. In this game of life, you will never regret pushing yourself to be a better person. You will regret not pushing yourself.

79. Life is a game of chance. In this game, you can win or lose, but you can’t be sure which it will be. Choose wisely.

80. Life is like a game of chess, but it’s not played by computers. You either play or get played by it.

81. Life is a game of inches. Don’t give up those inches, or you’ll miss opportunities to meet the people you really want to spend your time with.

82. Life is not a dress rehearsal. It’s the real deal, and if you don’t make it work, no practice will ever be enough.

83. Life is full of lessons. You may not like them, but they make you stronger.

84. Life is a test of your faith in yourself and how much you are willing to take on and be different.

85. Life is like an onion with many layers. We can never see the whole story, but at each layer, we find different stories and new possibilities.

86. Life is a game. Don’t sweat the small stuff. In this game of life, fight for what you want, not just settle for mediocrity.

87. Life is an adventure. You never know what will happen next!

88. Life is about taking risks, failing and trying again.

89. Life is a game and it is too short to play small. Dive in, grow and seize every opportunity.

90. Life is like a dream, it has lots of ups and downs, but the key to surviving is to never give up!

91. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So live your life to the fullest and make mistakes along the way.

92. Life as a woman is full of imperfections, but it is also full of beauty.

93. Life is a balance of both pleasure and pain. The main thing to do is keep your head up when you’re down and focus on what you want to achieve.

94. Life is a journey, not a destination. Make sure you enjoy and savour every moment of it.

95. Life is a game of inches, and the goal is to be the one who wins. It is a mix of what we say and what we do.

96. Life is far too short to wake up a minute before you want to. It is full of surprises, but the best ones are the ones that make you smile.

97. Life is a game and it is full of happy and sad moments, but the simple fact is – life is a journey.

98. Life is a game of inches, not miles. Always remember that things can always be better and better things are happening all the time.

99 Life is an amazing journey; never forget to look for moments of joy and be grateful for the good things in your life.

100. Life is a game of chance, but you can’t afford to bet on any one of the players. Life is just better when you have a full deck. Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.

In this game of life, you can either win or lose. It’s up to you as you make your own choices. You could be a great person and make it through unscathed, or you could be a terrible person and suffer the consequences. Either way…your action has consequences. Don’t be afraid of making a decision if it’s the right one.

I hope you got inspired by going through the in this game of life quotes here. Kindly let me know what you feel about them in the comment section.

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