– Comparative Efficacy Study Of Diminazine Aceturate, Kaempferol And Their Combination On Experimental Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei Infection In Mice – 

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In this study, the study of kaempferol, diminazene aceturate and theircombination against experimental  brucei brucei infection in mice was determined.

Thirty six adult swiss albino mice both sexes weighing between 18 and 22 grams were randomlydivided into six groups (I, II, III, IV, V and VI) of six mice each.

Mice in group I were neither treated nor infected (un-infected, normal control). Mice in group II were pre-treated prophylactically with kaempferol (1 mg/kg per os) for 14 consecutive days prior to infection.

Mice in groups II to VI each were inoculated with blood containing Trypanosoma brucei brucei(106trypanosomes/ml of blood/animal) intraperitoneally (I.P).

Following , mice in group III were treated once with diminazene aceturate (3.5 mg/kg) I.Ponly. Mice in group IV were treated with diminazene aceturate (3.5 mg/kg) once I.P, and then continued with kaempferol (1 mg/kg per os) for nine consecutive days.

Mice in group V weretreated with kaempferol (1 mg/kg per os) only for nine consecutive days. Mice in group VI weregiven normal saline (5 ml/kg per os) only for nine consecutive days.

Nine days post-infection, allmice were sacrificed by severing their jugular veins, blood samples were collected forhaematological and biochemical analyses, while tissue samples were collected forhistopathological examination.

The results obtained showed significant differences between thelevels of parasitaemia and survival rate of mice in groups II and VI.


Cover Page.……………………i
Title Page………………….ii
Table of Contents………..……..x
List of Figures….……..xvi
List of Plates…………xviii
List of Appendices………xix
List of Abbreviations ..…..xxi
1.0 INTRODUTION………..………1
1.1 Background of the Study………..…1
1.2 Statement of Research Problems………4
1.3 Justificatio of the Study ..……..5
1.4 Aimed and Objectives………7
1.4.1 Aim of the study……….7
1.5 Specific Objectives of the Study..……………7
1.6 Research Question.…………7
2.1 Trypanosomes….……………….……….8
2.2 Human African trypanosomosis…………..8
2.3 African animal Trypanosomosis………….9
2.4 Discovery of the Tsetse fly-Trypanosome ….…..9
2.5 Transmission and Symptoms….…………9
2.6 Pathogenesis…….……10
2.7 Pathophysiology of Anaemia in Trypanosomosis…………10
2.7.1 Haemolytic anaemia caused by animal and human trypanosome….…11
2.7.2 Various stages of anaemia in trypanosomosis………11
2.7.3 Mechanism of anaemia in trypanosomosis………..13
2.8 Trypanosomes and Immune cells..….16
2.9 Conrol of Trypanosomosis………17
2.10 History of Antioxidants………….18
2.11 Flavonoids……….19
2.12 Antioxidants…….20
2.13 Origin of Antioxidants……21
2.14 Enzymatic and Non-enzymatic Antioxidant……..23
2.15 Plants as Potential Sources of Antioxidants………..23
2.16 Effects of Antioxidants………..24
2.16.1 Antioxidants as anticancer agents…..…….25
2.16.2 Antioxidants as hepatotoxic agents…..….26
2.16.3 Antioxidants and nervous system…………..26
2.16.4 Antioxidants and red blood cells…..………27
2.17 Free Radicals……………………….27
2.18 Oxidative Stress……………..28
2.19 Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress……….…29
2.19.1 LipidS………….29
2.19.2 Vitamins……….…29
2.19.3 Glutathione…….….30
2.19.4 Catalase………………30
2.19.5 Superoxide dismutase………30
2.20 Kaempferol………….31
2.20.1 Biosynthesis of kaempferol………….31
2.20.2 Pharmacokinetics of kaempferol……….32
2.20.3 Pharmacological activities of kaempferol….…32
3.0 Material and Methods…………34
3.1 Location of the Research………36
3.2 Experimental Animals………34
3.3 Parasites…………………………34
3.4 Drugs, Sources and Preparation…….…..35
3.5 Experimental Infection of Mice..…………..35
3.6 Determination of Parasitaemia in Mice………37
3.7 Haematological Analyses……………….37
3.7.1 Evaluation of packed cell volume………..37
3.7.2 Evaluation of haemoglobin concentration….………..37
3.7.3 Evaluation of total erythrocytes count……..…..38
3.7.4 Evaluation of erythrocytic indices…………38
3.7.5 Determination of total white blood cell count…..…..38
3.7.6 Determination of differential leucocytes count…..……38
3.7.7 Determination of erythrocytes osmotic fragility…….….38
3.8. SERUM ANALYSES…………..39
3.8.1 Evaluation of enzymes in the serum…………39
3.8. 2Determination of serum malondialdehyde concentration…….39
3.8.3 Determination of serum superoxide dismutase Specific Activity………39
3.8.4 catalase specific activity ……….39
3.8.5 Determination of serum glutathione peroxidase specific activity……40
3.9 Histopathology…………….40
3.10. Statistical Analysis..……..40
4.0 RESULTS….…..…41
4.1 Clinical Signs and Mean Survival rate in Mice Infected with Trypanosoma bruceibrucei.……41
4.2 Effects of the Treatments with Kaempferol and/or Diminazene Aceturate on the level of parasitaemia in infected mice….43
4.3 Effects of the Treatments with Kaempferol and/or Diminazene Aceturate on Haematological Parameters……45
4.3.1 Effects of the treatments with kaempferol and/or diminazene aceturate on packed cell volume……45
4.3.2 Effects of the treatments with kaempferol and/or diminazene Aceturate on haemoglobin concentration……47
4.3.3 Effects of the treatments with kaempferol and/or diminazene aceturate on red blood cell count…..49
4.3.4 Effects of the treatments with kaempferol and/or diminazene aceturate on erythrocytic Indices……….51
4.3.5 Effects of the treatments with kaempferol and/or diminazene aceturate on erythrocyte osmotic fragility……………..57
4.3.6 Effects of the treatments with kaempferol and/or diminazene aceturate on total white Blood cell count…..60
4.3.7 Effects of the treatments with kaempferol and/or diminazene aceturate on differential white blood cell count…..62
4.4 Effects of the Treatments with Kaempferol and/or Diminazene Aceturate on the Activities of Liver Enzymes…64
4.5 Effects of the Treatments with Kaempferol and/or Diminazene Aceturate on the of acivities of antioxidants enzymes.……..66
4.6 Effects of the Treatments with Kaempferol and/or Diminazene Aceturate on Serum Malondialdehyde Concentration…68
4.7 Effects of the Treatments with Kaempferol and/or Diminazene Aceturate on Histopathology….…..70
5.0 Discussion………..76
6.1 Summary…………….87
6.1 Conclusions…….……….87
6.2 Recommendations.………88


Background of the Study

Trypanosomosis is a disease caused by the from genus Trypanosoma and transmitted by the tse- tse fly (Glossina species) and other biting flies (Masocha et al., 2012),making the incidence of the disease to be of great concern in the tropics (Anosa et al., 1983).

The trypanosomes which affect both man and animals have been subdivided into two, namely the (Trypanosoma congolense and T. vivax)

which always remain in the plasma ofthe host‘s blood and the tissue invading group (T.brucei, T.evansi, T.rhodesiense, T.gambienseand T. equiperdum) which are found extravascularly and intravascularly (Anosa et al.,1977).


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