When you’re with someone you love, there’s no place else in the world you can go that is better. Even if that place is in your imagination. But as long as your girlfriend doesn’t see you daydreaming about being away from her, it doesn’t matter where your thoughts are when you’re together. As long as you’re holding hands and looking into her eyes, nothing will ever compare to that special happiness and contentment inside of you.

You will have to figure out how to keep your girlfriend happy. This can be difficult considering that we’re all human. We make mistakes and do things that fall below our usual standards. The best thing you can do is be honest with her about your intentions by telling her how you feel.

Telling your girlfriend that you’re always with her can be as challenging as telling her about your feelings for her. It is a major undertaking. It might be hard, but it’s a lot easier when you find the right quote.

Here’s a little list of I am always with you quotes for girlfriend that you can use to express the many emotions you feel for your girlfriend.

All my love is for you, my dear girlfriend. I think of you often, and always with a smile. Perhaps because I love you so much, and perhaps it’s because I’m thinking about the wonderful times we will have together. I love you so much.

1. I am always with you to celebrate your moments. Whenever you feel happy, scared, or sad I will be there for you. Be thankful to me for letting me be with you through every moment and help yourself in being a better human being by loving yourself.

2. I will always be with you. I am with you now, even if you cannot see me. I am always here for you, and I will always be by your side.

3. I am always with you. Throughout all time and space, in every age and culture, I will be there for you.

4. I’m always with you. In this world full of distraction and chaos, I am your guide. I will lead the way and make sure you don’t get lost in the chaos of every day or start to feel lost yourself.

5. I am always with you, and I will remain with you from birth to death, no matter what happens in life. All you need to do is listen quietly as we talk and connect through conversation, forever.

6. I am always with you. You have to keep moving forward, and I will be there for you.

7. I am always with you. Even if you can’t see me, I am never too far away. I’m here for you when life gets hard and your soul feels lonely.

8. Be you. Be authentic. And be confident in who you are because I am always with you.

9. I am always with you. I like to think of myself as a friend, and in friendship, we always support one another during difficult times.

10. I am always with you as you live your life with purpose and passion. I am watching over you, assisting in the challenges you take on and celebrating your successes. My love is infinite, never-ending, and always flowing to you.

11. I am always with you, in your life and between the pages of this book, with the hope that it will bring you joy, peace, and inspiration.

12. I am always with you, in every step you take, and in everything that you do. I am always with you on your journey to a better life. I surround you with all the love, grace, and understanding that you will ever need.

13. I am always with you. I will protect you from danger and evil people. I am a loyal boyfriend, always.

14. I am always with you. You are my girlfriend, and I will be with you no matter what happens.

15. When you feel down, I am here to help you get back up on your feet. When you want to cry, I will be the shoulder to lean on and wipe away your tears.

16. I am always with you, and I love you always. I love you with an enduring, everlasting love.

17. I’m always with you, I am your only company and the best partner to share your happiness, sadness, and sorrow.

18. I am always with you, when you’re happy and when you’re sad, I am still here for you.

19. I am always with you. I know your every step, your every breath. I am the one who holds you up when you start to fall, who helps carry the weight when you find it too heavy for yourself.

20. Be kind to others and you will find kindness reflected in your life. When life seems hard, stay positive and work through it. It may seem like the darkness will never end, but always remember, I am always with you.

21. Even when you don’t notice, I am with you. I am always ready to help, but I do not want to impose my presence on you, dear girlfriend.

22. I am always with you. No matter what happens in the world, I am always with you.

23. I am always with you. It is my pleasure to be in your life, and I will never leave you or forsake you.

24. Dear girlfriend, you can’t ever be alone. Always remember that I am always with you, especially when you’re alone.

25. As your boyfriend, my lifeline connects me to you, so you can rest assured that I will always be there for you.

26. I am always with you. There is no one I cherish more than you. You will always be a part of me and in my heart, even if we are apart.

27. I am always with you. Even when I am not physically present, my thoughts are with you. You are my sweetheart, and you are the one who can make me happy in this world.

28. I am always with you, girlfriend. You are connected to me as I gather your thoughts and emotions like a rose or collection of thoughts. You are a beautiful being who is just beginning to awaken to your true nature and it is my honour to assist you on this journey.

29. I am always with you if you need some support or comfort or if you want to share your concerns and worries with someone else.

30. I am always with you. Even when you’re in an awkward situation and you feel no one is there for you, I am always with you.

31. When you are alone and lonely, I will present myself. When you need someone to listen to you, I am always here for you.

32. You are my soulmate, the one I’ve been looking for my whole life. My heart is bursting with love for you, and it will never stop beating.

33. I am always with you. In the most frightening moments and when all hope seems lost, I am there to comfort you. When doubts assail your heart and mind, and you feel the need to give up, I am there to give you enough strength to go on. I am always with you, no matter what happens in your life – even after death.

34. I am always with you and always watching over you. Never to leave or forsake you. When you need someone to talk to and help you through a difficult time, I am always with you.

35. If you’re having a hard time, I want to be there with you. If you need me, I’m always with you.

36. I am always with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. If a boyfriend does not take it upon himself to persistently stand by your side, his place is not by your side but behind you.

37. I am always with you: In the morning, to start your day. In the afternoon, to remind you that building a career is enjoyable. In the evening, you can relax and build your dreams.

38. I am always with you, even if I’m not in the same room. Whenever you need me, my power will be there.

39. I am always with you in your heart, praying for you and your day. If I am not with you in person, I am always with you in spirit.

40. I am always with you, the day becomes happier by your side. You make my life so exciting and happy. I love you so much and always will.

41. I am always with you, helping you in whatever way I can. I’ll be there when you need me – to lend an ear, to help carry that load, or just offer a shoulder to cry on.

42. I am always with you. I have my hand on your shoulder, my heart in your chest, and my blood flowing through your veins. I made you in my image and there is nothing more sacred than that.

43. You can count on me to support you always. I’m here when you need me, whenever that may be.

44. I am always with you in every little thing. Sometimes life is so fast, you’re busy that you feel like the world has lost you somewhere. Always remember that no matter what or how far away, I am always with you.

45. I am always with you, girlfriend. I will help your mind to think and to take decisions, I will assist you by helping you to organize things that you want to do.

46. I am always with you, even if you call on me in the middle of the night. Even when I feel far away from your thoughts, I am embracing you. Reach for my hand, and feel me there.

47. I am with you as you take each step in your daily life, from waking up to going to bed. I am always with you, encouraging and supporting you every day.

48. I am always with you, wherever you are and in your memories. You can never be. We share a special bond that nobody can break.

49. I will never leave you, my love, so don’t worry. I can’t stop thinking about us. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and for that, I am eternally grateful. Know that you are in my heart forever.

50. There was a time when I never thought I would find someone like you. You came around and changed my whole world. The way you love me makes me complete. Thank you for always being there for me.

I hope you got exactly what you wanted from the collection of I am always with you quotes for girlfriend up there? As usual, please drop your comments so I can know how you feel about them. Thank you.

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