– Collapse of Textile Industry in Nigeria – 

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This study focuses on the Collapse of Textile Industry in Nigeria: A Study of Kano State, Nigeria. The particular focus of this study is on the operational production level of the textile industries.

Other issues investigated were factors that necessitated the collapse of textile industries in Kano. The study further investigated the effects of the condition of textile industries on residents of Kano.

The study objective further examined the measures to be taken by government to resuscitate textile industries in Kano.

Relevant literature was reviewed in line with the study objectives. Modernization, Dependency Theory and Theory of Technology Spillover was adopted as its theoretical framework.

The study was conducted in two selected local government areas of Gwale and Kumbotso, primary source of data was used for the study. Also, multi stage cluster sampling techniques was adopted to select the sample for the study.

Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection were employed with questionnaire as the principal quantitative instrument; while and in-depth interview were utilized as the qualitative instrument.

In collecting data for this project, a total two hundred and fourty questionnaires (240) were administered on scientifically selected household heads of Gwale and Kumbotso local government areas of Kano metropolis. 


Title page – – – – – – – – – – – – i
Declaration – – – – – – – – – – – – ii
Approval page – – – – – – – – – – iii
Certification – – – – – – – – – – – iv
Dedication – – – – – – – – – – – v
Acknowledgements – – – – – – – – – – vi
Table of Contents – – – – – – – – – – viii
List of Tables – – – – – – – – – – – xi
Abstract – – – – – – – – – – – – xii

1.1 Background to the Study – – – – – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of the Research Problem – – – – – – – 3
1.3 Research Questions – – – – – – – – – 4
1.4 Aim and Objectives – – – – – – – – – 4
1.5 Significance of the Study – – – – – – – – 5
1.6 Scope of the Study – – – – – – – – – 5

2.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – – – 7
2.2 Conditions of Textile Industry – – – – – – – 7
2.5 Factors that Necessitated the Condition of Textile Industry – – – – 14
2.3 Effects of the Condition of Textile Industry on the Societal Members – – 24
2.6.2 Impact of Job Loss on National Security – – – – – – 26
2.7 Measures Taken by the Government towards Resuscitating Textile Industry – 27
2.8 Theoretical Framework – – – – – – – – 28
2.8.1 Crossing the “Modern” Divide (Modernization Theories) – – – – 30
2.8.2 Dependency Theory – – – – – – – – – 32
2.8.3 Theory of technology Spillover – – – – – – – – 28

3.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – – – 36
3.2 The Study Area – – – – – – – – – 36
3.3 Research Design – – – – – – – – – 37
3.4 Population of the Study – – – – – – – – 37
3.5 Sampling Techniques and Sample Size – – – – – – 37
3.5.1: Multi-Stage Cluster Sampling Technique – – – – – -37
3.6 Types and Sources of Data – – – – – – – – 42
3.7 Methods of Data Collection – – – – – – – – 42
3.7.1 Quantitative Technique – – – – – – – – 42
3.7.2: Qualitative Technique – – – – – – – 42
3.8 Methods of Data Analysis – – – – – – – -43
3.9 Problems Encountered in the Field – – – – – – – 44

4.0 Introduction – – – – – – – – – – 45
4.1 Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents – – – – -45
4.2 Condition of Textile Industry – – – – – – – 47
4.3 Factors Necessitating the Condition of Kano Textile Industry – – – 48
4.4 Effects of the Condition of Textile Industry on Pubic Members – – – 51
4.5 Measures of Effective Reviving Textile Industry in Kano State – – – 53
4.5. Possible Measures of Effectively Reviving Textile Industry in Nigeria – – 53
4.6 Discussion of Major Findings – – – – – – – 55

5.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – – – 60
5.2 Summary of Key Findings – – – – – – – – 60
5.3 Conclusion – – – – – – – – – – 61
5.4 Recommendations – – – – – – – – – 61
5.4 Contributions to Knowledge – – – – – – – – 62
Appendix I References – – – – – – – -74


plays a major role in the development and industrialization process of countries and their integration into the world economy.

The World Trade Organisation (2006) notes that in 2004, developing countries as a group (low- and ) accounted for more than half of all world and that in no other category of manufactured goods developing countries enjoy such a large net-exporting position.

Textiles have been an extremely important part of Bangladesh’s economy for a very long time for a number of reasons.

Bangladesh is the world’s second biggest exporter of clothing after China. Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation Annual Report (2005-2012).

make up 80 percent of the country’s $24 billion in annual exports and 15 percent share of GDP, (Bloom,2001).

In Asia, Bangladesh is the one of the biggest largest providing employment to a great share percent of the work force in the country.


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