It’s always exciting when you have a new niece or nephew to welcome into the family. Welcoming your niece into the world is a momentous occasion. As an aunt, it’s not just about getting to know and becoming her role model; it’s about watching her grow up into an amazing woman who will make the world better than it was before she existed.

While it is easy to feel a bit of envy at their adorable, tiny features and those big eyes that look straight at you, there’s also much to enjoy about being an aunt. You get to share in the excitement of welcoming a newborn into the family. It’s almost like having another child yourself — except you don’t have as much responsibility for this little one (yet).

You get all the fun of parenting without having to deal with diapers, midnight feedings or sleepless nights. You get to teach your niece how to do things like ride a bike, play tennis or swim — things that your parents might have wanted you to learn but never did. And you get the chance to show them how much they matter.

Below is a collection of welcome newborn niece quotes that you can use to express yourself when your newborn niece lands!

Welcome to the world, my dear niece. You are a new born, and I hope you enjoy new things. May you be blessed with all that you need to become who you were meant to be, and may you always be surrounded by love and family who inspire you to be great. My love starts with you.

1. Welcome to the world, my niece! You have a lot of people who love you and are glad to have you here. We can’t wait to watch you grow up.

2. Welcome to the world, my niece. I can’t wait to meet you. Let me tell you a secret — you’re already loved.

3. Welcome to the world, my niece. There is a lot to see and do here, so I hope you enjoy yourself. May your life be filled with joy, laughter and love.

4. The world can be a scary place. But I promise you it won’t be like that at all. Your world will soon feel full of love, laughter and fun – especially with all your family around to welcome you into it. We’re so excited for you to join us.

5. You’re here in the world, just as you were always meant to be. At your birth, you were welcomed by your parents and family with great joy, and I am so excited that today we get to welcome you into our family.

6. Welcome to the world, my niece. You’re a miracle baby and I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you will do. You are so loved.

7. Welcome to the world, my niece. May all your wishes come true and every dream you dream come true too. I hope you have a magical childhood filled with wonder and joy, as we will love and protect you always.

8. Welcome to the world, my precious new niece. We are so grateful that you have come into this family and our hearts. We are overjoyed to have you here with us, and we can’t wait to watch you grow up and make your mark in this crazy world. You are one-of-a-kind, and we love you dearly.

9. Welcome to the world, my beautiful little niece. You’re a true joy in my life and I look forward to watching you grow up into the wonderful woman I know you will be.

10. A day is always brighter when you’re there at my side. Your smile lights up my world, and it only gets brighter with each one you add. I can’t wait to see the woman you will become, but today, it’s just wonderful to see you being a baby.

11. Your mother must be so proud to have you as her firstborn, niece. We all love you very much and are so excited to be an aunt or uncle (or second cousin) to such a wonderful little girl.

12. Welcome, I say a loving prayer for you. This is your home, my sweetheart. May you find peace and happiness here. Sweet dreams of Christmas past and hope for a bright future fill my heart as I pray for you.

13. Welcome to the world, my niece. I’m so excited to meet you! As your auntie, I know there’s nothing in this world that could be as important to me as being there to protect and love you, seeing you grow and having lots of fun together.

14. Welcome to the world, my niece. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you, and I am excited to get to know this new little person you are becoming. May your journey be filled with happiness, love and the laughter you bring into each of our lives.

15. A special friend is born into the world, special because she joins the lives of people already dear to you. The heart expands with joy as she is welcomed into life. Welcome to the world, my niece, may all your wishes come true.

16. Welcome to the world, my darling niece! It’s an exciting time for both our families as your parents welcome you into this world. As I hold your tiny hand and smile at your little face, I want you to know that whatever you need as a baby or as a toddler, we’re there for you.

17. A newborn niece is a brand new smile to be cherished, a little hand to hold, and a heart to fill with love. Welcome to the world, my niece. We can’t wait to see who you’ll become.

18. Welcome to the world, my niece! Although you may not realize it at first, your life is about to be filled with endless joy. I can’t wait to watch as you grow up and discover your special talents.

19. Welcome, my darling niece. As the first of your generation and a girl growing up in a family full of boys, I can’t wait for us to spend time together.

20. Today, I become an aunt for the first time. It’s an exciting day. There is nothing more special than bringing a new life into the world, and I am lucky to be here to experience it. Welcome to the family.

21. Welcome to the world, my niece. May you be loved and cherished by those who come into your life. May your life be filled with the warmth of friendship and happiness. We wish you a long and healthy life filled with good fortune. Welcome to our family.

22. Welcome to the world, my little niece. May you grow up with grace and beauty, compassion and wisdom. With the help of God and family, you will overcome all obstacles that come your way.

23. I know it’s your first time seeing the world but I hope that you have a happy time above all else. I can’t wait to see you grow up and learn how beautiful life is.

24. We were all so excited that you were finally here. We love you so much and are looking forward to seeing you grow. Welcome to the world, my niece.

25. Welcome to the world, my niece! On this day when you are born, I want you to know that your family loves and cherishes you. We are so glad that you finally made your way here to join us in our lovely new world, and we’re excited to support you every step of the way. You are beautiful, loved and wanted.

26. Welcome to the world, my sweet niece. I couldn’t be happier to have you here as my little family grows and we embark on this next adventure together.

27. Welcome to the world, my beautiful niece! I’m so excited to meet you and can’t wait to get to know you. I wish we could spend some more time together already.

28. Welcome to the world my beautiful niece, we are so excited to meet you. Life is a journey and it is filled with many adventures. It is my wish that you can see them all through your eyes, feel them on your skin and fill every one of your senses with each new experience.

29. Welcome to the world, my sweet niece. You are truly a gift from God, and I am blessed to call you my sister. May you have a very happy birthday.

30. You are a blessing to my soul, my niece. Every time I look into your eyes, I see beauty itself. Every smile and laugh is a ray of sunshine to brighten my day. I am excited to spend more time with you and become your best friend as you grow up.

31. Welcome to the world, my niece. I am so excited to get to know you and watch you grow and become. May your life be filled with love, laughter and countless happy memories.

32. Welcome to the world and all of its wonders, my niece. May you be filled with love, joy, and happiness. Always remember that your family is here for you.

33. Sweet little flower, how I love you so. You are the loveliest baby in the world and I hope to see you grow into a beautiful woman. Welcome to the world.

34. Welcome to the world, my niece. I’m so happy to finally meet you. You will bring joy and laughter to all who surround you, and true happiness to your family. Enjoy growing up – no matter what it brings, hold on to those memories.

35. You are so incredibly loved already, my niece. It truly is amazing what love and joy a little person can bring. I can’t wait to meet you in person! Welcome to the world.

36. Welcome to the world, my little niece. May you be loved and protected until your final day. Everything you need is within you and around you; know that many people will love you unconditionally. Your parents created a beautiful place for you to come into the world, so it is not surprising that you decided to arrive at this time! I am so thrilled that we are going to share so many wonderful moments. Love always, Auntie.

37. A parent’s love for their child can never be replaced by any amount of money, fame or notoriety. Welcome to the world my dearest niece. May you always be healthy and happy, and may you have nothing less than what your heart desires.

38. Congratulations on being the newest family member, little one. No matter where you go in life, I will be right by your side to ensure you grow up in a safe and happy environment. You are beyond beautiful.

39. Welcome to the world my dear, beautiful niece. I know that you’re going to be a wonderful person, and I can’t wait to watch you grow up. Love, Auntie.

40. Welcome, my dear niece. Your arrival is the most beautiful gift that a family could receive. Welcome to this wonderful and mysterious world.

41. Welcome to the world, my niece. You are loved so much. Your arrival is a blessing to us all, for we were ready for you long before you could ever imagine. We’re excited to hear the stories of your childhood and look forward to future great aunt/niece fun!

42. I am so excited to welcome you into the world, my niece. You are the most precious gift that we could have ever received. I can hear your little heart beating and I will dedicate myself to being your guardian for as long as it takes for you to become a strong, confident and free woman who knows her power and realizes how beautiful she is with every single step that she takes.

43. Congratulations! I have a new best friend who will always be there for me no matter what. She’s lucky to have me as her aunt, and I know that because of my love, she will grow up to be the most amazing woman in the world.

44. Welcome to the world, my niece. You are free to be whoever you want to be, take on the world with your personality and show it how strong women can be. I love you so much and can’t wait to watch your life unfold.

45. Welcome to the world and all its wonders, my niece. May life treat you gently and your heart holds as much love as it is capable of giving and receiving.

46. To my niece – I love you more than words can say. You make every day happier, brighter and more fun for everyone in your family. With love from your auntie.

47. I am overjoyed to welcome you into the family. I look forward to getting to know more about you as I watch you grow up. All of us wish you only the best.

48. A special little one is born again, as we welcome you into our lives. Your light gives us hope, a reason to believe that we can still be better. Welcome to the world, dear niece.

49. Welcome to the world, my niece. I pray you to grow up to be kind and caring, and I hope that you will make friends easily with others. As we welcome you into the family, know that you are loved and cherished by all of us. We’re excited to share this journey with you as we grow together as a family.

50. Welcome to the world, my niece. Every day is a celebration for you, and every day will bring you new surprises. With all my love and gentle hugs, I give you this special gift for your arrival.

51. Welcome to the world, my dearest niece. I’m so glad you’re here. You are a very welcome addition to our family, and I feel truly blessed by your arrival.

52. Welcome to the world, my beautiful niece. As a sister, I will be there for you when you need me. Don’t be afraid of anything in life, because we’re here to face it with you. Always remember to stay true to yourself and have faith in the decisions you make. I love you so much.

Dear niece, you have just been born into this world to inspire me, drive me crazy, and make me laugh and cry. I am so excited to love you and cherish every moment with you as well as every mischievous impish grin. My love for you will be new every morning.

53. A warm welcome from your Uncle and Aunt to a beautiful little girl. We are so happy to add you to our family, and we can’t wait to get to know you better!

54. Welcome to the world, my niece. I can’t wait to see how your life unfolds. You’re already such a beautiful and cheerful girl, and I know you’re going to do great things. Congratulations on being born!

55. A niece is both a gift and a blessing. You will most likely have tons of fun with this child, but know that she is here to make you a better person.

56. To my lovely niece, on this very special day, I would like to say a big welcome to the world! May your life be filled with joy, laughter, and happiness.

57. Congratulations on becoming a parent, here are my best wishes to you and your loved ones for a joyous and happy new life. This is the most precious little angel that I have ever seen in my life and I welcome her warmly into the world.

58. A new generation of the family is entering the world. I wish you good health and a long, happy life. With much love and welcome to the world, my niece.

59. Welcome to the world, my dear niece! We are so excited to meet you and welcome you into our family. May you always be happy and healthy, and may your dreams be fulfilled. Happy birthday my precious niece.

60. Life is an adventure and we’re all here to discover what lies beyond our reach. I’m so happy that my niece will get to experience everything there is in this world.

61. Welcome to the world, my dear niece. A little angel sent from above. As your big sister, I’ll protect you from all of life’s dangers and tell you all about it, too!

62. I am so excited to welcome you into our family. You have a wonderful future ahead of you and I can’t wait to see what amazing things you will do with your life.

63. Welcome to the world, my niece. The most precious thing in the world is your smile. You will make all your dreams come true and my heart will overflow with joy when I see you growing into a beautiful and talented woman. I can’t wait for you to join us here one day.

64. Welcome to the world, my niece! You are such a blessing to us all. May you be blessed by your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with health, wealth and happiness throughout your life.

65. Welcome to the world, sweet my lovely niece. I am so happy to hold you in my arms for the first time. Welcome to the family with your mother, father and big brother. You will have so much love to share with all of us. Enjoy this beautiful day!

66. We are ecstatic to welcome you into this world. We hope that you realize your potential and get it across the finish line to become an individual who makes the world a better place for all.

67. Welcome to this world, my sweet niece. You bring so much to us, and we promise to do our best to bring you up with happiness and joy. Love forever, Auntie.

68. I’m so happy to welcome you into the world, sweet niece. Congratulations! I’m looking forward to watching you grow up and discover all of your passions. Happy first birthday.

69. You’re adorable and beautiful, and your heart will fill the world with hope. You’re here at a time when women across the world are taking steps to demand better for themselves and their families. You are loved beyond measure, my dear niece.

70. This first week of your life, you will likely get a lot of sweet sentiments from all over the world. Just know that this small gesture means so much to your aunt and uncle. Welcome, baby.

71. Welcome to the world, my niece. There are so many exciting things to see and so many interesting people to meet. I wish you all the luck and fortune in the world.

72. It may be a simple phrase, but it holds so much meaning. Welcome to the world, my niece! You are one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen and I will do anything for you.

73. Welcome to the world, my sweet niece! You’re so loved and cherished, and I can’t wait to watch you grow and learn. Niece, you brighten every day of our lives with your joy and smile. You are the sunshine of your grandparents’ lives. We love you unconditionally and can’t wait to spend many more years together in this life. Your loving uncles.

74. My dearest niece, welcome to the world. I’m so excited to be an aunt and can’t wait to meet you! My thoughts are with you and your mom while they are having their beautiful baby girl, who will be born in just a few hours. I know how nervous parents can get right before birth, so I wanted to wish you both lots of luck.

75. Welcome to the world, my niece. I’m so glad you are here because life is sweeter with you in it. I love you from the very first moment that your momma told me you existed and will continue to love and support you as we all walk together on your journey.

76. Welcome to the world, my sweet niece. I’ve been waiting for this day for so long, and it’s finally here. You’re going to be an amazing person and do incredible things – I can already see it in your eyes.

77. Dear precious niece, Welcome to the world of many adventures and endless possibilities. May your life be filled with everything that makes us happy, joyful and harmonious.

78. Congratulations, little one. You’re officially here. What an exciting time for everyone who loves you. I love that I get to be part of your journey and I am so excited to meet you.

79. Welcome to the world, my dear niece. You have already made a place for yourself in our hearts and we can’t wait to see what amazing things you achieve in this world.

80. Darling, we are so happy to welcome you into the world! You’re so tiny, sweet and lovely. The world is your oyster and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll do.

81. Hello, sweetheart. I hope you’re doing well. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to see you grow.

82. Welcome to the world, my niece. I am so happy you have arrived at a loving family and wish you many blessings on your life’s journey.

83. I can’t wait to meet you, my niece. I love the way your fingers curl when you sleep, the way you smell and the way you smile when I kiss your forehead. The future is so bright with you in it.

84. Welcome to the world, niece! I’m so grateful you are here! Though you were born in your daddy’s arms and immediately greeted by family and friends, I’m still honoured to be included in this momentous occasion.

85. Welcome to the world, my niece! As the first-born granddaughter in the family, you will have many responsibilities, but always remember that you are loved and supported. We love you more than words can say.

86. Welcome to the world, my new niece! I look forward to sharing the joys of life with you. I’m so excited to meet you and welcome you into our family.

87. Congratulations and thanks to you and your husband, my dear nephew. You are completing our family by welcoming a new member into it. Happy Birthday.

88. My niece is a gift from God to me and her parents. When people bring new life into this world it’s like an important milestone that reminds me why I chose to dedicate my life to helping others.  I’m so happy you are here in this world, my niece. Welcome baby girl!

89. My dear niece, welcome to the world. You’re here now and everything looks different. How could I ever describe the excitement in my heart? Probably the same way I felt when your mom was born—just so much love that it hurts.

90. Dear niece, we welcome you to our family and hope that all of your days will be filled with joy and happiness. May you enjoy every minute of your life’s journey and feel blessed every step of the way.

91. Welcome to the world, my niece. You are precious and beautiful, and you have already made our lives richer and more joyous. There will never be another like you in this world or any other.

92. Welcome to the world, my niece. You were born under the moon and stars, your arrival a sign of good things to come. I wish you a long and happy life filled with everything good and bright.

93. Welcome to the world, my sweet little niece. I wish every day could be a holiday for you, and every morning one of your chubby little cheeks would wake me up with a smile.

94. You are a precious gift, my niece. As you begin this journey of life, know that I will love and support you in every way I can until the end of time.

95. Welcome to the world, my sweet precious niece. May all your dreams come true, and may the Lord’s love surround you always. Welcome to our family, everyone.

96. Welcome to the world, my niece. You’re an angel in your mother’s eyes and you’re a star in mine. Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives.

97. Welcome to the world, my dear niece. I can’t wait to meet you and share my love with you. May the blessings of angels surround you at every step of your life.

98. Welcome to the world, my little niece! I am so happy to welcome you into it. Here’s to many happy hours of playing, laughing and loving with you. Welcome home.

99. Welcome to the world, my niece! There’s never been a more wonderful time for you to arrive. Welcome to life, and welcome home. I am so excited to meet you—I can’t wait to cuddle and hold you in my arms.

100. I am so glad you have joined us. I am sure our lives will never be the same. Your arrival was like a ray of sunshine lighting up my dark world with love, joy and happiness.

101. Welcome to the world, my niece. You are a gift from God and we are grateful that He chose us to be part of your family. We will do our best to love you, protect you, provide for you and care for you as long as we can. But just in case we don’t always get it right, know that we’ll always love you anyway! Welcome to the family!

102. You are the first person in your family to be born in decades and as someone a bit older than you, I’m very excited to meet you. Welcome to this world, my niece!

103. Welcome to the world, my niece. May your life be full of love and laughter, joy and tears, smiles and frowns–the same exhilarating highs and riptide lows that define our unique journey through life. May your days be filled with amazing experiences, opportunities for self-discovery, new friendships and lots of adventures. I can’t wait to get to know you better. Welcome to the family!

Hello there! If you liked the collection of welcome newborn niece quotes up there, please do well to share with others. Thank you.

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