Everyone has a purpose in this world, but only when we follow our hearts can we find our purpose. When we follow our hearts, we are more likely to be happy, because we are doing something that we love and enjoy doing. We will also feel fulfilled with ourselves because we know that what we are doing is right for us.

Oftentimes, we are told that we have to follow the crowd or fit ourselves into someone else’s mould. When you are true to yourself, you are happy with who you are, how you look, how much money you have, and how much money others have. You don’t need anyone else’s approval or validation because deep inside, you already know who you are and what makes you happy.

Being true and original means being honest with yourself. It means being real and not trying to be someone else. It means accepting your flaws, and knowing that they make you special. It means embracing your personality and building on it, rather than hiding it away. It means listening to your heart, following your dreams, and having the courage to be happy. Being true to yourself is the first step towards happiness in life.

This collection of always be true and original quotes is a great reminder to always be true and original. It reminds us that if we do that, we will live a life true to ourselves.

At times, we feel as if we are being stripped of our individuality and uniqueness. At other times, one feels as if they are being torn apart from the inside by different forces within and without. This does not have to be the case. Always be true to yourself, be original, and be bold.

1. Always be true and original. Don’t follow the crowd, create your path. It doesn’t matter what you want to do with your life – as long as you love it.

2. We are all born original, but we can lose ourselves along the way. We can lose our true selves through misguided peer pressure, social media, and even trends. Always be true and original.

3. When you’re true to yourself, people will be drawn naturally to you. As with all things in life, honesty and authenticity are essential qualities one must embody.

4. Always be true and original. Because at the end of the day, it’s about owning your story.

5. Always be true and original. Whatever you do, whoever you are, there’s one thing that everyone needs to know: The secret of life is freedom; freedom to live the way you want.

6. Be yourself. Don’t be afraid to be original. Remember that you’re unique and original in your way, so don’t try to copy someone else. Always be true to yourself.

7. Always be true and original. Be brilliant and bold, passionate and fearless. Be exceptional and bold in your thoughts, actions, and conversations. Express yourself clearly and concisely in a variety of ways, including nonverbal communication.

8. Always be true and original. Never follow blindly. Always stay authentic. And never settle for less than the best.

9. Always be original and true in your own words to enjoy the true meaning of life.

10. Always be true and original in your own words so you can have the life you’ve always dreamed of.

11. Authenticity always helps to get an insight into one’s reality and experience the true meaning of life. Always be true and original.

12. Be true to yourself. Stay true to your vision, your friends, and your beliefs. Always be true and original.

13. Be bold. Stay true to yourself. Be the you that your friends and beliefs know you can be.

14. Always be true and original. Don’t change for anyone else. At the end of the day, it’s only you who matters most.

15. Focus on what you want, not on what others want. Stay true to yourself, and your friends, and let the rest work itself out.

16. Stand out. Make a statement. Have the confidence to know that you are true to yourself and your best life is just around the corner. Always be true and original.

17. Don’t worry about what other people think. If you’re true to yourself and your beliefs, you will be successful.

18. Don’t be something you’re not. Trust your gut. Listen to your friends and family. Enjoy life. Always be true and original.

19. With clarity, conviction, and courage, climb towards your dreams and manifest your destiny. Always be true and original.

20. Always be true and original, never imitate others. Be true to who you are and what you want to achieve.

21. Never copy anyone. Make your path. Live your own life. Be willing to take chances and take risks. Do things that make you unique.

22. If you want to live a long, happy life, be true to yourself, set goals, and work hard to reach them.

23. It’s important to be true to yourself, but it’s also important to learn from your mistakes. Always be true and original.

24. Always be true to yourself and stay original. For if you do it, will show in your work.

25. Always be true and original. Be the person that you are proud to be. No one can do things the way that you can. You were simply put on this earth to leave your mark, be it large or small. Don’t allow yourself to be controlled by someone else’s expectations of your life because someone is always watching you, challenging you, and testing your strength and resolve.

26. The key to authenticity is confidence. People can tell when you’re faking it and will be repelled by your bad acting. Always be true and original with what you say, how you act, and how you present yourself in the world.

27. Always be true to yourself. The world would be a dull place if everyone wore the same thing and said the same thing. The world would be grey and boring if everyone in it was just like you.

28. An original is never forgotten. Be an original. Be true to yourself by being true to the one you love.

29. Always be true and original. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, it’s how you learn.

30. Always be true and original. Never let the world define who you are, but let God define who you become.

31. When it comes to style and fashion, be true and original. Be your person. Be confident in who you are.

32. Always be true to yourself, that’s the only way to have real success in life. Be original and different, because that’s what sets you apart from everyone else.

33. Always be true and original. You cannot be what you are not, but you can be what you are, and then even more than that. Humility is strength, no matter how weak the body may appear.

34. Originality is essential, it will help you stand out and not get lost in the competitive market. Always be true and original.

35. Authenticity is key to your overall personal brand. Being true to yourself and your principles is what makes you stand out in the crowded marketplace.

36. Always be true and original. Authenticity helps to add credibility, trustworthiness, and even generosity.

37. As an original, you hold the key to being fearless. It’s your unique perspective that guides you, no matter what direction you choose. Be true to yourself, be inspired by others, and make room for everyone’s individuality.

38. You are the most beautiful person in the world. No one else can love you as you can love yourself. Be true, be brave, and always be original.

39. Always be yourself. Always be unique. Just be you, because nobody can take that away from you. Always be true and original.

40. It’s always best to be true to yourself and original. Because if you are, the chances of success are greater.

41. To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. Always be true and original.

42. You should always be true to yourself. Because the only way to be original is by being yourself. Always be true and original.

43. Be original. Be yourself. Always be honest. Always be true to who you are, and don’t let anyone tell you that your idea of perfection is broken.

44. Be true to yourself. Be original. Don’t be afraid of who you are. That’s all it takes to be successful.

45. Do what you love and never stop being yourself, because that is the most original thing in the world.

46. Always be true and original. Be yourself, and be fearless. Because you’re the only one who knows how to make things work out in the end.

47. You can’t fake originality. It only comes from a place of truth and authenticity. Always be true to yourself.

48. There is one in a million who will mean no more to you than the back of your hand, but that’s the one person you have to be true to.

49. Be your person. Do not copy others. Be original, be different, and always be true to yourself.

50. Always be original. We’ve all seen too many copies and not enough originals in this world. Always be true to yourself and never settle. That’s the only way to truly land in a place of your own.

I hope that the collection of always be true and original quotes challenge you to be original, no matter what. Kindly do well to drop your comment, and share the post with others. Thank you.

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