– Corporate Strategy as an Effective Tool for Organization Survival – 

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The study was intended to appraise as an effective tool for organizational survival for this purpose, the two major approaches towards conducting a study namely desk and field studies were adopted.

Merging from these studies are the following; summary of finding recommendation and conclusion. Chapter two dealt with the review of relevant literature, ex-ray the effective use of corporate strategy in MTN Nigeria plc.

The summary of finding revealed that are not too broadly stated and that there is a firm commitment and adherence of stated objectives on corporate strategy. Also of note is the regular reviewing and evaluation of the achievements of corporate strategy toward as the achievement of group goals.

Accepting company’s corporate strategy and implementing the same and developing a sense of commitment of both levels to the realization of the compliance objective stated in her policies while  recommendations include; Gearing efforts towards implementation of a well articulated corporate strategy and policy decision should not be left on the hands of Layman but professionals in the field of management.


Title——    i

Approval–   ii

Dedication—–     iii

Acknowledgement———    iv

Table of Content——  v

Abstract ———–   vii


1.1          Background of the Study————————————  1

1.2          Statement of the Problem———————————-  4

1.3          Purpose of the Study—————————————– 5

1.4          Significance of the Study————————————  6

1.5          Research Question——————————————–                6

1.6   Scope/Delimitation of the Study————————–           7

1.7   Definition of terms ——————————————-        7


2.1   Conceptual Framework————————————            10

2.2          Theoretical Framework—————————————                40

2.3  Summary of Review of the Rated Literature —————–   43


3.1  Design of the Study ———————————————    46

3.2          Area of the Study——————————————–   46

3.3  Population of the Study————————————-          47

3.4  Sample of the Study—————————————–      48

3.5  Instrument used for data collection————————— 48

3.6  Validation of Instrument———————————–            49

3.7  Distribution and Retrieval of Instrument—————-       49

3.8  Method of data analysis———————————–         50

CHAPTER FOUR Presentation of Data Analysis

4.1          Determination of Response Rate.————————-   51

4.2          Profile of Respondents————————————-    53

4.2          General Analysis of Data————————————   56

4.4          Answer to Research Question——————————  64


5.1 Summary of the Findings———-     67

5.2 Recommendation——-               71

5.3 Conclusion——–      75

5.4 Suggestion for Further Research—  78

Reference———-      80

Appendix ———               81


The ultimate of very is to remain in business perpetually. This will only be possible where the entity is able to generate enough returns on investment in the face of constant changes in the ways things are done and high level competition.

environment is a battle for superiority and survival (Pumpin 1987, p.6). However, every business that must survive must have a competitive edge, which is a product of corporate strategy . consists of the whole array of competitive moves and business approaches that an organization employs in conducting its operations

In drafting a strategic herse, management is saying that “among all the paths and actions we could have chosen, we have decided to go in this direction and rely upon these particular ways of doing business” (Thompson etal 1998, pp 14-15) and signals to specific markets, competitive approaches and ways of operating.


Andrew, Kenneth R. (1987). The Concept of Corporate of Corporate Strategy Richard D. Irwin, USA.

Mc Carlhy Daniel J. et al (1979) Business Policy and Strategy, Concepts and Reading. Richard D. Irwin Inc, USA.

Thompson, Arthur A. et al (1998) Strategic Management Concpt and Cases, Irwin McGraw-Hill, Boston

Ansoff, H. I (1965) Corporate Strategy McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.

Chandler Alfred (1962) Strategy and Structure MIT pree Cambridg.

Asika, Nnamdi (1991). Research Methodology in the Behavioral Science, Loyman Nigeria Plc

Nwadinigwe, B. C (2000). Research Fundamentals of Research Method and as Statistics, Sibon Book Ltd Ibadan.

Farkas, Charles (1996). “The way Chief Executive Officers Lead” Harvard Business Review 74 No. 3 (May-June)

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