Effectiveness of Bibliotherapeutic Techniques in Enhancing Career Awareness among Secondary School Students in Bauchi Metropolis.


This examined the of bibliotherapeutic techniques, in enhancing awareness among secondary students in the .

Career Awareness Rating Scale (CARS), was administered to two hundred and fifty (250) students sampled from the entire senior secondary school students (SSS II) of both private and public schools in Bauchi Metropolis.

They were randomly distributed into groups (Experimental and control groups) after they had responded to the instrument developed to obtain their pretest scores, therefore, 125 students were in the experimental group while 125 were in the control group.

The subjects in the experimental group were exposed to handouts as bibliotherapeutic technique, while, the control group were not “t” test and standard deviation were employed in data analysis and the result showed that handouts as a bibliotherapeutic technique can enhance secondary school students’ career awareness.

It further revealed that gender difference will not affect the treatment package based on the findings, the study recommends that the use of handouts as a bibliotherapeutic technique in the curriculum of the secondary school programme and should be handled by counsellors.


Title Page         ii

Declaration       iii

Certification        iv

Dedication        v

Acknowledgement vi

Abstract         vii

Table of Contents          viii

List of Tables         xi

List of Appendices         xii

Definition of Terms         xiii


  • Background to the Study          1
  • Statement of the Problem     2
  • Objectives of Study        3
  • Research Questions      3
  • Hypotheses     4
  • Significance of Study    4
  • Basic Assumptions       5
  • Scope and Delimitation      6


  • Introduction     7
  • Concept of Bibliotherapy     7
  • Theoretical framework   13
  • Importance of Bibliotherapy    16
  • Procedures for Practical Bibliotherapy   16
  • Types of Bibliotherapy     18
  • Objectives of Bibliotherapy    20
  • Ways for Effective use of Bibliotherapy    21
  • Concept of Career     23
  • Concept of Career Awareness   25
  • Factors Affecting Career Awareness      27
    • Environmental Factors     28

2.11.2  Home Factor       29

  • Parental Factor      29
  • Personal Interest and Ability Factor    30
  • Peer Group Factor     30
  • School Factor      31
  • Aptitude Factor     31
  • Empirical Studies    33
  • Review of Related Studies     35

2.14     Summary             39


  • Introduction       40
  • Research Design       40
  • The population of Study       40
  • Sample Size and Sampling Procedure    41
  • Research Instrument      42
  • Validity and Reliability    42
  • The procedure of Data Collection     43
  • Procedure for Data Analysis   44


  • Introduction     46
  • Answer to Research Questions   46
  • Hypotheses Test  48
  • Summary of Findings   50
  • Discussion of Findings    51


5.1       Introduction     55

5.2       Summary   55

5.3       Conclusion    56

  • Implications for Career Awareness to Secondary School Students and Career Teachers     57
  • Recommendations      58

REFERENCES        59


Background of the Study

Man in his environment has a lot of activities streamlined to satisfy his unlimited needs. This concept of the struggle for survival brings the need for a strategic process for meeting the basic need of mankind. Thus, there is a need for career awareness through systematic guidance and counselling to students in secondary schools.

Career awareness should provide a clear vision of a sustainable future Endeavour based on a person’s capability, aptitude, interest and personality, as well as suggesting avenues for translating this vision into reality. Bojuwoye (1985) indicated that “many factors have combined to make the present-day Nigerian society with which young people must contend”.

These factors according to him could be educational, vocational or social problems, which are emotion-laden. Many educators have expressed the opinion that in order for today’s secondary school students to grow up with a meaningful outlook in life, they must be helped to come to terms with their social and emotional problems (Rothney, 1985).

Teachers on their part are being over tasked beyond their academic and training abilities. Herring (1998) states, “counsellors should be assisting students to increase their awareness of self and their sense of autonomy”.


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