– Examine the Extent the Manner of Preference Among Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Undergraduates in Regard to the News and Entertainment Contents of Television –

Download Examine the Extent the Manner of Preference Among Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Undergraduates in Regard to the News and Entertainment Contents of Television project materials: This project material is ready for students who are in need of it to aid their research.


Background of the Study

The in the 1930s as a medium of mass communication radically changed the global communication industry. Its ability to combine sound with vision was nothing short of a wonder to its global audience as its appeal spread across nations.

It helped to successfully spread news which was seen as the major responsibility of it for runners like . Television has remolded the human psyche, influencing the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, the young and the old.

It alters the , objectives, visions, dress codes and even their sense of humor. As television crafts new icons for a new age, there is near unanimity in the view that it has indeed altered domestic scenarios affecting interpersonal relationships in the family and changed lifestyle rhythms eating habits and even prayers that are tailored to suit television timings.

To show how powerful this medium quickly became, at the thirteen year of its invention, television drew up to fifty million views (National Geographic magazine, 1999)

refers to “disseminating current events via the medium of television”. “ or “Newscasts” are programs lasting from minutes to hours that provide updates on world, national, regional or local news events. Television news is very image-based, showing video of many of the events that are reported.

Television channels may provide news bulletins as part of a regularly scheduled news program. In some cases, television shows may be interrupted or replaced by “Newsflashes” to provide news updates on current events of great importance or sudden events of a great importance.

Statement of the Problem

Since the , news has furnished us with information about recent and important happenings, keeping us abreast of developing trends and development in the society.

Its place in the Nigerian society is of great importance as it could provide a pointer to future happenings through interpretative reports in spite of this, exacted position news enjoys by virtue of its capacity to make people live life meaningfully, as well as interpreting events as they unfold, the overwhelming majority of the Nigeria youths seem not to be included towards this significant media content.

Increasingly, entertainment programmes seem to enjoy a substantial amount of scheduling on television. Moreover, there seems to be an upward increase in the variety of entertainment content in the television media.

Entertainment on television has expanded beyond the traditional genres to sophisticated and often complex entertainment mix, all geared towards sustaining the attention of the audience.


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