Development of Instructional Manual for Teaching Crafts in National Certificate in Education Home Economics Programme in North – West, Nigeria. 


The study was carried out on development of instructional manual for teaching crafts in N.C.E Home Economics Programme in North-West Nigeria.

The study was conducted to find out the extent to which crafts areas are been taught to students and to improvise an instructional manual to help with areas of crafts making that is of difficulty to the students.

Four objectives were stated with four correspondent research questions and null hypotheses. All N.C.E three students and lectures in the Colleges of Education was used for the study with a population of 256 in the eight colleges of education offering Home Economics in North West Nigeria.

Research and Development (R and D) design was used for the study. Three major instruments were used for the study namely:

Structured questionnaire designed by the researcher, Development of an instructional manual for teaching crafts, and a rating scale for assessing the developed manual.

Data collected were statistically analyzed using frequencies and percentages to answer research question one and two while mean and standard deviation was used in answering research questions three and four,

Independent sample t-test was used to answer null hypotheses one to three while Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used in answering research hypotheses four.

The findings revealed that all the 11 textile design crafts outlined in the curriculum were all taught to the students, however, findings also revealed that 7 items out of 11 require improvement therefore should be included in the contents of the developed instructional manual for teaching crafts.

The findings also revealed that most of the human and non-human resources needed for effective implementation of crafts was proven to be lacking.


to the Study The of exposing to Home Economics for individual and societal has been widely acknowledged.

The knowledge and skills which include crafts gained within Home Economics make considerable contribution to young people‟s social and economic development as well as prepare them to the world of work in a wide range of areas related to the field.

It provides the learners with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in both theoretical and practical aspects of livelihood (Her Majesty‟s Inspectorate of Education, (HMIE, 2009). 

Therefore Home Economics is a broad field that emphasizes training for skilled jobs. In order to accommodate the various multidisciplinary areas and skills in Home Economics and position the programme to prepare Nigerian students for global participation.

The Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC, 2013) reviewed and reoriented its curriculum to have a broad scope that virtually covers all aspects of human daily living.

Among the aims of the curriculum was to provide the student with broad based education that equips them with transferrable knowledge of craft skills as well as life skills to cope with the increasingly technological, socio economic and multicultural society.

Contemporary societal issues have been integrated into more practical classes, which will make for more instructional materials including instructional technologies and manuals for teaching.

These are all very vital in teaching of various craft areas in Home Economics. Craft also known as handcraft or handicraft is the process of making decorative or functional objects, generally by hand.


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