Friends are one of the greatest parts of being human. They are there for each other in the darkest moments, and they help us celebrate the best times of our lives. Friends grow with you. Friends inspire each other to be better people, to be more creative, and take more risks. And this is never truer than when two people become friends and start dating.

Friends are there for you during the good times and bad times. They support you in career choices or business decisions, share your enjoyment when you are victorious, comfort you when things go wrong and offer advice, take your side even when they know you’re wrong, listen to your woes and sorrows, and help ease them with a supportive shoulder to cry on. Friends make life an experience of never-ending fun, adventures, thrills and lots of laughter.

Having close friends that you can talk to and trust is one of the most valuable things you can have in life. It certainly doesn’t hurt to know that they will be there to help and support you whenever you need them. You should have their backs as well, so the friendship can keep standing the test of time.

Below is the collection of friends are always there for you quotes that will inspire you to keep good friends and also be good to them.

Friends are always happy to be in each other’s company. They like spending time together, talking, and having fun. They are always there for you, to share your happiness or sadness, or even just to have a good time. With the help of your friends, you can learn many things.

1. Friends are always there for you, through thick and thin. Friends can be the difference between life and death, happiness and sorrow. Friends understand one another in a way that only friends can.

2. Friends are always there for you when you need them most. Even when you are facing difficulties. They can make you feel better about yourself, and stand by your side during tough times.

3. Friends are always there for you. They help with your problems, lend you money, and lend you their cars if yours are broken. Friends also give your advice when it’s needed, but sometimes they may just need advice themselves.

4. Friends can be important in our lives because without them we wouldn’t have anything fun to do. Friends are always there for you.

5. Friends are always there for you. They are the family you choose for yourself.

6. A friend is always there for you, whether it’s a note of encouragement, hugging you, or lending an ear. Friendships are something to be cherished, not just in childhood but throughout our lifetimes.

7. Friends are always there for you, whenever and wherever because they love you and they want to help you.

8. Friends are always there for you, through every hard time and bright day.

9. Friends are like sisters, they make your life complete. Friends always have your back, even when you’re at your worst.

10. Friends are always there for you, especially when times get tough.

11. Friends are always there for you, even when you make mistakes. Even if you don’t realize it at the time, they were trying to help you from making a mistake or from being alone. Friends will always be there for you and give your best advice, whether you follow it or not.

12. Your friends are always there for you, but sometimes it’s hard to show them your appreciation. A true friend is a gift that you can share with someone else, and one of the most precious things anyone can have.

13. Friends are always there for you, even if it’s only to share a bad joke. They inspire and encourage you to be your best self. And when life brings you down, they build you up again.

14. Friends are always there for you. They will listen to your stories, cheer you up when you are sad, and share their snacks with you.

15. No matter what the reason, you have friends who are there for you. Be grateful for those friends, and give them a hug and a kiss.

16. Friends are always there for you, to help you with work and throw a party. Make sure they have a place in your heart.

17. Friends are always there for you. And when you need them, they will be there with no questions asked. They will always be your friend.

18. Friends are always there for you. When you have a serious problem, it can help to discuss it with a friend. The best friendships are built on trust and honesty.

19. Friends mean a lot, so they should be there when you need them. They will listen, comfort, and understand. Be a friend to someone you care about by telling them all of this today.

20. Friends are always there for you. They provide you with endless support and keep you in good spirits when things seem bleak.

21. Friends are always there for you. When you feel down and blue, they give you a shoulder to cry on or they make you laugh through the pain.

22. Friends are always there for you, and they are there to pick you up when you feel like the world is crashing down on you. Your friends are those people who will provide encouragement and support on everything that happens in your life. They lift you when you’re down. They help you grow as a person and strive to make the most of your life.

23. Friends are always there for you. Friends make life much more fun. They make you laugh, and support you when times are tough. They’re rooting for you to succeed, and celebrating when you do.

24. When things get tough, your friends are always there to help you through them.

25. Friends are like stars because they shine bright to light up your darkest night. Friends also care for and support you through the good and bad times of life.

26. Friends are always there for you. They will help when you want them to, and they will be there when you need their company the most.

27. Friends are always there for you. They help you with your problems and encourage you to live a better life.

28. Friends are always there for you. Friends can be found in the most unusual places. Friendship is a very special relationship. A friend will always be there when you need them the most; friendship has no boundaries and it could come from anywhere.

29. Friends are always there for you. You can talk to them about anything, like your stresses or problems. Friends help you to remember the good times and forget the hard times.

30. Friends are always there for you. You can have fun together, by watching TV or going to the movies. Friends can be there for you when it’s your turn to help someone else.

31. True friends are always there for you, no matter what happens. Always love your family and friends, and don’t take their love for granted.

32. Friends are always there for you even when you’re not there for them. Friends are always there when you need someone to hear your thoughts and give you advice, or just to laugh with.

33. Friends are there for you when you’re down, and share your successes with you. They make life more enjoyable.

34. Friends are always there for you, whether it’s a night out on the town or just hanging out. Raise a glass to your closest pals.

35. Friends are always there for you when you need them, and they lift your spirits when you’re down.

36. Friends are always there for you. They lift you when you are down, give you a shoulder to lean on, and someone to share good times with. They’ll even help you conquer the world, no matter how many dragons try to obstruct your path.

37. Friends are always there for you. They’ll listen to you and help you with anything, but you must return the favour and show them how much you care.

38. Friends are always there for you. They know when you’re crying, even if you don’t show it; they know when to hug you and when to leave you alone.

39. Your friends are always there for you, but you are only their best friend when you need something.

40. Friends are always there for you as a shoulder to cry on, and a helpful hand to guide you.

41. Friends are always there for you, they share your joy and sadness, help you, and encourage you. Friends are loyal and trustworthy.

42. Friends are always there when you need them. Whether it be helping you with your assignment or just cheering you up when you’re feeling down, they can always make a difference in your life.

43. Friends are family that you choose, who lift your spirits and make you laugh just when you need it most.

44. Friends are the people who laugh at your jokes when they’re not funny, who listen to your stories even though they’ve heard them a million times before, and who believe in you even when you don’t think you can believe in yourself.

45. Friends are always there for you. Friends are the ones who connect over oceans and time differences and far-flung cities and miles.

46. Being friends with someone means you always have the support and togetherness that is needed in any situation. Friends are always there for you, even if they can’t be with you physically. Through thick and thin they will always be your best friend.

47. A friend is someone you can trust, to be honest with you, to help you when you need it. They give you advice and make you laugh. No matter what happens, they will always be there for you.

48. Friends are there when you need a shoulder to lean on. They’re best friends, after all.

49. Friends are always there for you. They are like flowers – they bring you joy and make you smile.

50. Friendships are like flowers. They need to be nourished, and they need to be heard. A friend is someone who always has your back, even when you’re wrong.

51. Friends are always there for you – especially during sad times. So, just make sure to be there for your friends when they need you the most.

52. Friends are always there for you, and will never leave you alone. Friends live to help others, even when they may be in a troubling situation of their own.

53. Friends are always there for you. They will help you with your work, make you laugh when you feel down, and cheer you on when celebrate. The best way to show them how much they mean is to wish them a Happy Friendship Day.

54. Friends are people you know, love, and trust. They’re always there for you when you need them. You share secrets and good times with them.

55. Friends will be friends until they aren’t. Friendships fall apart at the seams and end in ways that are often so unexpected. It’s okay to feel hurt, disappointed or even angry when you lose a friend, but try not to take it out on the other people in your life.

56. Friends are always there for you. They’ll surprise you with a cup of coffee when you’re in the mood for one, or push you to do that run you’ve been putting off. Friends know the best places to eat or play. And friends give great advice and make great collaborators on projects big and small.

57. Friends do the little things, the big things, and sometimes the things that nobody else sees. Friends are the ones who make you a better person and help you through life’s ups and downs.

58. You can always count on a friend. They will be there for you when you need them, and they are the ones who are truly concerned about your well-being.

59. A friend is someone who understands. Someone who is there when you need them the most, or just to laugh or cry with. In the best cases, friends are the people that we can always trust and rely on to be real with us.

60. Friends are always there for you. You can share your joys with friends and they will always be there to lift you when you are down. Friendships last forever.

61. Friends feel like family. They support you when you’re down, make you laugh when things are funny, and keep you looking when it’s serious. Friends are always there for you, which is why they deserve a gift that shows them just how much they mean to the world.

62. Friends are people who will always be there for you when you need them. They listen to your problems and concerns and offer their support, even when you don’t think you need it.

63. Friends are remarkable people. They support you, strengthen your weaknesses, and help build up your strengths. Friends help through the tough times and celebrate with you in joy. Friends help us grow as people and challenge us to do better and be better.

64. Friends are always there for you, especially when it comes to getting your home ready for that big holiday party. They can help with designing the food and drinks, they’ll put up decorations, and they’ll help clean up afterwards.

65. Friends are always there for you, no matter what happens. From helping you out of a fall to stopping you from doing something stupid, your friends will be there. Friends can help you find the perfect gift for that special occasion.

66. Friends are always there for you. They make you feel better when times are hard and they know how to have fun when they’re around other people.

67. Friends are always there for you and make you feel good. It’s a beautiful thing.

68. Friends are always there for you. Friends share your joys, help you out when life gets hard, and even take the blame sometimes. They make you laugh, and listen and sometimes, they even teach you a thing or two. Friends are very special, so make sure you take care of yourself.

69. Friends are always there for you. They may not be blood but they will always stick by your side.

70. Friends are always there for you. They make you laugh, they make you cry, they make you happy, and they make you feel safe.

71. Friends are always there for you, from the small things to the big wonderful surprises. Friends always know you better than anyone else, and will always be there for you even during your times of need.

72. Friends are always there for you, always. No matter what your life throws at you, they’ll be there to lighten the dark clouds above your head.

73. Being there for your friends is one of the best parts of friendship. It helps you feel better and support someone else in a time of need. Here’s to being the friend you want to be.

74. Friends are always there for you. They keep you on your toes and make you laugh. They have your back and stand by you through thick and thin. Because no matter what, friends will always be there for you.

75. Friends are always there for you. They will be there for you when you need help, when you need comfort, and when things are a little too much. Friends are the people who stay by your side through every high and low that life can throw at you.

76. Friends are always there for you and make you feel happy. They encourage you when you are down, listen to your problems and do their best to make you feel better by offering a shoulder to cry on or just being there for you.

77. Friends are always there for you, no matter what. They can be your support system when things aren’t going well, or they can be the reason that your day is going well.

78. Friends are always there for you. They stick up for you and make sure that no one else hurts you. They are the people that know everything about you, and still love you for it.

79. Friends are always there for you, through good times and bad. They lift you when you’re down and give you the confidence to shine. Friends can be an escape from your thoughts, and allow you to discover another side of yourself.

80. Friends are always there for you, through thick and thin. They brighten up your day, lift your spirits and make you smile. Happy Friendship Day!

81. Friends are always there to support you, give advice, and share their personal experiences.

82. Friends are the best if you’re feeling down. There’s no better feeling than spending time with them, especially when you’re both enjoying something silly.

83. A true friend understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

84. Friends are always there for you. They would supply you with your needs and help to solve all your problems. Friends tell you what is right or wrong, they encourage you when you are down, and encourage you to be better.

85. Friends can make or break an individual. Friends are always there when you need them; they are a source of comfort and strength, no matter how small.

86. Being a friend means occasionally lending a hand, always being there for each other, and knowing that in the end, you’ll always be there for them. Friendships do develop into the most profound bonds of love and affection.

87. Friends are those who support you and encourage you by saying nice things to make you feel better. Friends love the way you dress, how you smell, how you look, and how you act when they are around. They try to make sure that no harm comes to their friends in any way.

88. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that friends are always there for you. They’ll be there to listen when things aren’t going well and make sure you have a good time when they are. The fact that they’re not just material makes them so much more valuable.

89. Friends are there for you through thick and thin, rain or shine. No matter what, they’re always ready to help.

90. Friends are those who have our backs and will be honest in a world where most people are just trying to get ahead. They encourage us to dream big, aim high, and always work hard toward our goals.

91. Friends are always there for you. They cheer us on when we feel like giving up. Friends lift us when we’re down, and celebrate with us as we achieve our dreams.

92. Friends are family you choose for yourself. Friends make life better, and even if we forget about them for a bit, they always come back.

93. Friends are like diamonds; they are real and rare. Some change with time, but a true friend stays forever.

94. Friends can be there for you anytime and they can also be your strength at difficult times.

95. When you are sad, it helps to have someone there. Friends are great when it comes to helping you feel better and should always be there for you no matter what some people say.

96. Friends are like flowers in your garden, they just keep blooming. The difference is that when you have good friends they don’t die. They just keep growing stronger.

97. Friends are always there for you. No matter what, they will always support you. They are like family and know that they can count on you.

98. Friends are always there for you, and that doesn’t just mean they’re physically present, but they also care about your problems and love to hang out with you.

99. Friends are always there for you. Friends can cheer you up when you’re feeling low, make you laugh when times are tough, and even help with life’s most important decisions.

100. The best thing about friends is that they are always there for you, no matter what. They get you through tough times, but friends are also there to have fun with you. No matter what they say, they always back you up, and never leave your side.

Hello there. I hope the collection of friends are always there for you quotes show you what it means to have a great friend. Please don’t forget to leave a comment, and share the post with others. Thank you.

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