Celebrating your boy or son on a special day like his 12th birthday is a thoughtful thing to do. Such a single act could be all that is needed for him to be happy and feel loved.

The 12th year of a child is unique and should be celebrated to leave some beautiful memory that he will get to appreciate in the future.

In no time, that dear little boy of yours will be a teenager. On his 12th birthday, he would need some motivation and act of love to further prepare him for his teenage years.

I know you want the best for your boy. You want him to look back to his childhood and be grateful. You want him to be that awesome teenager. You want his 12th birthday to leave an indelible print of love in his heart.

You may be a parent who wants to prove yourself to be a great one on his son’s 12th birthday. Or that good friend who thought it needful to celebrate his 12-year-old friend. You may even be a fan or a well-wisher, an aunt or uncle, a cousin or neighbour who wants to send across beautiful wishes to him.

I will let you know that no matter who you are to that little boy, it’s a thoughtful thing to send your wishes across on his 12th birthday. For that reason, you will find lovely and top-notch happy birthday wishes for 12 year old boy below. They are specially for you to make his 12 birth anniversary perfect.

Go ahead with them and perfect your little boy’s big day!

It is a pleasure to be able to celebrate your 12th birthday with you. I am happy you are my son, and that I am the one who gets to enjoy this wonderful age span with you. I wish you all the best for the future. I love you so much. Happy 12th birthday to you.

1. Happy birthday to my wonderful son. What can I say on this day to make it more perfect? You mean so much to our family, and you have grown into a fine boy. On this special day, I am extremely happy and proud that my son is now 12 years old! I wish you beautiful experiences in this new age and ahead.

2. May you find happiness and joy on your 12th birthday! May this special day bring you closer to success and fulfilment. I hope that this year will be the year we celebrate many more birthdays together. Happy birthday, my dear son!

3. It is a grand moment for a mother and a child when the boy turns into an adult! My son, on this day, I would love to wish you all the best in life, as you have grown up to be a wonderful person who respects and loves his mother. Keep loving me and your sister! On this special day, I wish you all the joys of life that you deserve! Happy 12th birthday!

4. I am your father! You make me feel so proud and I think of you each day. Happy birthday to my son, the one who has indeed created many milestones in my life. There is nothing to describe the amount of joy that your birth has brought to me. I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity in all that you do!

5. It’s such a wonderful feeling when a unique soul like you enters this unique age. In a few months, you will be turning thirteen. I want to wish you all the very best for this occasion. May you be guided in every step that you take by God. May he direct your life and help you fulfil your dreams and desires. I love you son. Happy 12th birthday!

6. My son, I know how much you’ve been looking forward to this great milestone. May it be wonderful for you and may all you need in the year and beyond be made available for you. I love you. Happy birthday! Be safe and stay away from bad friends!

7. My son has reached a new milestone today, and I would like to congratulate you. I hope the best years of your life haven’t passed, but you are just beginning to shine. Wishing you a happy birthday and a very prosperous year ahead!

8. My son, as you are embarking on a new phase in your life, I want you to know how proud I am of the young man that you have become. You are growing up too fast! Remember all the love, happiness and fun times we’ve had together over the years. Please, continue to walk in my footsteps and be prepared to make sacrifices for the people you love most. Happy 12th birthday!

9. Dear Son, how time flies, another year passed and yet again you amaze me. I watch you grow into a fine young man with an amazing rewarding personality. I hope this birthday will give you greater experiences than you have had in the past. Happy birthday!

10. Happy birthday to my son! This is a wonderful milestone. I am thankful that you are my son and that I can share this special day with you. For you, I wish you the best things in life and get them without much effort on your part. Stay young and mischievous!

11. My son, you are no longer a little kid. You are now 12 years old! As I hold your hand in mine, I vow to protect you and make sure you get all the happiness you deserve. I will be there to wipe away your tear and stand by your side forever. Happy birthday, son.

12. Son, if there is one person I can thank for bringing me joy and happiness, it would be you. You are the best son a mother could ever wish for. Happy 12th birthday, son!

13. I hope that I have been a good parent to you. Today, I wish you a very happy birthday! I hope that throughout your life, you will always remember the times we spent together and be glad. Happy birthday my dear son!

14. Today, I wish to let you know that you mean the world to me. The day you were born brought a ray of sunshine into my life. I know, you will do great things in life. You are a wonderful son! May you enjoy bliss all through your life. Happy birthday!

15. Happy birthday to the twelve-year-old boy in my life – my son! I know, you are very young. You have a whole world ahead. But right now, your greatest achievement is becoming a teenager. Though you are just a kid, I can see you have become capable and smart. I am lucky to have a son like you. I wish you all the best on your twelfth birthday!

16. At the age of 12, I want you to know that there is a great chapter still left open for you once you finish school and start working for yourself. You will make mistakes, but it is better than making one at this tender age. However, no matter what choices you make in life, know that I am with you all the way. Happy birthday, dear son!

17. My little boy is growing up each passing day! Happy 12th birthday to my son. Lots of love on this special day. May you enjoy happiness and prosperity on your journey of life! I love you big.

18. On your birthday, it is time to reflect on all that you have done for us. You are thoughtful, and your heart holds the power to create a better world. We know you will change the world for the best, and I am sure age does not matter at all. Happy 12th birthday, dear son!

19. My sweet son, happy birthday! I am glad that you have entered a new age and you are about to realize the purpose of your life. On this beautiful day, I want to remind you that time is precious, so, make the most of it.

20. Dear son, happy 12th birthday! I look forward to your becoming an adult man in every sense of the word. Make the most of it by behaving yourself, working hard and giving back to society–in that order! I love you, sweetheart!

21. My son, on your birthday, I wish you a life filled with happiness. May you get all that you desire and dream of. Just know that I love you and will always do.

22. Happy birthday to my son. As you turn 12 today, I have a few things to tell you. You have grown up into a fine young man, just as I would have wished. You are a mature, intelligent and responsible human being. I wish your life to be full of happiness and success ahead.

23. Happy birthday to my son! Now that you are 12 years old, I just want to say that even at this young age, you have taught me so much. I have seen you change and mature in every way- be it attitude or talent. I am optimistic that someday soon, you will grow up and become the person I know you are meant to be.

24. Happy birthday, son! May you grow bigger and stronger this year. Your path will be clearer. Love, mom and dad.

25. A happy birthday to my son! He has grown much in the last 12 years and I am proud of him. I wish him everything good and pleasant as he journeys through life. Hope you have a blast at your party!

Happy 12th birthday to my son, who will soon be a teenager! I remember being so much younger than you. Life sure goes by fast! Thanks for being such a terrific son and for helping me in so many ways. Hope you have the happiest birthday ever! I love you.

26. I am so happy and excited that you have become 12. I want to take this moment to thank you for your love and friendship. As you grow from a boy to a man, I hope that you keep these two things in mind: be brave and be loving! Happy birthday, my darling son!

27. Happy birthday, my little boy! You are turning a year older today and I can’t believe how much you have grown. You are getting to be such a big boy. The twelve candles on your cake will help you light the dark roads in front of you. Stay strong and just know that we are always here for you!

28. Happy birthday, son! I am glad to see you growing up to be a good and responsible young man. I thank the Lord for gifting me a wonderful child like you. It is said that children are assets, but you have been more than just that. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life. I love you.

29. Happy birthday, son! I am sure you will have a great year. Make all your dreams come true in the 12th year of your life and become a better person than I could ever be. I love you so much!

30. Oh, I hope you are most delighted about this your twelfth birthday. Knock on wood, you have grown into a fine young man. When your mother and I think back about that day we brought you home from the hospital-well, we can still feel the joy we felt at that very moment! We love you!

31. My dear son, you are growing up too fast. I can’t believe that you are already 12 years old. I remember when you were just a little boy, and now you are on your way to becoming an adult! Happy Birthday!

32. I would like to wish my son a very happy birthday! Memories of holding you in my arms when you were first born are still fresh in my mind. I remember your innocent smile that melted my soul the way I hold yours now. I hope you enjoy every moment you celebrate today. Love you lots!

33. My son, I hope this birthday is a very special one for you. I want you to know that I am fortunate enough because I have you as my son. And that I appreciate your love and friendship. You are the best!

34. My dear son, I want to give you some tips on how to manage your new age. First and foremost, make friends with good people. Second, take time for yourself and do the things that make you happy. Lastly, it’s okay to make mistakes but learn from them. Happy birthday!

35. Today is a very special day for you, my dear son because today is your birthday. A new year of life, a new year that marks change and transformations. I pray to God that you will achieve all your dreams and live the happiest life in the world! Happy 12th birthday, my boy!

36. Your child’s age is growing up so fast and you are surprised. Soon, he’ll be a teenager and leave home. I wish him success in all he does. Happy 12th to my son.

37. Dear son, I know you don’t see me as a hero, but trust me, one day the world will. You are unique and gifted and I am glad to be your father. I can never stop thanking God for gifting me such a wonderful child. On your birthday, I want to say thank you for being with me always. The words “All my love” for you.

38. Dear son, with each passing year, I realize how important you are to me. I don’t want to miss a single moment of your childhood. Keep growing up to be one of the most humble and kind individuals in this world. Happy Birthday!

39. Hey son, there is nothing I would like more than to watch you grow into a fine young man. The simple things you do bring such immense joy in my life, and I thank you for everything. I pray for you every night and I hope this birthday is full of surprises and lots of fun. Wish you a very happy birthday, son!

40. Wishing you a wonderful but super quick birthday! This evening, we will roar in the streets and tomorrow, we will fly your kite in an open sky. All because of your special day, dear. Have a blast!

41. My son, I wish you many happy returns of the day. May you reach the heights of success in your academic career. You are a great source of inspiration to me and your mother. Happy birthday!

42. Happy birthday to you. I wish that all your dreams come true. Before I had you, I never knew how beautiful life can be. You are my son and not the reason for my anxieties. No matter how cool you become, you will always be my son. Happy birthday!

43. Son, today, you are one year older than you were yesterday. As the time passes and you grow older, I take pride in proudly saying I have seen you grow up before my own eyes. I pray for more awesome years with you. Happy 12th birthday!

44. My son, a new age brings joys and opportunities for you to make your dreams come true. Today, I wish you a very happy birthday and pray that all your wishes may be granted in this special year of your life.

45. My son, I have lived very long and seen so many amazing things happen. One thing that has never changed is my love for you. I realize how you are growing up to be your person. But you will always be my son.

46. Happy 12th birthday, son! I hope you are going to have a day so filled with happiness and joy that you will never forget it. You deserve every minute of this amazing day, and much more. I wish you a year filled with the best things from life. You are one hundred per cent worth it.

47. Son, there is not enough space to write down the love you bring to my life. When God saw you in his creation, he was the happiest. There are times my work gets me stressed out but I know it will all be worth it in the end. You have changed my vision towards life and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a great birthday, son!

48. Happy birthday to my dearest son. No words can express how proud I am of you. There are times when you look up at me and smile, and you fill my heart with joy as nothing else can. After all, you are the reason why I’ve lived this long, happy birthday to my bravest boy!

49. Happy birthday to my son! I believe today is going to be an amazing year for you. May you fulfil your dreams and achieve all that you desire in life. Have an awesome day!

50. Happy birthday, son! I am glad to have a wonderful boy like you in my life. You never fail to be a source of inspiration and motivation for me. I hope you have a great year ahead of you. Have a blast on your birthday!

My boy, from the day you were born, I have always wanted to give you all that I could. Today that you are 12 years old, let us make many more memories from here on! Happy birthday, my boy! Here is a message from my heart to you. Love you loads!

51. Happy 12th birthday to my loving boy! I have always tried to make your life the best. Now that you are growing, I just want you to know that I will always love you and take care of you. I wish you a long life full of success!

52. Honey, happy birthday to you. I cannot believe how fast time passes by when I look back at the past few years. 12, already! What a big boy you are! You have grown to become a fine young man and there is so much more growing up that you have to do still. All my love and prayers for your bright future.

53. Your father and mother love you and are proud of the young man you have become. Twelve years ago, you were born in a world that was filled with morning sickness and diapers. In less than a blink of an eye, you have become an adoring and responsible young adult. To mark this special occasion, here is a gift for you. Happy birthday!

52. You are our little superhero. You just make me see the bright side of everything. I would surely be in a pitiable state without you. You have made my life worth living…I wish you a very happy birthday my dear baby boy! May you grow to be great.

53. I hope that you will have a great year as you get older. I want you to know that as I look at you today, I am proud of the person you have grown up to be. Please, continue to develop your passions for mathematics and music so that someday they can become a part of who you are and what you do in life. Happy birthday, my boy!

54. On the day you were born, I was given the most precious gift any mother can receive. Your smile is what makes my world go round, your happiness is what gives me a reason to live, and your voice fills my heart with joy. I may not be your biological mom but I wish you a very happy birthday from the bottom of my heart!

55. Happy 12th birthday, my boy! This year has gone by really quickly. You are growing up way too fast… I wish you a happy and colourful birthday! Have fun and make the most of all the day offers.

56. Happy birthday to my boy! From the day you were born, I have loved you just as much as your mother. You have grown into a fine young man, and I am very proud of what you have become. Love you too, dear.

57. Happy birthday, my precious boy. I am sure you are growing up to be a good man. I hope you know how important you are to me. For your birthday, I would simply like to say that you have brought so much joy into my life and I am grateful for knowing such a great kid as you. Happy birthday!

58. In you, I have found a companion. You go through every step of your life with me by your side. You are the best boy I could’ve ever asked for! Thank you for everything. I love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday, darling! Greater heights for you!

59. Dear boy, you are my strength and motivation to live on. I have seen so many changes, but that has not decreased my love for you. You are my pride, joy and a blessing in disguise. As you grow older and more mature, I wish you all around blessings and excellence. Happy 12th birthday, dear.

60. I am glad you have found your place in the family. I hope from now on, we can spend more time together. I just want to say happy 12th birthday and keep counting!

61. Your eyes sparkle with a glint of humour, your smile is infectious and your great sense of humour, so much like mine, has drawn me closer to you. I love the bud you are becoming; you’re my son! Happy 12th birthday!

62. My cute boy, as you grow older, may you always maintain the innocence and purity of your heart. May your life be filled with happiness and joy. Happy birthday, my dear!

63. 12 years is special age in everyone’s life. The time you begin to understand your surroundings in a better way. I am sure this age will bring with it new challenges, and joys too. Hoping you overcome everything with great ease, as long as you try to be cool! Happy birthday, my boy!

64. Happy birthday to my boy on his 12th birthday. Today is a new and exciting chapter in your life where you are on the verge of having a whole load of responsibilities. You are about to be grown up! I wish you the very best in all that you do and hope that your bright future starts today.

65. Happy birthday to my boy. no words can describe my feelings for you. You are one of the most precious things I have in this world. I find it difficult to explain just how much you mean to me. On this day, I wish you all around favour and abundant blessings.

66. From the day we met, I have always been by your side. You know that I would be there for you no matter what. I am happy to know that you love me too. Happy 12th birthday, my boy!

67. On your birthday, I want to let you know that no matter how old you get, my love for you will never fade. As your mother’s friend, one of the best gifts that I have ever received in my life is you. Happy birthday and may you live long to make all your dreams come true!

68. My sweet boy, your new age is an adventure. I wish you to face any challenge with ease and grace like a pro. Life is full of ups and downs, but your spirit should be strong. You have given us much joy and happiness, and I hope you will bring me more in the years to come. My dear smart boy, happy birthday!

69. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you grow into a man. With each year that passes by, I get to keep witnessing your handsomeness ripen, and your brilliance sharpen. Knowing you has been my biggest blessing. I couldn’t ask for more. Happy birthday for the new age!

70. My boy, I love you and I do not need a special day to tell you. Every hour and every minute we live proves this. May your new age bring an affirmation of all that your life represents. Happy 12th birthday!

71. Dear boy, today is your 12th birthday. I pray that you grow up into the person you want to be and live the life that you want. Have fun on this special day and may you enjoy it to the fullest.

72. Today is the beginning of a wonderful new period in your life. I hope you are beginning to understand that life is not about being easy, but rather, challenging. Nevertheless, I have complete confidence in your abilities. You are my boy and I love you unconditionally. Happy birthday!

73. My boy! My kid! Before you know it, you will be a teenager! Just seeing you grow makes me feel so old. One word of advice: whatever you do, do not change yourself. You are the best son parents could ever have. Happy birthday!

74. Happy birthday, my boy! I wish you all the best and hope this year brings you lots of new opportunities and opportunities. It’s your time to shine. Love you!

75. We are heading into new adventures together, and I hope that you will always have a dream to follow. There is nothing better in the world than to grow up alongside my boy and watch him become a fine man. May your dreams be seen through and may your grown be happier than ever. Happy birthday to my small man.

My dear son, you are growing and becoming a better person each day. It is amazing how much you have grown in just one year. I am very proud of the person you are becoming, and hope that one day I’ll be proud to brag about my son. Happy 12th birthday! Best wishes!

76. Happy birthday, dear son! Another year has passed and you have grown up to be so handsome and intelligent. You have made me so proud. To see you growing up makes me happier than I can ever explain. Wish you a happy 12th birthday and may all your wishes come true!

77. On your birthday, I just want to say that you are one of the most important persons in my life. You have always brightened up every moment of my life. I could never thank you enough for all that you have done. On this beautiful day, I want to wish you a very happy birthday!!!

78. Today I see you are part of a big colourful world with no boundaries. It’s your day to explore your options. You have always been a source of inspiration for me and taught me the true meaning of being a parent. I wish you all the best in everything you do and keep being yourself.

79. As you enter a new stage of your life, you need to be prepared for this journey. Life aims to achieve success after putting in lots of effort, and that requires hard work, determination and self-control. When things get tough, don’t give up easily, hold on, it will be worth it. Best wishes on your 12th birthday.

80. Dear son, I hope that you will be a man of your principles and never waiver despite hardship or pressure. I wish that you will always have the opportunity to pursue whatever your heart desires. I wish you all the best in your new age!

81. Dear son, I am so glad that you have reached a new milestone in your life. The day I gave birth to you was the most wonderful day of my life. I pray that you grow up to be a responsible and disciplined individual. May this age bring with it happiness and joy for you! Stay blessed and have a good birthday!

82. Happy 12th birthday, son! As you entered this new phase of your life, I want to let you know that you always have my love and support. I pray that you stay happy and healthy and live your life to the fullest!

83. For your birthday, I wish you only the best in life. You have accomplished a lot at your young age and have set a good example for others to follow. Keep it up, my dear son!

84. Happy birthday to the best son a mother could ask for. I’m honoured to be able to call you my son! I know you are not a kid anymore and are actively engaging in youth activities. You will always be my chubby little angel. I love you with all my heart. Have fun with your friends on this special day! You deserve it!

85. Happy birthday, son! I love you and I wish you the best. You have my support for all that you do. Hope you had a party, lots of fun and presents. Love you very much!

86. I would like to thank God for bringing you into this world! Only he knows exactly how invaluable you are. You are a blessing from above, you have kept me going in good and bad times. I love you to pieces my dear son, its time for you to spread your wings and fly, Happy 12th birthday!

87. It is time to light your candles and make the wish that all your wishes come true! I know you have been wished in our family and there will be lots of love around for you. As a parent, I feel like my job is done but then again, I am more than sure you know what life holds for you. I hope you enjoy your new age birthday, my son.

88. Special kid, you are a blessing to me. I wish your birthday was mine too. But I guess we always have the next year, for another wonderful year with our son. From your daddy’s heart to yours, Happy birthday!

89. My son, these days are getting shorter and colder. Having celebrated your day is a blessing to me. I hope you know how much I love you, son. Count yourself lucky because you have the most loving mother in the world who wishes you the best. Happy birthday!

90. Happy birthday to my son! I don’t know where I would be today if you hadn’t been born. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so proud of you, and I hope you always know it. The day you were born was one of the best days of my life, and this will remain true forever. Love, your mom

91. Happy 12th birthday to you, dear son. I pray for long life and success that you will achieve all your dreams. You are a blessing to me and my family. You have brought us joy and happiness all the time. Thank you for being with us always!

92. You are just 12! My man, wow! As you grow older, times change. It is always very hard to let go, but I hope you will find your place in this world and carry forward our legacy. You have grown up very well. Happy birthday, son! I love you so much!”

93. You are the most special child in this world. I remember how excited I was when you were born. I am glad you keep me floating on the clouds, as my son keeps doing! I wish you many more years of happy birthdays to come. Never allow your inner light to go off. It is the best thing that happened to me.

94. Happy birthday, my son. You have become a teenager today. Let’s hope the 12 years of your life prove to be prosperous ones. I love you so much, and may the future hold better things for you than what the past 12 years have held for me.

95. Happy childhood 12th birthday to my son. May it be a fresh start to your good life ahead. All the best for everything you do in the future. I hope you will always remain young at heart. I love you!

96. Happy birthday to my son, who has achieved 12 years of age! May God bless you with health, wealth, happiness and prosperity. Wishing you an awesome year full of unbelievable things that will change your life for the better. Happy birthday, my dear son!

97. Since you were a kid, I have been waiting to see you grow and mature as the man you are today. Now that it’s happening, I feel so proud of my son! You are what every mother wants their son to be. Happy birthday and keep being your best!

98. Happy 12th birthday, mister. Enjoying your life to the fullest is all that matters, and you sure do that every day. I must admit it feels very good to have a responsible son like you who won’t be getting me into any grief as he grows up. Wishing you a happy birthday!

99. This birthday, I am filled with many emotions. It is hard to believe you are growing up so fast. I think about the precious memories we made and they all give me joy. Your childhood is gone but you still need us. We will always be there for you, no matter what happens.

100. Each year, you have grown so much. But, the greatest gift you gave me is your presence and love. I know you’ll accomplish a lot in life, but I wish for you to remain innocent. I am blessed to have a son like you, and I pray you to remain safe and healthy always.

Wawu! Here we are, still on the 12th birthday matter. Getting to the end of this means you want the best for your 12-year-old boy. And hey! You are a wonderful person.

I wouldn’t want you to leave without making a pick. Your 12-year-old boy or son would be excited to get a message from you. Do well to make the day memorable for him and be that person he will always love.

Kindly let me what you feel about this post in the comment section and do well to share with loved ones, these lovely wishes. Thanks.

By admin

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