Slanting Techniques in Farmers-Herders Conflicts Reportage in Selected Nigerian Newspapers.


The was conducted using major in Nigeria: The , This Day, and with the objective of finding the slanting technique adopted by the selected newspapers in reporting famers-herders conflicts. The work analyzed 36 reports on farmers-herders conflicts.

The study adopted a content-analyzed design whereby a sample size of 36 was used to get information. Purposive sampling technique was used to obtain features, news, politics, news extra etc. Finally, the study recommended to various media in the country should not take sides in publishing such conflicts.

It is also recommended to all state governments to ensure that they implement grazing reserves in every village to stop such conflicts to ever occur.

As it is argued that some politicians are owners of those herders, they should not take sides in the handling of the conflicts.


According to Tejumaiye, the and power of the press in , unifying or destroying a nation-state, particularly a multi-cultural and multi-linguistic society such as Nigeria is all with its framing (Tejumaiye, 2005).

This deals with how reports by some Nigerian newspapers use slanting techniques in reporting farmers-herders conflict in Nigeria.

It also deals with how Nigerian media has been able to manage balancing in trying to slant reports on farmers-herders conflict.

Among the numerous newspapers in the country, only three are national newspapers that are analyzed in this work. It is believed that the three papers represented the divergent views from north and south poles of the country.

According to Abbas (2009) the Fulani pastoralists and farmers show that land-related issues, especially on grazing fields, account for the highest percentage of the conflicts.

Background of the Study

The Nigerian state is a product of  British colonialism, it was formerly divided into colonization Southern And Northern protectorate before the amalgamation in 1914.

The inhabitants of the protectorate were people of divers ethnicity, people of different cultures, religions, and economic perceptions among others.

Inhabitants of the Southern  protectorate before independence were mainly farmers while the northern protectorate was mainly occupied by herders.

Though colonization may be said to have gone for good,  its results  is causing some conflicts in many aspect of the Nigerian among which are state most especially farmers-herders conflicts.


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