We’ve all seen the look on someone’s face before and thought to ourselves, “they look so calm.” That’s because we can’t see their heart racing inside them or their face turning red or their from holding back an eruption of emotions.

When people are holding in their emotions enough that they seem like they have everything under control, it is tempting to think of them as unflappable. But every human has a breaking point; it just varies by person.

Sometimes, we feel like we have it all under control, that we’re remaining calm in the face of adversity; but we’re just putting on a good front. Most people act calmly and appear relaxed on the outside, but inside they are screaming. If you are one of them, why don’t you use any of these amazing I may look calm quotes to express yourself.

Sometimes, I may look calm and collected, but inside, I am stressed out. Life is hard and some people are not willing to accept it, but I will wipe the sweat off my forehead and take the world day by day.

1. I may look calm, but I’m really stressed out. Life is tough and the world is an unwelcoming place, but I will smile and try not to sweat the small stuff.

2. I may look calm and sound peaceful, but something is going on behind the scenes.

3. I seem to have it all together, but I’m really feeling anxious about everything. Life is complicated and even though the world can be a cold, unfriendly place, I am always optimistic and smiley.

4. I may look calm on the outside, but I’m always quietly calculating everything that’s coming.

5. I may look calm, but I’m not. I’m always one step away from tears or a tantrum, and yes, you’re right; my life has been pretty chaotic lately, but it’s all going to be okay in the end.

6. I may look calm and collected, but I am actually shaking from head to toe.

7. I may look calm, but I am always on edge. The world is changing faster than ever—and I need to be able to adapt.

8. I may look calm, but I feel like I’m going out of my mind.

9. I may look calm, but that doesn’t mean I am. I may look calm outside, but I’m really a bundle of emotions inside.

10. I may look calm outside, but I’m a ticking time bomb with a short fuse.

11. I may look calm and collected, but inside I get really excited when getting my nails done.

12. I may look calm, but I am the exact opposite. I’m a bundle of energy and thoughts all wrapped up in one.

13. Sometimes, I look calm, but I’m an emotional mess just like the rest of you.

14. I may look calm, but I’m the complete opposite. I’m crazy, nervous, and extremely active!

15. I may look calm, but I’m actually on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

16. I may look calm, but I am a whirlwind of emotions.

17. I may look calm and composed, but my inner storm is brewing.

18. I may look calm, but I’m a little bit like a hurricane. I don’t always show my beauty, but when I do, it’s astonishing to watch.

19. I may look calm, but I’m an absolute wreck inside.

20. I may look calm, but I am a ball of energy and I can be a bit wild.

21. I may look calm and collected but I can cuss like a sailor.

22. I may look calm and seem lazy, but my mind is always thinking, and in an instant, I’ll be ready to take action.

23. I may look calm, but I am a volcano that is threatening to erupt at any minute.

24. I may look calm, but inside I’m busting with life.

25. I may look calm, but I am secretly the most anxious person in the world.

26. I may look calm, but I’m not. I’m just thinking under my breath while you are trying to ignore me.

27. I may look calm and collected, but if you knew how hard I’ve been working this week, you’d know that it’s a lie.

28. I may look calm and collected but you’re about to find out that I’m a force to be reckoned with.

29. I may look calm, but I am full of surprises.

30. I may look calm, but inside my mind is racing. I’m just waiting for the moment when the world hears my voice and knows exactly who I am.

31. I may look calm and even seem quiet, but I can be very passionate about the things that matter most to me.

32. I may look calm, but I’m really just a tornado waiting to happen.

33. I may look calm, but I’m really just the most nervous person in the world.

34. I may look calm, but inside I am a raging fire.

35. I may look calm, but don’t be fooled. I’m all about the details.

36. I may look calm, but I’m really just doing my best to keep it together.

37. I may look calm, but I’m a raging case of anxiety.

38. I may look calm, but I’m pretty freaking stressed out.

39. I may look calm, but I’m more excited than you can imagine.

40. I may look calm, but I’m just as stressed out as you are—on the inside.

41. I may look calm, but I’m always plotting my next move.

42. I may look calm, but I’m a boiling pot of anxiety and a little nervous.

43. I may look calm, but I’m really just being patient.

44. I may look calm, but I’m not. If you see me at my most stressed, know that I’m dealing with something.

45. I may look calm, but I’m still pretty freaking stressed out.

46. If you think I look calm, you’ve never seen me in a crisis. I may look calm, but I’m just barely holding on.

47. I may look calm when I’m sitting on the park bench, but in my heart, I’m already off to dance around with a big furry friend.

48. I may look calm on the outside, but I’m really just trying to hold it all in.

49. I may look calm, but I’m not. I’m very much on edge, waiting for another day of work.

50. I may look calm and collected, but if you ask me, I’ll admit it’s all an act.

51. I am sometimes calm, but I can be ferocious if I see injustice or wrongdoing.

52. I may look calm, but I am a passionate person driven by feelings of love and compassion.

53. I may look calm, but I’m constantly thinking about how to make my life better.

54. I may look calm, but I’m actually quite the storm.

55. I may look calm, but I have a lot on my mind, and I am secretly a little bit anxious.

56. I may look calm on the outside, but I’m going through something fierce inside.

57. I may look calm, but I’m just trying to hold it all together.

58. You may think I’m calm, but I’m actually just working on my patience. I may look calm, but I’m about to blow up.

59. I may look calm on the outside, but I’m always boiling underneath.

60. I may look calm on the outside, but I’m as nervous as a teenager on prom night.

61. I may look calm, but I’m not. Deep down, I’m anxious and worried – so much so that it takes a huge effort to remain calm most of the time.

62. I may look calm and composed, but a storm is brewing inside of me.

63. I may look calm, but the inside of me is screaming.

64. I may look calm, but I’m really a ball of stress and anxiety that wants to jump out of my skin.

65. I may look calm and collected, but I am actually just trying to stay quiet and think.

66. I may look calm, but I’m not. Inside, my mind is spinning at a million miles an hour.

67. I may be calm and collected, but I’m a little on edge—I just want to get things done.

68. I may look calm, but I am not. I am a hurricane of emotion who is capable of putting on a fake smile until the devastation hits.

69. I may look calm, but I’m always on fire inside.

70. I may look calm, but I’m really a bundle of nerves, and I’m just trying to keep my emotions in check.

71. I may look calm, but I’m not. I’m full of passion, excitement, and energy.

72. I may look calm, but I’m really just silently screaming.

73. I may look calm and gentle, but the truth is—I burn with passion, and I’m a little on the wild side.

74. I may look calm, but I’m truly a big fan of stress and anxiety.

75. I may look calm, but I’m not. I’m a storm ready to break free and show the world who I am.

76. I may look calm, but I am passionate and constantly working on my next move.

77. I may look calm, but I am always on alert. What you see is just a facade.

78. I may look calm, but underneath, I’m as scared as you are.

79. I may look calm, but I am a raging ball of potential.

80. I may look calm, but I’m not. I’m a raging tornado of emotions and thoughts that want to be expressed.

81. I may look calm, but I’m really just trying to keep my cool.

82. I may look calm and collected, but I’m not. I have my ups and downs like everyone else, but I always stay true to myself, keep going, and try to do my best.

83. I may look calm, but I am a volcano about to erupt, and I’m really working hard to keep it together.

84. I may look calm, but I’m burning up with passion inside.

85. I may look calm, but I’m always up for a fun adventure.

86. I may look calm, but I’m the kind of person who gets super nervous before a big presentation.

87. I may look calm and collected, but I’m stressed out, and my heart is racing.

88. I may look calm, but I have a lot of energy hiding behind my eyes.

89. I may look like I’m calm, but inside I’m dying to share my thoughts and emotions with the world.

90. I may look calm and collected, but in reality, I’m completely freaked out.

91. I may look calm, but I’m a big bundle of tension.

92. I may look calm, but I’m always busy, and I don’t like to be idle for too long.

93. I may look calm, but I’m the last one to let my guard down.

94. A million things are going on in my head. I don’t know what they are and it’s okay that they’re all jumbled up together. I may look calm, but I’m just waiting for the right moment to pop out.

95. I may look calm, but if you look closely, you might see a storm in my eyes.

96. I may look calm, but I’m not. I like to do things a little differently than what everyone else is doing.

97. It may seem like I’m always calm, but my mind is working faster than an Instagram post.

98. I may look calm, but I’m screaming inside. I am passionate about my work and want to give it 100%.

99. I may look calm, but I’m a million miles away, and I’m always ready for the storm.

100. I may look calm, but I’m far from it. I’m a bundle of stress, anxiety and endless to-do lists.

101. I may look calm, but I’m a lioness on the hunt for new ideas.

Being calm is one of the most important qualities we can develop in life. It helps us stay concentrated, solve problems logically and make better decisions.

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