You can say that a friend with benefits relationship is a relationship without commitment. Many people have strong feelings for others and want to spend a lot of time with them but do not want to get into a serious relationship. If you are a guy or a girl, you might want to be with someone to avoid loneliness. But you both know you will not commit the rest of your lives to each other. So this kind of relationship is called a friend with benefits relationship.

Friends with benefits can come in handy when you feel lonely or need someone to hang out with. Even though every relationship is different, there are some benefits that everyone can agree are fantastic. You know, someone you can rely on, who can fulfil your needs and still be there for you. You don’t want to be in a relationship with this person because that would complicate your life.

If you are looking for I want a friend with benefits quotes; I have compiled some great and wonderful ones below:

I want a friend with benefits. Who is not afraid to go out publicly with me when I’m feeling a little bit raunchy. I want a friend who can listen to my best rant, laugh at all the right times, and who will still love and want to be with me at all times.

1. I don’t like feeling used, lied to and cheated on. So, I want a friend with benefits. I’m looking for someone I can trust. Someone I can rely on. Someone to help me forget about the shitty things life has thrown my way. Someone we can be together, have fun with no strings attached.

2.  I’m not looking for a mind-blowing affair. Just some good fun between two people who want the same thing. I want someone we can be real together and not hurt each other.

3. I want a friend with benefit with someone who isn’t interested in love or relationships. I believe in treating each other with respect, kindness, and good humor. I want a friend with benefits because I am tired of being lonely. Let’s enjoy being together with no strings attached.

4. I’m looking for a good friend to share my life and my bed with. Someone that knows how to let loose and have a good time. I’m looking for someone who has a good sense of humour and a great smile. Someone who is easygoing.

5. I need a friend with benefits so I can be myself and not hide how I really feel. I need someone who will be my friend first, someone I can trust, who won’t judge me. I want to be able to relax and not worry that I might say something stupid. I need someone whom we can have fun together with no strings attached.

6. I need a friend with benefits who is not afraid to hold me tight when I’m hurting but doesn’t mind being pushed away back when I’m being bad. I’m tired of being cheated on and lied to by my boyfriends. I need a friend with benefits who will keep things simple and give me all the sex I can handle.

7. I hate going on dates. I’m looking for a guy that I can build a friendship with, whom we’re both on the same page with. It’s been two years since my last relationship and I’m feeling lonely. I just want to find someone to make me feel good with no strings attached.

8. I’m looking for someone who is ready for a committed partnership, but also a friend with benefits. I’m a sucker for a man who can handle himself. And you know what? I just want us to be wild with no plans to be  together in the future.

9. I’m looking for a friend with benefits with no strings attached. Someone we will have sex for a while and say our goodbyes without hurting one another. I want to take my time before going into another relationship but I need someone to while away time with.

10. I want a friend with benefits because I’m not a sucker for commitment. Besides, I don’t trust anyone in love and hate the feeling of being lied to.

11. I want a friend with benefits, who I can trust and who will always be honest with me. I want to be with you because you’re the perfect friend. I love the way you make me feel, and hopefully, you do too but we will be together for the sex and nothing more.

12. I want a relationship that doesn’t require meeting someone’s parents. I want to be taken care of. That’s why I’m looking for friends with benefits. No strings attached. Just friends with benefits. No serious relationship.

13. I like to be taken care of. The idea of having a partner who will look after me is appealing. I would call this “friends with benefits” but I’m more comfortable with the term “sugar baby.” a relationship with no long term plans.

14. I want to find someone who has the same goals and dreams in life. Someone who is kind, loving, and trustworthy. I thought I wanted a commitment, but I was wrong. All I want is to be loved by someone who will always be there for me and not cheat on me. I’m not ready for a commitment, but I want benefits.

15. I want to be the kind of girl that doesn’t need commitment. I want a friend with benefits because I don’t like how I got cheated in committed relationships. I want a friend with benefits. They don’t have to be romantic, but they are essential for my happiness.

16. I’m looking for a friend with benefits. I’m not here to get married, but I’m here to have fun and experience myself in the relationship. I want to be in a relationship that’s a little more free. I need someone who doesn’t feel the need to control me or answer to me.

17. The worst feeling is being left by the same person again and again. The reason I want a friend with benefits is because it makes me feel safe. I want a friend with benefits because I trust them. We will hang out, have fun without being in love.

18. My friend with benefits makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. I never have to worry about him getting clingy or anything like that, because we already established a firm friendship foundation. There is nothing more beautiful than having a friends with benefit. I wish I can have one more.

19. The best part about being single is having a friend with benefits. Cutting down on the commitment and still getting what you want is a dream come true. With me, there are no strings attached. I want a friends with benefits with someone who understands that we don’t have to be in love to have fun.

20. A friend with benefits is like the best kind of guy-friend you never had to deal with. A friend with benefits is a relationship that works because both parties see their time together as a gift. I want a friends with benefit with someone who understands these.

21. I’m not looking for a relationship. I want to have fun. Please don’t take this personally, but we can keep it on the radar if you feel it too.” I’m looking for a friend with benefits, someone who knows how to treat a lady right.

22. I’m looking for the perfect guy: Charming, confident, and worldly. I want someone who knows all the best restaurants and the hottest clubs and always looks fashionable. We’ll be best friends so we can share meals, spa dates, and sleep together afterward.

23. I’m looking for a friend with benefits—someone who can keep me on my toes, make me laugh, and get down in the dirt. Do you know the best thing about friends with benefits? There’s no commitment.

24. I don’t want to be alone, I want someone. A friend with benefits is a great thing to have. I want someone that can make me feel better about myself, I just want  to have someone that will be there for me with no commitment.

25. There’s an old saying that a friend with benefits is better than a boyfriend. And it makes sense. Friends with benefits—those who take care of each other and are no longer lonely. I want a friend with benefits.

26. I’m a little bit of everything, but mostly just me. I’ll be your best friend, but I won’t always be there for you when you need me. Because I want a friend with benefits not a friend forever.

27. Finding a friend with benefits is like finding the perfect pair of shoes—you never know what you’ll get until you try it on. A buddy with benefits is the best kind of friend. And it’s the most fun too.

28. I need a friend with benefits because I feel lonely and I don’t want to commit. I am too busy to meet new people to date. I know we don’t have the best start but I know you feel lonely too and I didn’t want to do the whole romantic relationship thing.

29. I’m in need of a no-strings-attached relationship, someone who won’t judge or criticize me. Someone who will let me be myself and not try to change me. I’m a friendly, honest guy looking for a friend with benefits may be more if the chemistry is right.

30. I’m looking for someone to match up with. Someone who’s confident and assertive, yet sensitive and affectionate too. I want a friend with benefits because I don’t feel like I’m ready for a relationship. I want a friend with benefits because I just want a buddy to hang out with.

31. Let’s be friends with benefits. I don’t want commitment, I just want some fun. I don’t want a boyfriend. I need a friend with benefits. I’m sure you’ve had this experience too, haven’t you?

32. I have a friend with benefits. We spend time together, and sometimes we have sex. But I don’t want to get involved in a relationship because I know how much work that can be. Friends with benefits don’t have to be complicated.

33. You know what’s cool about being single? You have so many cool friends. You can have benefits without the commitment.

34. I want to be with someone I can be myself around. Someone who doesn’t make me feel like I need to be more person than myself. Someone who makes me smile, who’s always there for me and laughs at my jokes. I’m not looking for a date, I just want to have fun with someone Friday nights and weekend mornings.

35. I need a friend with benefits. I’m lonely, but don’t want commitment. I don’t want a relationship, but I also want someone to hang out with occasionally. Are you in?

36. Let’s chill and unwind. Let me be yours for the night, or longer if you like. I’m just looking to have fun, no strings attached. I can’t keep my hands off you. I want you all the time, yet I don’t want to give the relationship a real chance.

37. Do you need a friend to hang out, enjoy life, and be with? Let’s have a good time! I’ve been wanting a friend with benefits since my last relationship ended. I really don’t want commitment, but I need something to call my own. I tried the Tinder thing and it wasn’t for me.

38. I can’t stand being alone. I want a friend with benefits. No commitment, no strings attached. I’m looking for a friend with benefits—someone to spend time with who doesn’t expect anything from me in return.

39. I want a friend with benefits because I need someone to help me escape my problems. I’ve been trying to get a relationship off the ground and I’m tired of being alone.

40. I am looking for a friendship that will last and not get boring. I want someone who can be my best friend with benefits because I need some time away from men, but then again I need someone to hold me when I cry.

41. I’m not looking for a relationship, just someone to hang out with on my couch while I cry my eyes out over the latest season of Game of Thrones. I want a friend with benefits because I’m looking for something fun and no strings attached.

42. I need a friend with benefits because I’m looking for something fun and casual, no strings attached. I’ve heard a lot of people saying they’re looking for a friends-with-benefits, so I thought I’d see if anyone was interested.

43. I’m looking for a friend that is down for a good time. Actually, several good time. I’m single in the city and free to be friends with benefits. What’s your number?

44. Sometimes people just want someone to hang out with. A friend with benefits is great for those occasions- someone to have fun with, no strings attached. I want a friend with benefits.

45. I’m a pretty straightforward guy and -at least for the time being- I’m looking for someone to have fun with.
If you’re looking for a friend without the strings or the commitment, I’m your guy.

46. Let’s get together and have some fun. No strings attached. I’m a bit of a homebody, so I’m looking for someone to do things with without putting any pressure on me. I need a friend with benefits because I can’t stand another heartbreak.

47. I’ve had enough. My heart is still healing. I don’t want love, dating, or a relationship. And I’m not looking to settle down anytime soon. Things are going well in my life right now, and I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. So, I’d like to start seeing someone pretty regularly. Nothing serious, just fun.

48. I need to have someone I can have fun with. Someone as smart, interesting, and awesome as I am. I don’t want anyone hurt, so it has to be a friend-with-benefits thing. I  don’t want to give off the wrong impression here. I want it to seem like I’m happy and carefree when in reality, I just can’t take another breakup.

49. I know I’m not the first woman to get hurt by a man, but I’m tired of being used. So, I need a friend with benefit—no strings attached. I don’t want a love connection, I just want someone who I can open up to and feel comfortable around. Here’s to never having to say goodbye!

50. I want a friend with benefits. Someone who can make me laugh, someone who will never try to fix me, and someone who will always treat me right. Life is better when you have a friend with benefits.

51. I need a friend with benefits because I can’t stand one more heartbreak. I’m not looking for anyone serious. Just someone I can have fun with, and if we fall in love, that’s a bonus.

52. I’d like to find a friend with benefits because at the end of the day, I want someone who’s not going to end up breaking my heart. I’m so sick of drama. I just want to find somebody to hang out with, you know? It’s gotta be more fun than this. At least I know there’ll be no surprises, and we’ll both leave happy.

53. I’m tired of the games, confused emotions, and whole lot of heartache I go through each time I get involved with a woman. I’m tired of the drama, I want a simple no strings attached fling.

People need a friend with benefits for so many reasons as you can see in the above I want a friend with benefits quotes. Feel free to share and leave comments below. Thanks.

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