Being tired of sickness is a feeling that many people can relate to. Lying in bed with a fever, aches and pains, and other symptoms that make you feel miserable. It’s not just a bad cold or flu that makes you feel this way. Different things could have landed you in the doctor’s office or hospital. And unfortunately, there are times when the illness just won’t go away on its own.

You may need to take some time off work or school because of your illness. There are also times when you might need to keep going back for treatment. In any case, dealing with an ongoing health problem like this can be hard when all you want to do is get well and return to your normal life again. It can also be frustrating if doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with you — especially if they keep telling you that they think it’s stress-related or “all in your head.”

That kind of thing can wear even the strongest person down. When you are tired of sickness, it’s natural to want to take action to relieve your symptoms and get back to normal life. Unfortunately, many people don’t realise that there are things they can do that will help them feel better faster.

If you’re tired of sickness, below is a collection of tired of sickness quotes that you can relate to and definitely should check out.

I am tired of sickness. I am tired of feeling like I’m missing out. I want to feel like a normal person, not someone who has to worry about what might be wrong with me next. I want to stop wasting my energy on being sick and start focusing on recovery.

1. I am tired of the sickness, loneliness and pain that has come along with it but also of my family and friends who have lost their loved ones because illness is no longer treatable. I want to see people get better and live happy healthy life.

2. I am tired of being sick, I have spent too much time in bed, with little energy to even make it out of the house. I want to be able to get up and go where I want, not sit in my comfortable chair waiting for death.

3. I am tired of sickness, I am tired of being scared, I am tired of worrying about what is going to happen to me. It’s time for me to take control and get well.

4. I am tired of sickness, which is why I believe I should be entitled to a good job, which means being healthy enough to work and make money.

5. When you are tired of sickness when it seems there are no cures or treatments left, it’s time to move on. You deserve better than the same old treatments that don’t work, or the doctors and therapists who don’t listen. It’s time for something different: A new approach that can lead to better health and improved quality of life.

6. I am tired of the sleepless nights and aches and pains in my body. I am tired of being too hot, too cold, too everything. I’m so sick of being sick. I’m so sick of feeling this way. It’s wrong, unfair and unjust.

7. I am tired of waking up each day with pain so severe I feel like I can’t breathe. Each day, I wake up hoping this will be the day the pain goes away, but it never does. So I pray and cry, wondering why this happened to me.

8. When you are tired of sickness, you need to do something about it. Whatever your illness is, there is always a way out, by consulting a specialist.

9. When you are tired of sickness, you will feel weak. When you feel weak and vulnerable, your body is open to attack. And one day something will slip through the cracks… That’s when it happens.

10. I am tired of being sick. I want to be healthy and live a long, happy life. Working out has always been an important part of my life. I feel more energetic and determined when I exercise regularly. In addition, working out helps me focus on something other than my illness.

11. I am tired of being sick. Because every time I get sick, it feels like I have come to my end. But then again, who knows if tomorrow will be my last! So let’s stop the daily routine and do something different.

12. I am tired of sickness. Sick of living with a bad back, tired of being tired, tired of missing out on life because I’m always so tired! I never know when it’s going to hit me or how long it will last this time. It’s just not fair to everyone who has to live with me through all of this. And I hate it!

13. I am tired of being sick when I have so much to live for. My family is facing the reality that my health is declining and this is not what they signed up for. I want to be healthy again and so do they.

14. I am tired of sickness, stress and sleepless nights, which makes me a new person. I wanted to have a healthy life so that I can enjoy this beautiful day with family and friends.

15. I am tired of sickness and I am tired of being sick. Why do I have to feel sick? I wish it would go away, but it never will. I have been ill since childhood and I am still suffering from my illness. It feels like there’s no end to my illnesses and the only cure I could ever get is when the world ends, which is unlikely.

16. I am tired of sickness, I am tired of all the ways people try to resist change. I don’t want all the sadness and negativity that comes from people who have no vision for themselves but rather just see what is in front of them.

17. I don’t want to be sick anymore. I want to feel clean and healthy. I want to go back in time and get a fresh start. I want my life back, it’s been too long since I felt normal again.

18. I am tired of sickness, I am tired of despair. I am tired of life held in limbo by a mere cough, or fever and pain. The time has come for me to move on without fear.

19. I am tired of sickness, the pain in my body, the fear, and the feeling hopeless. Often I am sick, maybe not physically sometimes emotionally but it’s just something that comes to me all of the time.

20. I am tired of this continuous sickness. A blood test report was done and there is nothing to worry about. There are no physiological problems. Physically I am fine. How come I am still in this state?

21. I am tired of sickness, I want to be healthy. I am tired of being depressed, I want to be happy. I am tired of loneliness, I want relationships. I am tired of living life on the edge, I want a better future.

22. I am tired of sickness, it has made me feel every emotion possible. The grief, anger and worry that I have had throughout my life have been unbearable sometimes but I have carried them with me because I know these things can help me in the future.

23. I am tired of sickness in my life, and I am determined not to allow any more illness in my life. I want peace and harmony every day.

24. I am tired of feeling sick, I am tired of running down a path that only leads to pain. I am tired of living my life in fear. I am ready for something better.

25. I am tired of always having to be prepared for sickness. I always have to bring my medications and snacks to avoid feeling weak and bloated. It is so exhausting, especially in the summer when I have to deal with being outdoors more often. It is time to get rid of this problem once and for all.

26. I am tired of sickness. Tired of having to take pills, being sick and missing school. I think that food should be nutritious and healthy not full of additives and chemicals.

27. I am tired of the sickness I have had so much lately. First, my nose, which was painful and cleared up, but then got infected and now they are worried it might be swollen glands near my ear. I do not want to go back to the doctor or get any more medicine. I just want to stay healthy and feel better.

28. I am tired of being sick. I have been sick for way too long, I just want to feel better. I have tried all the medicine and diets but nothing seems to work.

29. I am tired of sickness, tired of being sick. I want to be well. There are so many things that I want to do and see, but if I don’t get well soon, there will be no one around for me to enjoy them with.

30. I am tired of being sick and feeling like I am not good enough. Next year I will make a plan, commit to it and get healthy.

31. I am tired of sickness, tired of my family being sick. I want to see us be healthy and happy.

32. I am tired of sickness, and I am tired of feeling bad. I have learned from my experiences and would rather keep them than carry on.

33. I have been sick for as long as I can remember. I have lost count of how many doctors I have seen and how many medications I have tried. I am tired of being sick.

34. I am tired of being sick. I have been since I was born. On a rainy day or when it is cold, I get congested and sneeze. Then there are times when I get these terrible headaches from my nose to my ears and the cough does not want to go away. It takes weeks for the cough to go away and then it returns.

35. I am tired of sickness, tired of being sick. I’m tired of feeling poorly, my body feels weak and useless. I’m tired far too often; it’s been taking its toll on me for so long now.

36. I am tired of sickness, all the sickening bad things that threaten to overwhelm me. I am tired of sickness, but I will not let it win over me. There is a cure within my reach; I believe in health, a complete state of being that allows me to live life without limitations.

37. I am tired of being sick and tired. I am tired of how I feel physically, emotionally and mentally. I am tired of my life being on hold because I am so fatigued that doing anything other than laying in bed is a blessing.

38. I am tired of feeling guilty for not taking care of myself. I am exhausted from being sick and stressed out. I want to lose weight and feel fit so that I can enjoy my life again.

39. I am tired of sickness. It overtakes my mind, my body and my house. I need to get better so I can be with my family, friends and my community.

40. I am tired of sickness. I have had enough days where I am trapped in bed, the only things keeping me companies are my thoughts and the small pile of chores yet to be done.

41. I am tired of sickness, that saps my strength and makes me feel like I will never get better. I am tired of being confined to bed, unable to cook or clean or even just sit at my computer without feeling like the biggest burden in the world to those who love me.

42. I am tired of sickness, the pain and the stress it brings to my life, I want to live my life again with health and happiness.

43. I am tired of sickness and disease, I am tired of being bedridden every other week. I am tired of having to rely on medicine, rest, vitamins and all the other things we need to stay healthy. I am ready to live a long happy life with my family.

44. So tired of being sick. So tired of feeling tired and weak. I am tired of missing out on things I want to do because I’m too sick to do them.

45. I am tired of pain and suffering, disgusted by how it makes me feel. I am tired of being sick and tired all the time. I’m tired of not feeling well enough to do what I want to do and to be with the people I love, but I am not willing to accept being ill as just one of those things that happen in life.

46. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of the pain, the stress and the worry. I am tired of feeling horrible every day. I am ready to live my life again!

47. I am tired of setbacks, I have had enough. I will overcome all obstacles, I will keep moving forward at full speed. It is time to get into action and take back control of my life. Being sick can be a huge setback for a positive energy body.

48. I am tired of spending more time in the doctor’s office than in my office, I am tired of feeling sick all the time, and I am tired of always having to take medicines.

49. It’s getting old. The same viruses, the same antibiotics and doctors, the same feeling of impending doom. I’m tired of it. I want to feel better.

50. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of being sick, and I’m not willing to allow myself to be sick any longer. I deserve better than that. The day I choose to be healthy and strong is the day that choice becomes my reality. It’s time for me to start focusing on my well-being, so I can enjoy life to its fullest again!

51. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of being ill. I am tired of being on the verge of death but not actually dying in a hospital bed, wired up to machines and tubes that constantly ask me if I am still alive. I am tired of fighting this illness every day and losing over and over again.

52. I am tired of sickness! Sickness is not natural. It is not a part of life. Sickness is what happens when your body senses danger and goes into protection mode.

53. I am tired of sickness, I want health! The weakness and fatigue, the weariness and physical pain, the loss of energy, and feelings of depression and despair. The lack of effectiveness in my day-to-day life is torturous.

54. I am tired of sickness It is a sign of what is wrong in society, the lack of education, and the lack of proper nutrition which starts with the wealth divide. I want to be healthy and strong so I can live a full life.

55. I am tired of being sick. I cannot bear so much longer. The weight of it has become too heavy for me to carry alone.

56. I am tired of sickness. I have been sick for far too long. My body is breaking down and it seems that no amount of rest and medication is helping me fully recover. This is not a choice that I am making by any means, however, at this point in my life, it seems like all I do is sleep and take my medications, which are beginning to lose their effectiveness.

57. I want to eat properly, take the best care of my body and mind, and feel healthy. Unfortunately, illness is common in our world, affecting us all in some way. I am tired of sickness and tired of being tired.

58. I am tired of feeling the aches and pains of sickness. I am tired of being unable to move my body. I am tired of pain and fatigue, which makes it difficult for me to do even the most basic activities.

59. I am tired of being sick, I want to be healthy. I think bad thoughts and it seems like they come true. I am tired of thinking that. I want to get better.

60. I am tired of physical sickness. I am tired of not feeling good about myself. I am tired of having to always wait for a cure or treatment that can be found in my kitchen, sometimes with nothing on the counter except a jar of fresh garlic.

61. I am tired of sickness. Tired of having bad days. Sickness is not my friend. I am tired of the struggle to get by; to have a good day. I have lost the will to live my life because I can’t endure another moment of feeling weak and tired.

62. I am tired of feeling sick, I want to feel good. Sickness is stressful and it takes a lot of energy to deal with it. Sometimes it feels like there is no end but the body can heal itself if we support it in its process by giving it clean food, water, rest and movement.

63. This is a very stressful situation. I am tired of sickness. I want to feel good and have energy again!

64. I am tired of feeling too tired to get out of bed, or too sick to go to work. I am tired of being stuck inside all the time, even when it is beautiful outside. I am tired of feeling like I can’t do anything.

65. I am tired of sickness and pain. I’m tired of fighting a battle that I can’t win. I want out of this life, I want to let go…

66. I am tired of sickness. I want to be well and strong again. I have been taking medicine and staying in the house for days. But, nothing is working.

67. I am tired of being sick. I am ready to go back to work, to be with my children, and just to be me again!

68. When I don’t feel well, I am tired of following doctors’ orders and taking medicine almost every single day of my life.

69. I am tired of sickness, tired of being sick. Tired of the mornings when I wake up with a cough, tired of being tired. Tired of being exhausted, tired of being in pain. Tired of being constantly stressed and just plain worn out. But most of all I’m tired of people telling me that it’s not bad enough yet for them to do anything about it!

70. I am tired of sickness, being sick. I am tired of the fatigue and exhaustion. I am tired of not doing things that I used to love doing. I am tired of being anaemic but unable to eat enough food to correct the problem.

71. I am tired of being sick. What is the point in fighting illness when I know it is going to win anyway? I can’t even enjoy a meal without my stomach constantly reminding me that I have to keep up this struggle. I just want to go on with life like other people.

72. I am tired of waiting for the chance to feel great and like I’m capable of doing everything. I am tired of feeling sick.

73. I am tired of feeling so lazy. I am tired of wasting my day in bed and not accomplishing anything. I am tired of being a burden to those around me. I am tired of the aches and pains that keep me from doing things that I love. I’m ready to take control of my health, so I can feel good inside and out.

74. I am tired of sickness and longing for better health. I have been overweight most of my life and have tried many diets, exercise programs, and supplement regimens. Each time I lose weight it seems to come back with a vengeance. I now realize that there are no quick fixes only long-term plans that will work for me. My goal is to be free from being overweight once again.

75. I am tired of being sick. I wish everything would just go away and let me live like a normal person.

76. I’ve had enough of being sick. Today I declare that to continue forward I need to kick my illness to the curb and move on with my life.

77. I want to be healthy. I want to live a normal life without the fear of being in the hospital again. I am tired of sickness.

78. I am tired of sickness, it has taken everything away from my family and friends. I have the perfect life with a loving husband and beautiful children but we are always sick.

79. I’m tired of being sick, I just want to be healthy. Sickness isn’t what I choose as my destiny, I long for health and strength in the Lord.

80. I am tired of sickness as it takes away my quality of life and makes me feel like I am trapped inside my own body. It has definitely taken over every part of my being and continues to do so every single day.

81. I am tired of being sick, I am tired of being alone. I want to be happy like other people.

82. I am tired of exhaustion and pain. I am frustrated with how much it is slowing me down. I am tired of sickness.

83. I am tired of being sick. I have become so used to feeling like this and it is just no fun anymore. I guess it is time I did something about it.

84. I am tired of sickness, I want to live my life so I know what it feels like to be healthy and happy. So, I decided that it is time to take my health back into my hands and improve my lifestyle.

85. I am tired of sickness, tired of feeling weak and tired. I give myself permission to heal and feel good in my own body. It is time to embrace my whole being: mind, body and spirit.

86. I am tired of the pain, the suffering, and the fear that comes with illness. For too long I have been trapped in a cycle of emotional and physical pain. I just want to be happy again.

87. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of your lying to me. I have had it up to here with this illness and I want it to go away for good!

88. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of the stench, of feeling weak and fragile. I find myself limiting my outings to avoid contact with those who would make me sick by spreading germs.

89. I am tired of sickness, and giving excuses why I can’t be there for my family. I didn’t go to the doctor because it was expensive, I don’t have time, etc. Of all my attitudes as a person, it has been my illness that has led me to believe that there are some things that are out of your control.

90. I am tired of living my life in fear, I am tired of not being able to play with my children, and I am tired of being sick.

91. I am tired of sickness, I am tired of death and grief. I am tired of all these little things that bring me down. I am tired of being sick, I’m tired of not getting better or even worse, a little bit better than before but not really good enough to stay….

92. I am tired of being sick, I am tired of having to warn others about me. The truth of the matter is that in my past disabled days I was more than happy to take their help when needed, but with age has come a new outlook on life, one where I do not feel like a victim anymore.

93. I am tired of being sick. I want to be well. Sickness is not a good felt or seen look. But it is not contagious and it does not catch on. It is just bad DNA and some form of infection, virus, bacteria or parasite. I want to be well!

94. I am tired of feeling sick, I’m tired of feeling like I can’t be me. Tired of feeling like it’s all just one big blur. Tired of the pain, tired of the painkillers, tired of feeling like there is nothing that can be done to help this situation. Tired, tired, tired.

95. I’m tired of being sick. I’m ready to be healthy again and use my energy to do the things that are important to me.

96. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of not having enough money. I am tired of medical bills piling up. I’m sick of it all.

97. I am tired of sickness. I’m tired of illness, of disease and death. I am tired of doctors looking at me as if my illness is going to happen again. I know this will be a challenge for my family as well, but more importantly, it’s important to me that they understand what is going on with me today.

98. I am tired of sickness. It has chosen my life and no matter how hard I try, it keeps coming back over and over again.

99. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of being tired, sad and weak. I am tired of being so miserable and angry, I cannot control my temper. I can no longer be a burden to my family, friends and doctors. I want to walk, play and smile again!

100. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of feeling the pain, I am tired of the pills and treatments, I am tired of holding my breath and waiting for the first sneeze or cough.

102. It is really time to take a stand against illness. I am tired of sickness, I am tired of having the flu, and I am tired of not feeling well.

103. It brought me down, I feel like I am going to die and nobody cares, no one seems to notice how hard it is to get out of bed in the morning.

Thank you for reading through the collection of tired of sickness quotes. I hope that you get well soon. Please don’t forget to share the post with others.

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