Government Regulations and Their Impact on the Growth of Small-Scale Industries in Nigeria.


The objective of this was to how government help in the of small-scale industries in Nigeria; To the impact of the government regulations in the growth of small-scale industries.

To make recommendations on any lapses in government regulations for the growth of small-scale industries in the country and (4) To fill a research gap on the merit and demerit of government regulations in the
growth of the small-scale industries in the country.

To enable the research to make his findings, it was hypothesized that the greater the number of small scale industries in Nigeria, the greater their role in rural transformation (development);

The positive impact of government regulations of small-scale industries would be possible when they have access to loanable funds for Expansion, and the greater the incidence of bureaucratic corruption, the higher the failure of the small-scale industries’ access to loanable funds for development.

In the methodology, the researcher utilized samples, used respondents from Plateau, Nasarawa, Abuja, Benue for our survey. The chi-square was used for data analysis, while the popular questionnaire of Yes-No type was used to measure the response in the questionnaire.

The findings were that: Government regulations have both negative and positive impacts on the growth of small-scale enterprises in Nigeria.

Bribery and corruption practices by bankers and government officials negate the idea of granting loans to the small-scale industries for the development of our communities.

Small-scale entrepreneurs should have access to investment capital in order to get Nigeria’s economy out of the woods.

There should be an equity investment scheme that should require each bank in the country to set aside 10% of its profit before tax annually to make equity investments in small-scale industries.

Banks should be involved in the running of small-scale industries to ensure judicious utilization of funds disbursed to small-scale industries.

The peasants must be assisted through loans and expert advice in the need to invest in small-scale industries for rural development.

The federal and state governments should provide infrastructure and social services in order to give some logistic support for the growth of small-scale industries.

Major companies that are beneficiaries of major contracts in Nigeria should be encouraged by the government to give priority to SMEs with relevant competence when giving our sub-contract.

To operate a business in Nigeria as of now, you need to purchase your own power generator, sunk your own borehole for water, and other necessary infrastructural facilities.

Government should improve the performance of this infrastructure to reduce the high cost of doing business and thus ensure the survival of SMEs.

The number of government approving agencies should be streamlined while unstable exchange rates, high interest rates, and the un-cooperative attitude of government officials should be addressed.


Title Page
Certification Page
Table of contents
List of Abbreviations
List of Tables


1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the Research
1.4 Research Hypothesis
1.5 Significance of the research
1.6 Limitations of the research


2.1 Legal Environment of Business in Nigeria
2.2 Political Environment in Nigeria and Business growth
2.3 Government Regulatory Agencies and the Growth of Business
2.4 International Environment and the Growth of SSIs in Nigeria.
2.5 The classification of Business Enterprises in Nigeria and the SSIs.
2.6 Small-Scale Industry and Ambiguous concept.
2.7 Re-organization of Development Finance Institutions and the Funding of
SSIs in Nigeria
2.8 Commercial Banks and Assistance to SSIs in Nigeria
2.9 Measures by Government to enhance the access of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises to Institutional Credit.
2.10 Yar’Adua’s Administration and the funding of SMEs in Nigeria
2.11 Problems of SME operators and Adequate Collateral Securities
2.12 Government and the Expansion of Incentives to SME
2.13 The UNPP Assistance in SME Development in Nigeria (Programme
2.14 UNPP Assistance to Nigerian SMEs and their capacity Building
2.15 UNPP Assisted Program in Nigeria and the SME’s operational,
Financial, and Management Issues.
2.16 Impact of UNDP Assisted programs in Nigeria on the SMEs
2.17 Characteristics of small-scale Business in Nigeria
2.18 Problems of Small-Scale Business
2.19 Delegation of Authority in SSIs
2.20 The Role of SSIs in the Nigerian Economy
2.21 Nigeria’s Indigenization Policy and the Growth of SSIs in the country
2.22 Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and the growth of SSIs in Nigeria.
2.23 Privatization, Commercialization, and their impact on the Growth of SSIs in Nigeria.


3.1 Scope of the study
3.2 The Target population
3.3 The sample size
3.4 Research Design
3.5 Sampling method
3.6 Techniques for Data Analysis
3.7 Operational Definition of Terms


4.1 Government policy
4.2 Testing of Hypothesis


5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations



Nigeria is a mixed economy with a positive leaning towards a free-market economic system. The provisions of the Nigerian constitution (1999) summarize the objectives of this economic system, namely that:

The state shall control the national economy in such a manner as the secure the maximum welfare, freedom, and happiness of every citizen on the basis of social justice and equality of status and opportunity;

The state shall manage the major sectors of the economy (defense, currency, banking, import, export, military, aviation, railways, active part in other resources, agriculture, industrial development, etc)

The state shall, without prejudice to the right of any person to participate in areas within the major sector of the economy project the right of every citizen to engage in any economic activities outside the major sectors of the economy.

The state shall direct policy towards ensuring: The promotion of a planned and balanced economic development;
That the material resources of the community are harnessed and distributed as best as possible to serve the common good;

That the economic system is not operated in such a manner as to permit the concentration of wealth or means of production and exchange in the hands of few individuals or of a group;

That suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food, a reasonable national minimum living wage, old age care and pensions, and unemployment and sickness benefits are provided for all citizens.

It can be seen that the above national economic objective provides a marriage between the two principal economic systems- the market economy and the command economy. It provides checks and balances to ensure that the abuses.


Companies and Allied matters Decree, (1990), Federal Government Press, Lagos.
Decree No. 25, Privatization and Commercialization Decree, (1988), Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette No.42, vol. 75, Federal government press Lagos.
Effiong, J. E. (1985), The Nigerian Business Environment: An Introduction to Business and society in an African Economy.
Elegido, J. M. (1996), Fundamental of Business Ethics: A Developing Country Perspective. (Ibadan: Spectrum Books Limited?

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