I will never be happy. This can be a very tough concept to grasp. I used to think that happiness was something that should just happen naturally, and when it didn’t, I would feel down on myself. I lost sight of the fact that being grateful for what we already have can go a long way in making us happier people.

I will do everything I can to reach it, but I will know that my life is empty without it. I will look back at the things I’ve done and the things I could have done. But I won’t regret any of it because I have no regrets. It has been made clear to me that if you cannot find happiness in your life then you make your happiness.

No matter what happens in life, it can be tough to bear. Some things can make me happy, and others make me sad. Whatever the case may be, know that am never alone. These are I will never be happy quotes to set you on your way.

I will never be happy again. That might not be the most pleasant thing to hear, but it’s true. Sure, I can get out of bed tomorrow and go about my day, but I’ll never be truly happy again. So save yourself some time and don’t ask why I’m so unhappy, because you are wasting your breath.

1. I will never be happy. I will never find it. But as long as I’m living and my heart beats, I will keep trying.

2. I will never be happy. I will never lead a normal life. My emotions will always be in turmoil, and my mind is filled with confusion and melancholy.

3. I will never be happy; I will always feel this way, no matter how hard I try to fight it. The only thing that will ever make me happy is the act of struggling, so if you cannot accept this, then please don’t waste your time on me

4. I will never be happy if I don’t learn to accept being sad.

5. I’m tired of always being sad. I want to be happy, so I will never be happy.

6. I’ll never be happy; that’s how it is. It’s a part of life. It’s sad, but then again, it’s not. I don’t know how to improve it, but I’ll try my best to be strong.

7. While we may not have all our ducks in a row, I will never be happy until I get them all.

8. I won’t be happy until I learn to be just as strict with myself as I am with others.

9. I don’t want to be happy. I want the world to be good because that’s the only way it will be.

10. I will never be happy again. If I am to be unhappy, then it is only better that I should know how and why.

11. I will never be happy. I wish that were not true, but it is. I will never feel joy and laughter like these people on the internet do.

12. I will never be happy. I want to be loved and understood, but it turns out that everything is against me, that I have to battle with myself all day long.

13. I will never be happy with my thoughts and impulses, with other people whose ideas of what’s good are alien to mine.

14. I will never be happy because whenever someone tries to help me, I kill them—I poison their life with selfishness and spite.

15. I will never be happy till I have found someone who takes all my life’s unhappiness and gives it back to me doubled.

16. I will never be happy with my life as it is. Happiness is not a destination you reach. It is a journey.

17. I’ll never be happy. Happiness is a choice made from within.

18. I will never be happy unless I can appreciate the simple things in life—smiles, friendship, and great food.

19. Happiness is a choice. I will never be happy. They said we are the average of our five closest friends, but I’m not sure if that’s true. Maybe I am not very good at choosing close friends

20. I will never be happy unless I’m chasing my dreams. Otherwise, I’m already there! #quotes

21. Life is full of disappointments; there will always be things you don’t like. But I’ll never let the happiness of a moment cloud my mind. I’ll always remember where I’m going.

22. What I hate most is being content with a halfway life when the whole is still out of reach. It’s not a curse to be unhappy, but I must improve it.

23. I will never be happy. I will never be content, and I will never be fully satisfied with my life. There are always things I want to change, improve, and add to my life so that it’s better than what it was before. But the truth is, I have everything I need right now anyway.

24. I’ll never be happy. I’ll never be sad. I’ll be this way forever.

25. I will never be happy. I will never find that contentment. I will never see the reason why everything is fine and good.

26. I will never have a perfect day, night, or a perfectly great life, but I know that I can make it great.

27. Happiness doesn’t always mean a smile on your face. Sometimes sadness is all we need to feel alive again.

28. Happiness is not going to be found in any one place. It’s not even a person or an object, it’s just an idea.

29. Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy, no matter what. I will never be happy

30. Happiness is not something you seek; it is something you deserve. I will never be happy.

31. I will never be happy until I make each moment count.

32. I will never be happy unless I make other people so. If I could carry it to its logical conclusion, I’d not only desire that my neighbours should be happy, but also the people in foreign lands, and perhaps even those whose language I don’t understand.

33. I will never be happy unless I know that all living beings wish me well.

34. I will never be happy unless I have done my best to understand them and to sympathize with their sufferings.

35. I will never be happy unless I have done all that lies in my power to avoid hurting them.

36. Never be someone else’s idea of happiness because what makes them happy might make you miserable.

37. I will never be happy if I continue to search for what happiness consists of. I want it to come upon me unexpectedly and envelop me like a wave.

38. Happiness is a choice that does not depend on circumstances, income, or social status. I hope to live the rest of my life with focus and determination.

39. Happiness is the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s more than just a feeling. It’s an action and the way you live your life. I will never be happy.

40. I will never be happy if I think there is a single person who wishes me well.

41. I will never be happy unless I make people around me happy. Anyone can fall in love, but it takes someone special to make someone fall in love with them.

42. I will never be happy if I always agree with people. Let me alone study my truth and then try to live up to it.

43. I will never be happy when I always agree with people. I’ll learn the truth by myself and then live my life according to that.

44. I can only be happy when I am true to myself. Therefore, I must be allowed to find my truth and live out it.

45. No matter what anyone tells you, it is your job to make yourself happy.

46. Happiness is a choice. Your happiness is up to you and no one else. Embrace that you have this amazing power in yourself, and never give up on your happy-go-lucky attitude.

47. I will never be happy. There will always be something that is broken that can’t be fixed. I must accept that.

48. I will never be happy for a moment until I can share this happiness with another.

49. Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit.

50. I will never be happy. I am miserable, and unhappy with my life and everything that comes with it.

These I will never be happy quotes are a cathartic reminder that I need to stay in tune with my feelings. If am feeling down, bad or sad, I don’t try to push those feelings away. I let myself feel whatever it is that I am going through. I can’t always control what is happening in my life, but I can control how I react to those things.

Let me know what you think about these I will never be happy quotes in the comment section below. Thanks.

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