– Role of Cooperative Societies in Women Empowerment and Rural Development –

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The term has always been a subject of discussion among and policy maker particularly after the failure of trickledown theory implemented during idemili planned development programmes which could not benefit women equally along with men.

The role of cooperatives in the is contested in the idemili context, however, several studies show that it has provided women the necessary space and support for promoting economic self-reliance developing self confidence.

Overcoming exploration and taking effective steps towards achieving greater control over their lives, this paper put forward how cooperatives have received extensive recognition as suitable institutional mechanized women and enabling them to play a significant role in the process of sustainable economic development opportunities for the members of the people of idemili in general.

The paper also highlighted the role of cooperative as economic agents of change leading to economic emancipation, developing leadership qualities promoting financial and social inclusion and ultimately leading to women’s empowerment by giving the ability to make strategic choice in their lives.

It also discusses the government initiatives as well as opportunities and led cooperative in idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra state.


Title page   i

Approval page        ii

Dedication        iii

Acknowledgement      iv

Table of content  v

Abstract            vi


1.0          Introduction        1

1.1          Background of the study    1

1.2          statement of the problem    4

1.3          Objectives of the study      5

1.4          Research question   6

1.5          Hypothesis formulation     6

1.6   Significance of the study

1.7   Scope of the study           7

1.8          limitation of the study    8

1.9   Definition of terms   8


2.0 Introduction       11

2.1women and development in Nigeria

2.2 Women’s empowerment: a conceptual understanding

2.3 Recognize rural women as agent of change

2.4 Strengthen rural women’s right to property land

2.5 Nicowa, empowering Nigeria women through co-operative

2.6 Repositioning women through co-operative societies

2.7 Women empowerment in Idemili North

2.8 Social exclusion of Idemili North women.

2.9 Success, failure and prospects for women entrepreneurs.



3.1      Introduction to the study

3.2      Research design and method      35

3.3      Area of the study     35

3.4      Population of the study        36

3.5     Instrument for data collection

3.6    Sample and sample technique   36

3.7    Method of data analysis

3.8    Validation of instrument

3.9    Reliability of instrument   38

3.10    Method of data analysis       38



4.1 Presentation and analysis of data

4.2 Testing of hypothesis

4.3 Summary of result



5.1 Summary of the Findings            59

5.2 Conclusion             61

References        65

Appendix           66



are perceived as household property that joins land in economic activities of their families with regard to exchange in marriage participation in agricultural activities and other areas that yield money.

Azikiwe 1992 Esere, 2011 in sociological perspective. The modern day Nigerian women take part in important economic activities to the benefits of their families and entire nation.

Family is a basic social group united through bonds of kinship or marriage; it is present in all societies. Ideally, the family provides its members with corresponding author, E-mail, [email protected] Protection, companionship, security, and socialization.

The in addition to child rearing and home management engage mostly in trading, craft and distribution of goods from other countries.

This becomes necessary as a result of gradual decline in the Nigerian economy which led to mass . High cost of living accompanied by high inflation rate.

Amali 2007, women have limited access to socio-economic rights and privileges. They enjoy lower social status and are encumbered by harmful traditional practices to exhibit their potential.

Federal government of Nigeria 1996, they still suffer discrimination and marginalization through denials of rights and ownership, access to credit facilities and farm input.


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