– The Role of Non-Governmental Organization on the Development of Rural Areas – 

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This study gives a suitable detail on The Role Of Non-Governmental Organization On The Development Of Rural Areas (A Case Study Of Owerri West Local government Area). In handling our topic, we have framed it into five chapters.

Chapter one bordered on introduction, which contains background of the study, research questions, statement of problems, statement of hypothesis, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation and definition of terms.

Chapter two concentrated on literature review which is made up of introduction.  Chapter three dealt on research design and methodology which contains introduction, research design, sources/methods of data collection, population and sample size, sample techniques, validity and reliability of measuring instrument and method of data analysis.

Chapter four centered on presentation and analysis of data which contains introduction, presentation of data, analysis of data, test of hypothesis and interpretation of result, and lastly, chapter five is summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations


Title Page

Approval Page




Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE Introduction

  • Background of the Study
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Research Question
  • Objective of the Study/Purpose /Significance of the Study
  • Scope of the Study
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Definition of Terms

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review

CHAPTER THREE Research Design and Methodology

  • Introduction
  • Research Design and Methodology
  • Sources of Data
  • Method of Data Collection
  • Sampling Method/Techniques
  • Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument Validity
  • Method of Data Analysis

CHAPTER FOUR Data Presentation and Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Presentation and Analysis of Data According to Questions

CHAPTER FIVE Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Summary of Findings
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations




It is no exaggeration to state from the beginning that our rural arrears have been deliberately milked to impoverishment and to the advantages of the urban areas. This ugly condition of the rural area dates back to the colonial era of Nigeria under the British government.

This was inherited at independence and carried along successive government during the abundant natural resources in the rural areas were explored. Any attempts to develop such areas, the political and administrative institution were public decision making.

Power in reality was more concentrated and centralized that dispersed especially at the as a result of this type of political structure,

This was a clear demarcation between the . The urban areas being the were developed at the expense of the rural areas.  In recent times, the issue of rural development has become crucial in the political, social and .


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