Friendship is one of the most powerful forces in the world. That’s why it is important to invest time and energy into friendships, even when people are busy or far away. It is one thing to say that you will remember your friends in hard times, or be someone’s shoulder to cry on — but it’s another to show it.

We all need a friend who believes that we can do anything. Someone who gives us encouragement and hugs when we are feeling down, someone to visit when life feels overwhelming or confusing, someone who works hard to make sure we have everything we need, and we all have friends that we would do anything for.

But, sometimes you may have to do something that seems difficult. Telling them that you will never leave their side is a big commitment and can be pretty scary. But with these quotes, you will find yourself inspired to take the leap and tell your friends that they can always count on you.

If you want to express your friendship with the person who means the most to you, use these I will always be there for you friend quotes below. This collection features a warm tone that lets your friends know you’re there for them, always.

I will always be there for you, my friend. There’s no need to worry about a thing because I am in your corner. I will always be by your side and cheer you on whenever you need me to. You are one of the best friends I have ever had, and I love you.

1. I will always be there for you, friend. When you are worried and stressed out, I can calm your mind. When you are happy and feeling joyous, I can share your feelings with tears in my eyes.

2. I will always be there for you, friend. Even when the world seems like it’s falling apart, I am right here with you.

3. You are always in my heart and soul. You mean the world to me, and I will always be there for you, friend.

4. I mean it when I say that you can count on me. If there’s anything at all I can do to help, just let me know.

5. Friend, I will always be there for you. I promise always to be there when you need me, and I’ll be the shoulder you lean on when you feel like no one is around.

6. I’m a friend who is always there for you, no matter what. You can count on me if you need to talk about your problems or just want to hang out. No matter what happens, I will always be there for you.

7. You are my friend, and I will always be there for you. Nothing can change this. Even when we fight or when the world seems against us, I will be there. So remember, I’m always here for you.

8. I will be there when you laugh, cry, and smile. I will always stand by your side and listen to you when everyone else has stopped caring.

9. A friend is someone who understands the joys of your heartaches and knows when your tears are just for show. I will always be there for you, friend.

10. I will always be there for you, friend. I’ll never leave your side.

11. We all have that one true friend who is there for us through thick and thin. Life is full of ups and downs, but I will always be there for you, friend.

12. I will always be there for you, friend. I’ll be your wingman when you need a good time, your reminder when you need to call home, and your best friend who is always there.

13. You’re always in my thoughts, and I hope you know that I will always be there for you, friend.

14. I promise to keep you company in the darkest times because that’s when you need a friend most.

15. I will always be there for you, friend. Right by your side, no matter what. You’re my best friend.

16. I’ll always be there for you. You are a real friend, always there when I need you. Thank you.

17. Hi Friend, I am always here for you. Whether you need something good to read or want to find a new place in the world, I’m always here for you.

18. I will always be there for you, friend. I’ll be there to listen and help, to care and encourage. But as much as I want to help you, sometimes I just can’t do it alone. The help and wisdom of others are so important, too.

19. I will always be there for you, friend. I would do anything for you. Words cannot express how much your friendship means to me. You are such a great friend, and I am honoured to have someone like you in my life. I appreciate all that you do for me, and I know that the feeling is mutual.

20. I will always be there for you, my friend. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

21. When I think of you, I feel like your humour and playful nature are infectious. I hope all of my smiles and laughter will make you feel joyful.

22. I will always be there for you, friend. I will offer my shoulder and support whenever needed. I hope that we can grow together as friends and help each other get through this crazy journey called life.

23. Some friends are there when you need them, but there’s a rare breed who will always be there for you. No matter what the situation, they’ll always be happy to lend an ear and help out.

24. I am not the most eloquent speaker, but I can tell you this: you have been a great friend to me. I will always be there for you, friend.

25. I will always be there for you, friend. I can be your shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, and a warm hug when you’re going through something hard. Let’s go out for ice cream or take a walk down the beach together.

26. I will always be there for you, friend. As long as you are happy and safe, I will be there for you. Thank you for being a great friend to me.

27. I’ll always be there, friend. Through thick and thin, all of the ups and downs. I may not always understand you completely and sometimes I may say things that hurt you, but at the end of the day, you know I love you.

28. My friend, you are the life of the party, always there to help out with a smile, a good joke, and an open ear. I will always be there for you.

29. My dear friend, you know that I’ll always be there for you, right? Even if you can’t see or hear me, I’ll always be there with you.

30. I might not be there in person, but I will always be there for you. Reach out to me whenever you need me, I and I’ll be right here ready to listen.

31. I will always be there for you, friend. I know that you and I are a perfect match. We are two peas in a pod, two dogs on a leash, and two sticks of butter in a tub.

32. I will always be there for you, friend. Your knowledge, your honesty, and your patience have been invaluable to me throughout the years. And I appreciate all that you do for me and everyone else.

33. I will always be there for you, friend. No matter what and through thick and thin.

34. I will always be there for you, friend. I just want to say that words cannot express how much you mean to me. You are my everything, and I don’t know where I would be without you in my life.

35. If you only knew how much we appreciate you. I will always be there for you, friend. No matter how long it takes, no matter where I am, and no matter what is happening in my life, I will always be there to listen and help you through any problems you’re having. My door is always open.

36. I will always be there for you, friend. It doesn’t have to be easy all the time, but I hope it will always feel right.

37. I believe in the importance of friendship, and that every person is valuable. I am always there for you, friend.

38. I’ll be there when the world has turned its back on you. When you have nothing left and everything is gone, turn to me; and I won’t leave you.

39. I hope that we can always be there for each other, through all the good times and bad.

40. I’m always there for you, friend. You can trust me whenever. All I want is for you to be safe, happy, and healthy. Go ahead and vent your frustrations on me because everyone needs somebody to talk to sometimes.

41. I am here for you no matter what, even if it’s in the middle of the night. Thank you for being there for me too.

42. When you need a friend, I’ll be there for you. No matter what happens in your life, I will always be there for you, friend.

43. I will always be there for you, friend, to hold your hand. I am here to listen, lend you a shoulder to cry on, give you an ear to listen, and help if at all possible.

44. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I can tell you that I will always be there for you at this very moment.

45. I may not be physically there to hold you when you are sad, but I am always there for you.

46. You are one of the most important people in my life. I will always be there for you, friend.

47. I will always be there for you because you are my good friend. I will listen, I will celebrate with you, and I will mourn with you when things aren’t going well. Whether we have just met or have been friends for a long time, I’m happy to support you in any way that I can.

48. I’m a good listener and always there when you need me. You can count on me to be your friend. Besides being a great friend, I’m also very reliable.

49. I will always be there for you, friend. No matter what, I’ll be there to help pick up the pieces and see you through it all.

50. I am here for you through thick and thin, good times and bad. I will always be there for you, friend.

51. You have a friend in me. I will always be there for you, friend. Thank you for always being there when I need you. I love and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.

52. I’ve been your friend for a long time now, through thick and thin. We’ve laughed together and we’ve cried together. You were there for me when no one else was, and you were the shoulder I cried on when mine broke down. Thank you for being a rockstar of friendship.

53. A friend is many things. A comfort and a companion, a teacher and a guide. A smile, a laugh, and inspiration. But most importantly, you are my friend – and it will always be so.

54. I will always be there for you, friend. Our friendship is the best one I ever had. I am your friend and friends are always there to support you in good times, bad times, and even the dark times. You can count on my goodwill, I will always be there for you.

55. Whether we are looking for advice, comfort, or company, we all need friends. I will always be there for you, friend. I promise to be your rock, guide, and support through anything.

56. We are so lucky to have you as a friend. I will always be there for you, no matter what life throws at us.

57. You are my friend, and I will always be there for you. In the end, all we have is friends. And the thing with friends is it doesn’t matter how far they come, or how much time they stay, they will always be there for you.

58. Friends are the family you get to choose. I will always be there for you, friend.

59. I will always be there for you. Whenever you feel down, or need a friend to confide in, I am here.

60. I am always there when you need me, my friend. Maybe this is just me, but I think your life is about to change for the better.

61. I will always be there for you, friend. You can count on me to help you and listen to your problems, even if it’s late at night or early in the morning. There is nothing that can break my friendship with you.

62. I will always be there for you, friend. I think it’s important that we talk about our feelings and get them out in the open so that we can work through any issues that may arise. I know things won’t always be perfect, but I want to hear what’s going on.

63. Friends are forever, and so is the love I have for you. Always know that if you need a friend, I’m here.

64. I will always be there for you, friend. No matter what happens, when you’re feeling down and need someone to talk to, I’ll be that person. When you’re happy and want to share your happiness with others, I’ll be the one cheering you on. Because that’s what friends do.

65. Friend, I will always be there for you. A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have. Best friends forever!

66. I will always be there for you, friend. You can count on me to listen when you need it and give you the advice you need. I understand that sometimes life can get difficult, so I’m here to make things better.

67. I will always be there for you, friend. You’re my favourite person in the world, and I love you so much.

68. I will always be there for you, friend. You can count on me to be part of your life journey.

69. I will always be there for you, friend. You don’t have to say anything, we can sit in silence together with complete understanding.

70. I’m here for you, friend. You can always talk to me. Though we may not see each other often, I always have a place in my heart for you.

71. I’ll always be there for you, friend. You can count on me, no matter where life takes us.

72. I’ll always be here for you. You can count on me to be your biggest cheerleader or your biggest fan. Either way, I’m by your side.

73. There are times when life gets stressful and the only thing you can do is lean on your friends. It’s important to have those people in your life that you can count on no matter what happens because they’ll always be there for you.

74. I will always be there for you, friend. You can depend on me to listen, support, and have your back—through good times and bad.

75. One of the best things about being a friend is having someone there for you when you need them. I will always be there for you, friend.

76. You’re my friend, and I will always be there for you. Let’s celebrate.

77. You’re my best friend, and I know that no matter what happens, you will be there with me. I love you, friend.

78. I could not find a more caring and thoughtful friend. Always there for me, through thick and thin. What a great friend you are to have.

79. I am comfortable and happy with who I am. I love my life, and I hope you do too. You are an important part of that life. Although time hasn’t changed our friendship, it has been a pleasure knowing you through the years.

80. I will always be there for you, friend. I will be your shoulder to cry on or your voice of reason in times of stress. No matter what, I would love to see you through all the tough times, so let me know if you ever need anything.

81. In this world where it can be easy to feel alone and isolated, I’ll always be there for you, my sweet friend.

82. Just remember, I’m here for you. I will always be there to lend an ear and support you in any way I can.

83. I will always be there for you, friend. I’ll help you out of tough situations, cheer you up when you’re down, and always be there for a call. We are best friends who will stand by each other through thick and thin.

84. You’re not alone. I will always be there for you, friend. When I’m not there in person, I’ll be right here with a virtual hug.

85. I will always be there for you, friend. I am your friend, and will always try to be there for you in the ways that matter most.

86. I will always be there for you, friend. We might not see each other often, but I’ll always be there in spirit and if it’s possible, physically.

87. I’ll listen to you, laugh with you, and cry with you. When you’re on a winning streak, I’ll celebrate with you. When things are tough, I’ll help you through it.

88. I will always be there for you, friend. You can count on me to listen and to care, even if the world seems dark. I’m here for your happiness, whether you’re having a good day or a bad one.

89. I will always be there for you. I am your friend and always will be. I enjoy our time together, so much that I want you to know how much you mean to me.

90. We met through our love of travel and adventure. You have been there for me when I needed it most, and I hope that you know how much you mean to me.

91. I will always be there for you, friend. From your first day in the world to your last, I’ll be by your side. Whether it’s getting a new haircut or moving away and starting over, let me help you make new memories.

92. I will always be there for you, friend. You’re the kind of person who makes me feel happy and special.

93. I will always be there for you, friend. You are like a sister to me, and I hope we can be friends for years and years to come. May God bless you with happiness.

94. You are my best friend. I will always be there for you, through thick and thin. I can’t imagine my life without you.

95. I am always there for my friends and family. I like to help others when they need me, by offering a helping hand or listening ear whenever they ask me. I would also keep my word, and be honest with you at all times. Even though it may hurt, I will stand up for what is right.

96. You know that I will be there for you, no matter what. There’s nothing better than having a friend that can be honest with you and always make you feel better, no matter how hard things get.

97. If you’re looking for a close friend with great listening skills and the ability to make friends, I am your perfect companion.

98. Friends are the family you choose. They can be the greatest blessing or the heaviest burden, but no matter what, they will always be there for you.

99. I will always be there for you, friend. I promise to help you through life’s challenges and support you 100 per cent. You are my rock, my cheerleader, and my confidant. I love you so much.

100. I will always be there for you, friend. When you’re hurting, I’ll be there to comfort you. When you’re scared, I’ll be there to help you through it. When you need me, no matter what time of day or night, I’ll come running.

Hello there. I hope the collection of I will always be there for you friend quotes inspired you to always be there for your friend. I would love to read from you, so please drop your comment below. Thank you.

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