– Production Planning and Control in a Manufacturing Concern – 

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This research was designed to find out how in a manufacturing concern can be improved to achieve the organizational aims and objectives.

This therefore draws the attention of establishment/ organization that practice it to realize the beat way for effective proper production planning and control needed for the operations.

This led to the purpose of the study, which include the which deals with determination what product or service to produce. How the new material and equipment are to be obtained and maintained

Questionnaires and interviews were the main research instrument contained (13) questions, which were analyzed. Random samplings were the sampling techniques used in drawing the sample from the population.


Title page     i

Approval page     ii

Dedication       iii

Acknowledgement   iv

Abstract     v

Table of content        vi


1.1          Background of study 1

  • Statement of study 2
  • Objective of study 3
  • Research question 3
  • Significance of study              5
  • Scope and delimitation                5
  • Limitation of study 6
  • Definitions of terms 8


  • Literature review                 9

2.1          The development of the production plan                                             9

  • Production control system and documentation             10
  • What is production control 12
  • Principles of effective production control 12
  • Controlling surplus stocks 13
  • Quality control                 14
  • Cost of quality assurance                 14
  • Quality control and it techniques 15
  • The need for quality control 16
  • Techniques of quality control 17
  • Material requirement planning 17


  • Research design and methodology 19

3.1         Introduction            19

  • Research design /method                 19
  • Sources of data 20
  • Method of data collection                 21
  • Population of study and sample determination                              22
  • Sampling techniques/procedure                23
  • Validity and reliability of measurement instrument                24
  • Methods of data /statistical analysis                 24

Questionnaires      25


  • Presentation and analysis of data 29

4.1          Methods of analysis- sample %                                 29


  • Summary of findings, Recommendation and Conclusion 39

5.1          Summary of findings          39

  • Conclusion                 40
  • Recommendation                 42

Bibliography        44


The production function deals with determining what product or , how the are to be obtained, acquiring layout and maintaining the physical facilities needed for the operation.

It involves changing input getting output at a very reasonable cost at the right quality price and time  Before an entrepreneur get into business one of the things he must consider before getting into business is to develop a production plan.

The entrepreneur has to think of the , shape, models, and kind of raw materials to be used and in what proportion.

What is the most appropriate technology required machines to be purchased leased or borrowed and what infrastructure facilities must be available before production actually starts. Any mistake that the entrepreneur makes at this point of planning stage count to be too costly.


Charles Grogs & Ratterson R.J“Business forcating” Houguton Mithin Co. page 217

Emil oolf, suresh T & Karams s. “Organization and management” Macdonald and Evans Publishing 1985 page 76

Glose R.E. teade R.D &  Lowry J.T: Business; its nature an environment An introduction”    out Eastern Publishing Co. Cincinnati Ohio 1976 page 288

Hoggeth R.H:“Production management and supervisor 4th edition  (London: G. Bell  and sons Ltd 1983 page 44).

Nwachukwu C.C:“The practice of entrepreneurship in Nigeria” Africana    Frp Publish Ltd. 1990 page 159)

Peter baily & David Farmer:“Purchasing principles and management 4th edition (Massachusett Pilman publisher Inc. 1982 page 32)

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