By praying, we get closer to God. Prayer strengthens our relationship with God because it allows us to communicate with him. It’s only one of the numerous ways we may learn more about him. We’ve compiled a series of prayer for happiness here to guide you through.

1. Morning Prayer to Start the Day off With Happiness

Our heavenly Father,

Please grant our requests for happiness, and let your enduring spirit to accompany us. Please give us your kind kindness to start the day. We are grateful that anytime we sought earthly bliss out of selfishness, you brought us back to your light.

Lead us to your everlasting beauty by orchestrating our lives and pointing us in the proper route. While we are doing the purpose you have given us, awaken our souls and assist us in finding serenity. Oh God, you alone are the highest, and you alone are worthy of our adoration. Amen.

2. Morning Prayer to Find Rest and Happiness

Oh God,

Please assist me to find rest and happiness within your plan, give me for joy in every moment. Make my lips smile more broadly as I consider relocating to a beautiful, sunny location. Let me start each day with anticipation for everything that the world has to offer.

Please assist me in finding happiness, success, and peace in life. Help me to enjoy each day and recognize the splendor of your creation. Teach me to reach out to everyone I encounter and to be grateful for everyone in my life.

Teach me how to perceive happiness in all of its innumerable manifestations. Help me to be happy every second of every day while I go about my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

3. Prayer for Friends, Family, and Loved Ones to Be Happy

Kind Father,

I have faith in you despite the difficulties the globe is facing right now. I know you can handle anything, and I also know you can make any situation better. Even if an enemy sets up camp against me, my heart will no longer shudder in fear.

Even if evil rise against me, I will praise your name and put my faith in you. I won’t be afraid of the devil’s tricks. I have unbounded faith in your ability to keep me safe from all of my enemies. I have faith that you would eliminate all of my aches, lift my despair, and give me complete tranquility. I appreciate you, dad. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Heavenly Father,

I’m grateful that you are the foundation on which I may construct my life. Thank you for being my stronghold, safe haven, and savior. Lord, give me the fortitude I need to keep running the race that is before me.

Every day I pray for joy, bravery, and strength. While I am aware that there may be difficult times, I am also aware that with You, anything is conceivable.

I want to lead a fulfilling life that exemplifies Your goodness. Encourage me to do so and assist me in doing so with joy and satisfaction despite difficulties. I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

4. Basking in God’s Love

Loving Christ,

I’m not going to allow sadness into my life. I accept your joy, peace, and happiness. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, according to your word. The previous order of things is no longer in effect, thus there won’t be any more death, lamentation, weeping, or suffering.

I so ask for your grace to be extended to me. Bless me with happiness and joy. Even in adversities, fill my heart with joy and pleasure. Be there for me when I’m struggling. Please save me, my friends, and the people I love with your right hand outstretched.

Cast all your worries on him since he cares about you, your command says. I now commit all of my suffering, melancholy, dissatisfaction, and grief into your hands. calm down my fear and worries. This I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Forever Loving Father,

My heart shall exult in Your salvation, according to Your word. So please help me through these difficult moments. I’ve committed to loving and serving you. Without your grace in my life, I have no hope.

I, therefore, present to you all of my sufferings and difficulties. Lord, deliver me from all temptations and guide me in all that I do. I won’t give in to anxiety or unhappiness. I won’t give in to the devil’s temptations because I know you can deliver me from every ailment. God, you are so good to answer my requests. Amen.

5. The Happiness Prayer

Dear Joy Giver,

All we ask is that You “Grant us, O Lord, the royalty of inner joy and the peace that comes from being near you. In order for us to be diffusers of life and to meet all ills and cross accidents with gallant and high-hearted happiness, we must daily renew our sense of joy and allow the eternal spirit of the Father to dwell in our souls and bodies, filling every corner of our hearts with light and grace. We will also constantly give thanks to the Father for everything. Take glory forever. In Jesus, name, Amen.

Most Gracious God,

I come before you, loving Jesus, in these challenging times. Stand by me this morning and support me while I endure my afflictions. Don’t withhold your joy, happiness, or tranquility from me.

Grant me the desires of my heart and respond to my prayers. Take the suffering away from my area. And grant me understanding of your word. God bless you, Jesus. Amen.

6. I Need Your Spirit Prayer

“Dear God, how I long for the joy of Your Spirit. I have sought happiness according to the world. I have chased what they promised would bring me joy and happiness. I have purchased fine things and traveled to far-away places. But all of this is vanity. All of this will perish, but You alone are eternal. Only You can fill the void in our hearts. Help us to rest in Your arms. Amen.”

7. Prayer for Love, Peace, and Happiness

Dear Lord,

I ask that you lead me to peace and happiness. Lead me away from hate and toward love. From war, give me peace. Lead me from death to eternal life. When I suffer despair and fear, lead me to hope and trust. Lead me away from falsehood and toward your truth. Allow peace to fill my heart, my life and my world. Amen.

8. A Prayer for Relief

Lord Jesus,

You teach us in Your word to ask and it will be given. I come to You as a gazelle flees from the lion. My enemies pursue me and calamity follows me everywhere. No matter where I hide, they come and find me.

All news seems to be bad news, and I have been broken. Be as a fortress for me, good Lord. Hide me behind Your watchful towers, and deliver me from misery. In Your name. Amen.

9. A Prayer for Your Love

Gracious God,

You came to abundantly offer life. Your love is known to all of creation. You feed the flying creatures with your hand. You command the skies to rain down water on the land. Through out this year, I want to bask in Your love, because it is greater than all and You do not let your own see shame. 

You embellish the field’s lilies. Lord, help me to understand Your love. Remove the gloom and vanity from my heart and saturate me with Your love. Teach me Your methods so that I may honor Your sacred name by following them. Amen.

10. Save Me from Hurting Heart

Father in Heaven,

My heart is broken to bits. It feels impossible to get through each day. Going through the motions from sunrise to dusk. I don’t always understand the point of it all. I don’t want to dwell in this situation, therefore,  I come to you my Lord, because I find my comfort in you alone.

Yet, you seem so far away today. God, mend my heart. That is all I ask. Please heal me of this hurting heart. So that I can bear fruit in the delight of Your Spirit, please let me be a branch on Your vine. Amen.

11. A Prayer to Fill My Heart

Dear God, despite my best efforts, I am unable to be happy. Been searching the depths and valleys of my heart, but there is nothing there. You feel so far away from me. I search for You out in my life, but I cannot find You anywhere.

I long for Your loving embrace. I long to see your face. Break into my life, Lord. Seek out my heart and fill it with your presence. Fill my soul as You filled the Holy of Holies. Amen.

12. A Prayer for the Right Attitude

Everlasting God,

I have noticed that life has taken a toll on my outlook on life. Those who hound and oppress me have embittered me. I have not loved You with the fullness of my heart, nor have I loved my neighbor as You have commanded me.

I am all-around a miserable person, lashing out at others. Soften my heart, Lord. Help me to rest in Your finished work, that united to You by faith I might be conformed to Your image. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Heavenly God,

As I live my days on earth in preparation for everlasting life, grant me happiness and contentment in my work and relationships.

Help me live a meaningful life and teach me to leave my influence here on earth, the same way that your Son, Jesus, lived his days like us mortals. These I ask, through my prayers for happiness. Amen.

13. Joy And Happiness to Dry My Tears Prayer

Father in heaven,

As you wipe the tears from my face, hear my pleas for happiness and aid in my pursuit of the truth. Help me not to feel overwhelmed by all the difficulties I am going through. Take away this constant tears from my hear, Please give this happiness and inner joy which I earn for. 

God, keep me free from the devil’s sway and purify my mind so that I can act in ways that will glorify and respect your holy name. Please answer my prayers and help me achieve happiness via your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

14. High-Hearted Happiness Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Lift my spirit to the highest point in the sky, hear my cries for joy, and let me see the wider picture of my existence. Lighten the burden I am now bearing and assist me in drawing strength from you, my everlasting source. 

I want to experience the kind of happiness that is beyond human understanding, please help me that my happiness will not be tied to the situations around me. Please remind me of all the victories I have attained with your powerful assistance. Bring joy into my life, and save me from giving all to the evil ones’ plans. Amen.

15. Prayer to Surrender Everything

Oh Lord,

You are my hope in difficult times. You encourage me and give me cause for optimism when I am carrying heavy loads. My heart is joyfully filled through you. Everything that occurs, I believe, is a part of your design. I’m struggling under my load, but I know that you are there to help me and lead me through it all.

Whatever happens today, I am confident that I shall experience your unending joy when it does. Knowing that I am carrying out your instructions will make me joyful even when I struggle and encounter challenges. Blessings and assistance are requested as I try to learn more about you.

16. Prayer of Happiness for a Sorrowful One

Merciful God,

Please answer my pleas for joy and shower your abundant joy upon those who are struggling. Your generosity will surround them, and it will alter their outlook on life. Point them in the direction of your justice, and do not allow evil triumph. 

Let them feel your love and help them to trust you again, please grant them healing. Dear Father, accept your people’s repentance and their loyalty to you as the one genuine rescuer.

You transformed my life, and I think you can transform theirs as well. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I humbly pray for all of these. In Jesus name, Amen

17. A Request for God’s Love

Dear God,

I’m grateful that you are the origin of all love and righteousness. I’m grateful that You, the living God, sent Jesus Christ to die so that I may have my sins forgiven and a genuine, loving connection with You.

As I navigate this world, please help me to sense Your love. In the middle of conflict, it might be challenging for me to link what I know in my head—that You love me—with what I feel and how I feel.

The human heart is strong but unstable. Help me to experience the Holy Spirit and have my Christian sisters and brothers continually remind me of Your love.

You are living water and I am thirsty, I come to You in prayer so that I may fill up in the spring. Keep my focus on You at all times so I never forget how much You love me and always will. I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Dear Father,

Giver of life and joy. I confess my sins and come before you today as a sinner. I appreciate you keeping me alive all these years. May you always be remembered with honor, kind and loving Father, Your word declares, “Oh, how I love your law! ” Please help me to always learn and comprehend it. I think about it all day.

Therefore, please give me happiness during this difficult period by allowing me to meditate on your word. I fervently ask that your joy fill my heart and the hearts of my loved ones and friends. Bless us with whatever we require, and make your word a source of joy in our life.

Fill my family, friends, and me with unbridled joy by your word. I trust and believe that You’re the only source of joy and happiness. Thank You Lord, be thou exalted. In Jesus name, Amen.


There is no end to the advantages of prayer. We can gain direction in life through prayer. It can keep us from making poor choices and committing sin. We can learn to submit to God’s will through it.

In those moments when you’re lost on what to pray about or which direction to touch, we hope these prayers here will guide you to talk to your heavenly father.

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