Effectiveness of Audit Report on the Improvement of Financial Management in Federal Parastatals.


The “Effectiveness of Audit Report on Improvement of  Financial  Management  in  Nigeria Federal Parastatals with emphasis on the educational system  in  Nigeria.

The study aims at determining or examining the effectiveness of audit report  in improvement of financial management in the Federal Parastatals particularly the Educational System in Nigeria.

It is thus set out to achieve objectives among which are; (i) to identify the major challenges confronting auditors from giving effective audit reports (ii) to examine the extent to which auditors independence is infringed upon by the hospitality or public relation practices of some Parastatal of Federal Ministry of Education.

It also set out to answer research questions including (i) what are the  major  challenges  confronting  auditor from giving effective reports to the Federal Parastatals in Education Sector in Nigeria (ii) what is the extent to which auditors independence is infringed upon by the hospitality or public relation.

To properly guide the work, four research hypotheses were formulated: (i) wrong choice of audit firm, audit fees, lack of independence  and  registering of audit firms under different names constitute the major  challenges confronting auditors in effective audit reports.

Non disclosures  of  classified information available to the auditors of Federal Parastatals in Education  Sectors  in  Nigeria in their audit report significantly affects the effectiveness of this report among others.

The survey research design was adopted in this study. The primary source of data was employed and the instrument of data collection was  the  questionnaire.  The population of the study is made up accounting officers, internal audit staff and other staff of the studied parastatals.

The Taro Yamane’s formula was used in selecting the sample size 476. The respondents was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Specifically, the hypothesis was tested using chi-square, multiple linear regressions, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

These were done through the application of the computer based statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 software.

The major findings of  this  research  includes normal or symmetrically distributed (Z = 1.250, p < 0.05) information from the Auditors of the federal parastatals that Wrong choice of audit firm.

Audit Fees, Lack of Independence and Registering of Audit Firms Under Different Names, all constitute the major challenges confronting auditors in giving effective audit reports.

Normal or symmetrically distributed (Z = 1.869, p < 0.05) information  from  the  Accounting  Officers & other staff of the federal parastatals that Non-disclosure of classified information available to the auditors of federal parastatals in the education sector  in Nigeria in their audit reports significantly affects the effectiveness of  these  reports,  among others.

The study concluded that management of public fund at  the  various  Federal Parastatals in Education Sector in Nigeria is weak.

It is therefore recommended  that government of Nigeria should establish a supervisory body in auditing  specially meant for monitoring and controlling the finances of its parastatals.


Title page — — — — — — — — i
Declaration — — — — — — — — ii
Approval page — — — — — — — — iii
Dedication — — — — — — — — iv
Acknowledgements — — — — — — — v
Abstract — — — — — — — — vi
Table of contents — — — — — — — — viii
List of tables — — — — — — — — xii
List of figures — — — — — — — — xiv


1.1 Background of the Study — — — — — 1
1.2 Statement of Research Problem — — — — 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study — — — — — 3
1.4 Research Questions — — — — — 4
1.5 Research Hypotheses — — — — — 4
1.6 Scope of the Study — — — — — — 5
1.7 Significance of the Study — — — — — 5
1.8 Limitations of the Study — — — — — 6
1.9 Definition of Terms — — — — — — 7
1.9.1 Audit & Auditing — — — — — — 7
1.9.2 Audit Report — — — — — — 7
1.9.3 Financial Management — — — — — — 7
1.9.4 Parastatals — — — — — — — 8
References — — — — — — — — 9


2.1 Introduction — — — — — — — 10
2.2 Conceptual Framework — — — — — 10
2.2.1 The Concept of Audit and Auditing — — — — 11
2.2.2 Defining Audit and Auditing — — — — — 12
2.2.3 Distinctions between Financial Audit and a Review Service 13
2.2.4 Financial Accounting Auditors, Fraud and Investigation Auditors and Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examinations 14
2.2.5 Financial Auditors — — — — — — 16
2.2.6 Fraud and Investigation Auditors — — — — 17
2.2.7 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination — — 18
2.2.8 Auditors’ Duties and the Concept of Audit Expectation Gaps (AEGs) – 19
2.2.9 Giving an Opinion on the Fairness of Financial Statements 20
2.2.10 National Universities Commission — — — — 23
2.2.11 National Mathematical Centre — — — — 24
2.3 Giving an Opinion on the Company’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern – 26
2.3.1 Giving an Opinion on the Company’s Internal Control System – 26
2.3.2 Giving an Opinion on the Occurrence of Fraud — — 27
2.3.3 Audit Report — — — — — — 27
2.3.4 Basic Elements of an Audit Report — — — — 28
2.3.5 Report Title — — — — — — 28
2.3.6 Introductory Paragraph — — — — — — 29
2.3.7 Scope Paragraph — — — — — — 29
2.3.8 Executive Summary — — — — — — 29
2.3.9 Opinion Paragraph — — — — — — 29
2.4 Auditor’s Name — — — — — — — 29
2.4.1 Auditor’s Signature — — — — — — 30
2.4.2 Types of Audit Reports — — — — — — 30
2.4.3 Requirements for Unqualified opinion — — — 30
2.4.4 Qualified (unclean) opinion — — — — — 31
2.4.5 Auditor’s Report containing a Qualified Opinion — — 31
2.4.6 Auditor’s Report containing an Adverse Opinion — — 31
2.4.7 Auditor’s Report Containing a Disclaimer of Opinion — 32
2.4.8 Meaning and Framework of Public Financial Management 32
2.4.9 Theoretical Framework — — — — — — 35
2.5 Agency Theory — — — — — — — 35
2.5.1 Two Perspectives of Accountability — — — — 37
2.5.2 Empirical Review — — — — — — — 38
2.5.3 Gap in the Reviewed Literature — — — — — 44
2.5.4 Summary of Literature Review — — — — — 47
References — — — — — — — — 50


3.0 Introduction — — — — — — — 53
3.1 Research Design — — — — — — — 53
3.2 Area of the Study — — — — — — — 53
3.3 Population of the Study — — — — — — 53
3.4 Sample Size Determination — — — — — 54
3.5 Method of Data Collection — — — — — 55
3.6 Validity and Reliability of Data Collection Instrument — 55
3.6.1 Validity of the Data Collection Instrument — — — 55
3.6.2 Reliability of the instrument — — — — — 55
3.7 Method of Data Analysis — — — — — 56
Reference — — — — — — — — 59


4.1 Survey/Data Collection Report — — — — 60
4.2 Analysis of the Respondents’ Demographic Data Gender 61
4.3 Analysis of the Respondents’ Responses Based on Research Question – 63
4.3.1 The Challenges Confronting Auditors from Giving Effective Audit Reports on Federal Parastatal in the Education Sector in Nigeria 63
4.3.2 Extent to which Auditors’ Independence is Infringed Upon 67
4.3.3 Information Available to Auditors but not Disclosed in their Final Reports — 70
4.3.4 Public Expectations and the Content of the Auditors’ Reports 72
4.4 Test of Hypotheses — — — — — — 75
4.4.1 Test of Hypothesis One — — — — — 75
4.4.2 Hypothesis Two — — — — — 77
4.4.3 Test of Hypothesis Three — — — — — 79
4.4.4 Test of Hypothesis Four — — — — — 81


5.1 Summary of Findings — — — — — — 82
5.2 Conclusions — — — — — — 83
5.3 Recommendation — — — — — — 83
5.4 Recommendation for Further Studies — — — 84


1.1 Background of the Study

Proper financial management and accountability over public  funds  is  a  central component of good governance. Public funds are meant to be used effectively and efficiently to ensure that citizens are receiving the quality services for which the public funds have been allocated (Okoh and Ohwoyibo, 2010).

The bane of public  sector financial mismanagement in Nigeria since the oil boom years, (a  period  under  which there existed structurally weak control mechanism), have created a  variety of loopholes that have facilitated geometrically and sustained corrupt practices in the country up till date.

The plague has diffused itself into all parts of the country: private and  public  business places.

As a watchdog for government throughout all its parastatals, departments for internal auditors whose primary concern is to critique the books of accounts of the parastatals and constantly report to the senate about the financial state of the  corporations or parastatals were set up.

The main objectives of auditors of Ministries/Departments or parastatals are to ascertain whether: (a) All receipts of public money emanating from the operations of the period under review are collected and properly accounted for; (b)

The accounting system  in operation provides financial information that is reliable and  free  from  material errors  to facilitate the preparation of the accounting and financial statements required by law.


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