Merriam-Webster defines platonic love as “a close relationship between two persons in which sexual desire is nonexistent or has been suppressed or sublimated.”

A platonic relationship is one in which two people have a close bond but are not sexually involved. They may even fall in love with each other, which is known as platonic love. This idea is derives from the ancient philosopher Plato, whose name the term is derived.

Platonic Relationship vs. Romantic Relationship

A platonic relationship is not the same as a romantic relationship. While both types of relationships frequently involve deep friendship and sometimes even love, people in romantic relationships are typically intimate, whereas people in platonic relationships do not have sex or physical intimacy.

It is possible to desire physical intimacy (such as hugging, kissing, or touching) or sex with the other person but not be engaged in these activities. If no physical intimacy or sex exists between you and the other person, it is a platonic relationship—even if the desire is there.

Signs Your Relationship Is Platonic

A platonic relationship is distinguished from other types of relationships by a number of characteristics. A platonic relationship is distinguished not only by the absence of a sexual component, but also by:

Closeness: Both partners in the relationship feel close to one another and believe they have things in common.

Honesty: Both individuals feel that they can share what they really think and feel without deceiving the other person.

Acceptance: These relationships tend to feel simple, nice and comfortable. Both people feel that they are secured and easy to be themselves. 

Understanding: People who share a platonic relationship have a connection, but they also recognize and respect each other’s personal space.

Types of Platonic Relationships

There are a few terms that have emerged to describe various types of platonic relationships. These are some examples:

Bromance: This is a term used to describe a close, affectionate, non-sexual relationship between two men.

Womance: This term is used to describe an emotional, non-sexual, non-romantic bond between two women.

Work Spouse: This phrase is sometimes used to describe a close but non-sexual connection between colleagues or co-workers that involves bonds and sometimes even roles similar to that of a marriage.

What are the Benefits of a Platonic Relationship?

There are several reasons why platonic relationships are beneficial to your health and well-being. These relationships may have the following positive effects on your life:

You can be yourself: We all need at least one friend who accepts us as we are. You can tell them just about anything without judgment or fear of abandonment.

They listen, respect our views and decisions, offer fresh perspectives, and give advice if they notice we’re going astray. Having a trusted someone to bare your soul to is good for your mental health.

It’s similar to talk therapy, which has been proven to decrease stress and anxiety and improve mood.

There’s mutual openness: This is a genuine relationship based on honesty and trust. You and your friend feel comfortable discussing personal matters that you may be hesitant to discuss with your partner.

The deep bond, openness, trust, and love that exists allows you to feel seen, heard, and validated in ways that your intimate partner may not.

Having all of these needs met in a nonjudgmental environment can improve both parties’ mental well-being within the friendship.

There’s no hidden agenda: It’s a special feeling to be able to hang out with a man or woman who isn’t in it for the wrong reasons. There will be no erotic love.

They merely enjoy your company. You have a strong bond and can rely on each other for moral or emotional support.

You don’t feel like you owe each other romance in exchange for the help. Jealousy does not rear its ugly head, and you are not threatened by a romantic breakup.

Tips for a Healthy Platonic Relationship

It is not always easy to find platonic relationships. When you form a strong platonic bond, it is critical to nurture and strengthen that connection. Some things you can do to help keep these relationships healthy are as follows:

Don’t Make the Other Person Do All the Work: Don’t rely on the other person to make all of the arrangements or initiate all of the contact. Reach out to them on a regular basis to invite them to activities.

Stay in Touch: Call, text, or email the other person from time to time just to keep the lines of communication open. Let them know you are thinking of them, reach out to share a funny joke you know they’ll enjoy, or just ask them how they are.

Show Up for Them: Other people can be a valuable source of emotional support, but it is equally important that you reciprocate that support. Be available when they require you, even if it is simply to lend an open and supportive ear.

It is also critical to understand when to end a platonic relationship. Unhealthy relationships can cause stress, so don’t be afraid to end your relationship if the other person is unkind, manipulative, hurtful, or fails to support you in the way you require.


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Challenges in a Platonic Relationship

It is critical to understand that platonic relationships are not synonymous with unrequited love.

Unrequited love is essentially a crush in which one person is romantically or sexually interested in someone who does not reciprocate their feelings.

True platonic relationships do not involve an unequal emotional balance.

This is not to say that a platonic relationship cannot or will not develop into a romantic or sexual relationship.

While such a relationship has the potential to develop into a strong romantic relationship, you risk losing the friendship if you end up breaking up.

If you value a platonic relationship, concentrate on establishing and maintaining clear boundaries. Set limits on things like time spent together, amount of contact, and physical intimacy, for example.

Platonic Boundaries

Some boundaries to maintain in a platonic relationship include:

• Don’t gossip or complain about each other’s partners.

• Don’t engage in physical contact beyond the level of casual intimacy (i.e., avoid things like handholding, kissing, or “friends-with-benefits” situations)

• Do not abandon your partner to spend time with a platonic friend.

• Don’t keep your platonic relationship a secret from your partner.

• Allow plenty space among each other.

• Make time to maintain your other relationships.

Final Thoughts on Platonic Relationships

You can have a happy, thriving relationship with a man or woman without the romance… once the teething period is over and everyone knows where they stand. It will take effort, particularly at first, to meet each other’s needs within the friendship without crossing a line.

Setting healthy boundaries and adhering to the rules from the start will allow you to form a strong and lasting connection… based on mutual respect and honesty If your partner is uncomfortable with the prospect of you having a platonic relationship, maybe you should let go if needful.

This article is interesting and helpful feel free to introduce or share to friends who need this information to better their relationship.

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