Table of content

Chapter one


Chapter two

Brief history of the company

Chapter three

Description and history of cheese balls

Chapter four

Processes in cheese balls production

Chapter five

Methods of cheese balls storage

Chapter six

Challenges encountered

Chapter seven

Conclusion and recommendation




            The student’s industrial experience is a welcomed skill training programme which forms parts of the approved minimum academics standard in various degree programmes for all the Nigerian Universities.

            It is an extortion to bridge in the gaps existing between theory and practices of engineering and technology science, agriculture, medicals, managements and other professional educational programmes in the Nigerian tertiary institution. It is aimed at exposing students to machines and equipment, professional work methods and ways of safeguarding the work areas and workers in industries and other organization.

            The minimum duration of the SIWES (Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme) should normally be 24 weeks (6 months) which excludes engineering and technology programme. Where the minimum duration is 40 weeks the scheme is a tripartite programme involving the students, the Universities and the industrial (employer of labour of Nigerian and jointly co-ordinated by the industrial training fund (ITF) and national Universities commission (NUC).


The objectives of the students industrial work experience include the following:

           Provides the student for the work situation that they are likely to meet after graduation.

           IT prepares the students, in terms of employer’s involvement in the entire educational process of preparing Universities graduates for employment in industry.

           It helps in making work easier and enhancing student’s contacts for later job placement.

           It helps to acquire students of Nigerian in their industrial skills and experience in the course of study.

           It helps students to handle equipments and machinery that may not be present in the school.



            Zubix International Nigerian Limited, is a known experienced production industry situated at Ogidi in Anambra State, Nigeria.

            The company is responsible for supplying of Zubix cheese balls, Zubix biscuits, Zubix cornflakes, Zubix lenon Sweets and allied products to almost the south, east, west of Nigeria.

            The company Zubix International Nigeria limited was established in 1985 by Chief Azubuike. A. Okafor of Alor, in Anambra State.

            The company Zubix Nig. Limited is also a registered company with National Agency For Food and Drugs Administration (NAFDAC) with the registration number of AI-5788.

            The company which is located at Ogidi in Anambra State has sufficient boreholes, water tanks, buses which helps them carry out their work in the factory.

            The company also produces table water and sachet water which is known as vivia sachet and table water.

Organization structure of the company

            Zubix International Nigerian Limited has many department and staff in the company. Some are grouped as casual workers while some are grouped as main staff.

            The section includes chemical room, production room, packaging room, sealing section, marketing department and the ware house.

The Organogram for Zubix Nig. Limited


            Zubix Nigerian Limited, Produces an average number of 20,000 bags of cheese balls per day which comprises of morning workers and night workers.

            In the production of cornflakes, there produces an average of 10,000 cartoons of corn flakes which is known as Zubix corn fakes per day, Zubix Danish cookies are also produced 10,000 cartoons per day, Lemon Candy of 2000 cartoons per day etc.


1.         High cost of raw material in Nigerian.

2.         Power failure

3.         Emergency breakdown of some machines during working periods.



 Cheese balls which is also known as cheese puffs, Cheese curls, are a puffed corn snacks food which is coated with a mixture of cheese flavored powders.

    Cheese balls is a popular snack which is known in most countries especially U.S.A , Canada &  Nigeria. Cheese balls are manufactured by extruding heated corn through a die that forms the particular shape of balls, curls etc.

      Cheese balls are of different shapes which may be ball-shaped curly (“cheese curls”), straight or irregular shape as animal or other objects.

     Some cheese balls are puffy, while others are crunchy.

      However, cheese balls can be served with milk; it can be eaten at all time. Cheese balls are taken by everyone especially little children who take it to school as snacks.

      Cheese balls which is a very good sources of protein, vitamin with fat and oil . it is a snacks for all ages and all times, which can be taken at schools and picnics.


           Maize grit

           Milk flavour

           Food colour


           Vegetable oil



           Citric acid.


1.         MAIZE GRIT

Maize (Zea Mays) is a cereal grain. Maize grit which are cereals are rice sources of starch and contains from 7:14% protein.

            The protein of cereals are deficient in the essential amino acid lysine. Maize grit is made with yellow or white corn, which is a good source of vitamin A and E.

            In the production of cheese balls, maize grit is the main ingredient because it is the most important raw material for the production of cheese balls. Maize grit is gotten from corn, which can be grinded in a powdered form to form maize grit.

            Maize grit is a good source of carbohydrate, but contains protein and vitamin in a trace amount.   

2.         MILK FAVOUR:

            In cheese balls production, milk flavour is very important because it improves and gives taste to food (Cheese balls).

 Milk flavours are usually into diary products to elevate their taste and mouth feel.

Dairy products and food with milk flavours have always been popular with customer. Therefore in order to satisfy customer’s requirements for taste. Milk flavour is added to develop and enhance the taste of any food.

            Snacks which contains milk flavour is been taken by children because of its milky flavoured aroma and it makes customers buy them.

A good milk flavour is a very good source of calcium, protein, vitamins D, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Phosphorus and niancin.

3.         FOOD COLOURING:

            Food colouring is any agent that is added to enhance color or visual appeal of a food or drink.

            Food colouring is derived naturally from various flowers, spices or food or can be artificially or chemically created.

            Food colouring agents are tasteless so do not change the taste of food.

            In the production of cheese balls, food colouring is used to enhance the colour of the food. Food colour is used to mask colour variation in a food, to identify a food, for decorative purposes, and to make it appetizing.

            Food colouring comes in liquid, gel, paste and powder form. The liquid form is the most common, and typically provides the weakest colour.

            Food colouring is good in the production of cheese balls to make it appetizing and palatable.

4.         WATER

            Water is a universal solvent, potable water is need for cheese balls production.

            Water helps to obtain dough of good consistency. It is an essential ingredient in cheese balls production, it also helps in achieving homogenization, hydration of glaidin and glutenin (Protein of flour) to form glutein.

            Water acts as solvent for dry ingredients such as salt, sugar and it is particularly important for the reaction of chemical leavening agents.

            During the production of cheese balls, the quantity of water needed varies with the quantity of the maize grit.

5.         VEGETABLE OIL:

            Vegetable oil are lipid materials derived from plants. Physically, oils are liquid at room temperature and fats are solid chemically, both fats and oils are composed of triglycerides, as contrasted with waxes, which lacks glycerin in their structure.

            Although many plants yield oil, in commercial practice oil  are extracted primarily from seeds.

            Vegetable oil are derived from canola oil, soy bean oil, corn oil, etc. vegetable oil is very important in the production of cheese balls production, because it binds the ingredients together, and helps the texture of the dough (corn grits) to be soft while taking or consuming vegetable oil is a very good source of energy and it supplies essential fatty acids.

6.         ASPARTAME

            Aspartame which is also known as nutra sweet is a sweetening agent. Aspartame which has been in the market since 1981.

            Aspartame which originated from U.S.A is a sweetening agents which is composed primarily of two common amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine, which is a building block for conventional food such as protein and natural flavour molecules.

            Aspartames which are used n the production of diet soda drinks, foods, beverages etc. it is very good in the production of food because of its Iower calorie.

            In the production of cheese balls, we use Aspartame because it improve the taste of cheese balls giving it that sugar taste and making it palatable to eat. Aspartame is a good source of Vitamin A.

7.         SALT:

            Salt improves the taste of food. In the production of cheese balls, salt brings out more flavour and sweetness in them.

8.         CITRIC ACIDS:

            Citric acid is one of the beneficial ingredients in the production of cheese balls. Citric acid is an organic acid but not to be confused with Vitamin C, which is ascorbic acid. Citric acid helps prevents urinary tract infection, aids in the removal of toxins from the body etc.



            Cheese balls is made wit six basic ingredients; namely maize grit, water, milk flavour, aspartame, food colour and vegetable oil and also other optional ingredients include salt and citric acid.

            These when mixed in a mixer for about 3-5 minutes will give a homogenous mixture.

            Cheese balls production involves various processes and stages which includes the following:

           Collection and inspection of raw material







           Warehousing etc.

The unit operation in cheese balls production



Collection and Inspection of raw materials

            All the raw materials for cheese balls production are carefully collected from the chemical room where it is tested to determine the quality of a good product.

Measurement: To achieve desired quality at the end of production, both compulsory and optional ingredients are measured in their proper proportion. Weighing and measuring of ingredients are very vital as inaccurate measurement of result could lead to undesirable and low quality of cheese balls.

Mixing: Mixing process is critical to the quality of the final product. It helps to achieve consistency and homogeneity of the ingredients. In the production of cheese balls, all the raw materials which include maize grits, food colour, flavouring, aspartame, salt, vegetable oil, water and citric acid are mixed together in a mixer for about 3-5mins before production.

            The standard mixing procedure and ingredient weight quantity are as follows:


Weight (kg)

Maize grits

300kg (6 bags)

Milk flavour


Food colour




Vegetable oil

2 litres




5 Kg

Citric acid


 All these are mixed using electric mixing machine which is known as mixer. The mixer is made of stainless steel and this prevents rusting which is capable and able of recontamination of the homogenous mixture.

Extrusion: Extrusion is the process by which the balls are produced. Extruder is a machine which conveys the maize grit mixture to the hoper of the extruder with the help of plastic conveyor.

i.          Hoper: it is a stainless container or a bucket which is temporary used for the storage of grit mixture.

Baking: It is a treatment process that involves the heating of the cheese balls in the oven at a certain regulated temperature. The baking range temperature is 190oc at a speed of 150RMS.

            This baking process makes the cheese balls to have a crunchy taste while eating. At this stage the moisture in the cheese balls is being dried and ready to consume.

Flavouring: Flavouring is a very necessary and important process in cheese balls production. The raw materials for flavouring includes cheese flavour, salt, vegetable oil.

            Flavouring is the process that involves mixing the cheese flavour, salt and vegetable oil together. This makes the cheese balls to look appetizing and attractive for the consumers



Vegetable oil

80 liters

Food colour




Packaging :

            The properly flavoured cheese balls are manually packaged using a nylon bags. This is to protect the cheese balls against micro-organisms, moisture, air and other forms of contamination. And it also helps in easy handling and transportations of the cheese balls.

Ware housing and marketing:

            The properly sealed sachets of cheese balls are manually packed in the storage room/ ware house awaiting sales. Some customers come to the factory to purchase their cheese balls, but is mostly transported to customers who wants to buy in bulk, using Lorries, pickup etc. the properly sealed cheese balls are packed 100 sachets in a nylon bag.



            Inefficient methods of storage and rough bad handling of cheese balls can lead to breakage of the cheese balls. A good storage method includes the following:

(1)       To extend the shelf life of the cheese balls

(2)       To retain the initial taste and flavour of the cheese balls

(3)       To retain the textural quality of the cheese balls

Good method of storing cheese balls includes the following:

(a)       Storing the cheese balls in air tight nylon bag.

            The storing method helps in preserving the freshness of the cheese balls. Since cheese balls can be soft if not tighted well, the plastic bags / nylon can help to avoid air.

(b)       Store in a cool place to avoid air spoiling it and making it soft.

(c)       Avoid throwing the bags while loading or at any time to avoid breakage


            It is a common knowledge that when cheese balls are stalled for a very long time, it becomes soft and  crunchyless. This could be due to air.

Stalling reduce she palatability of cheese ball and makes it tasteless while eating / consuming.

            To maintain the freshness of the cheese balls, it should be kept at a room temperature of 600c.


            Firstly, finding a place of attachment was not really easy for me but God by my side, I was able to find a place. I met a lot of challenges which involved asking me my state, my school and so many things. At a  point I was confused but is had to pick up courage and continue trying my luck, one day as I went to church at our Lady’s of Victory Catholic Church Umuleri, I bought the trinitas (Catholic News Paper) reading it I found out that there was a company which produces cheese balls, biscuits etc I called the number at the back of the paper but it was not going, I have to pick up courage to go to the company as I have  the address of the company with me, which I got from the news paper. It only took the grace of God for me to get that Job.

            Secondly at the initial stage of my training, I found out that cheese balls production wasn’t easy, I was managing myself and was still trying to fit in myself in the work. At last I noticed I could be of a great help for the company because of their production capacity. We have many customers, so there was no amount of biscuit, cheese balls, cornflakes, lemon candy produced daily that was enough for customer. Therefore, to meet up with our customers demand we have to work morning and night to meet up with our customer.

            Finally, cheese balls machine are not found in Nigeria because it’s not movable, the machines are noiseless and very fast in production.


Based on my experience during the six months of industrial training the following are my recommendation

(1)       Government at all level should ensure that electricity are taken properly cared off.

(2)       Proper funding of the manufacturing sector of the economy by the government.

(3)       Companies / factories especially cheese balls, corn flakes, biscuits and sweet companies, should mandate the use of Lab Coat, by staff in their work place.

(4)       Government should make sure that NAFDAC officials are always going to production companies to maintain good products.

(5)       Federal government should make it mandatory for all ministries, companies, and government agencies to offer attachment places to students in their relevant field of study, so as to forestall the rate at which students suffer on the course of finding a place of Industrial attachment.


            Zubix Nigeria Limited gave me the privilege of learning about production. “experience they say is the best teacher” I can’t imagine how my life is going to be after graduation without this industrial training which has given me a lot of experience in cheese balls production, sweet production, cornflakes production and biscuit production. I want to say a big Thank You to Ebonyi Food Science and Technology lectures for making sure that every students goes for an industrial training.

            I promise myself that one of my daughters is going to read food science and technology to its greatest highest


Deirdres S. Blanchifield, How Cheese products are made: An illustrated Guide to product manufacturing, gale, 2002, ISBN NO – 7876-2444-6, P. 70.

Stuart, Elliott (14 July 2011) “Celebrating south Park by bring it to life” The New York Times. Retreved 19 October 2011.

Burtea, O (2001). Snack Foods  From Formers and high Shear Extruders” in Lusas EW; Rooney Lw. Snack foods processing. PP. 287 ISBN 1- 56676-932 -9.

“ U.S Patent 2, 295, 868”

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