We all have to deal with the judgments of others. But sometimes you just can’t stand it. Judgments come from all angles: family, friends, and strangers! No matter what kind of judgment we’re talking about, they can be extremely upsetting and difficult to deal with. It’s no wonder why so many people feel tired of being judged!

Everyone has been judged at some point in their life. It happens when you are younger and it continues as you get older. People will always have an opinion about something, no matter what it is. It can be hard to deal with those who judge others because it can make you feel inferior or unworthy.

It’s easy for people to make assumptions about your life. Sometimes, that makes things difficult. It’s not easy being judged by others all the time, but it’s a part of life that we need to live with.

Being judged can cause stress and anxiety in your life if you let it get the best of you. It can affect your relationships with others and even lead to depression if left unchecked.

If you are tired of being judged, these sick of being judged quotes are written to help you express yourself better.

I am sick and tired of people judging me because they think they know me but don’t know anything at all about me or my life or anyone else for that matter. It’s easy for people to judge someone when they don’t know them at all and only know bits and pieces of information which aren’t even true most of the time.

1. I am sick of being judged. I am tired of the constant pressure to be perfect, always smiling, and above all else happy. I don’t want to be like this anymore.

2. I am sick of being judged. I am sick of being called names, being hated on and judged because I wear what I want, talk how I want and think how I want. It’s time to ignore all the judgements and live in a world where we are all accepted just as we are.

3. I hate when people think they know everything. Don’t judge me if you don’t even know me!

4. I am sick of being judged by how I look, how much money I make, and what car I drive.

5. I am sick of being judged for being single. I am sick of being judged for having kids. I am sick of being judged on my lifestyle, who I do and don’t hang out with, what they think I should wear and how I should put myself together.

6. I am sick of being judged by my car, my clothes, and how much I weigh.

7. I am sick of being judged for who I love, for what I make, for the way I speak, and for my lack of flaws. I am sick of being made wrong for liking certain things because they are ‘different’.

8. People judge me all the time for being a woman. They judge me for being outspoken and opinionated. I am sick of being judged simply because I am female.

9. I am sick of being judged for my looks and speaking skills. Just because I do not look like a supermodel does not mean that my life is worthless.

10. I am sick of being judged. I am sick of being told that what I have or what I do or whatever it is you have decided makes me wrong, unworthy, incapable, and less than others.

11. I am sick of being judged for my appearance. I am a human being, not a dress size.

12. I have worked hard to be where I am, and I am sick of people judging me for it.

13. I am sick of being judged for the clothes that I wear. I am sick of being called a loser because I don’t have a car or a job. I am sick of being judged for the kind of music that I listen to.

14. I am sick of being judged. I am sick of the way people look at me, talk about me, and treat me. I have things to say and do not talk because I do not want to be judged.

15. The world has judged me for who I am and for what I have. It’s not fair.

16. I am sick of being judged, I am sick of being told what to do, by people who do not know what I have gone through. My past does not define me, but it does make me better than the rest.

17. I am sick of being judged by what I wear, who I am with and how strong my character is.

18. I am sick of being judged by what I wear because I can’t afford any designer clothes. I am sick of being judged by my hair and how it is styled. I am sick of being judged for the way that I talk.

19. I am sick of being judged by someone’s appearance because it has nothing to do with who I am.

20. I am sick of being judged and put down by the people who are supposed to love me, who are supposed to be there for me no matter what. I know it might not be easy for them but how hard is it to just listen?

21. I am sick of the judgements and expectations you think I should live up to. I want to be who I am meant to be and not who others want me to be.

22. I am tired of getting judged for what I wear, and my weight and trying to figure out how to be the perfect woman. I just want to be treated equally and not judged for who I am because I am sick of being judged daily by myself and other people.

23. You don’t have to change a thing, but if you feel like you need to be different – just know that I am sick of being judged.

24. I am sick and tired of being judged for who I am, for where I come from, for my skin colour, for my religion and my ethnicity. Too often we judge a book by its cover When in reality all that matters is what is Inside

25. I am sick and tired of being judged by what I do, by who I am and by where I come from. I’m tired of being judged for the colour of my skin or what type of clothes I wear. So, I’ve decided to just take back control and not be concerned with what others may think about me.

26. I am sick of being judged for who I am and what I believe.

27. I am sick and tired of being judged, I’m sick of people making judgments on me before they even get to know me.

28. I am sick and tired of being judged by others. Whatever you do in life, people will judge you. Some will judge you no matter what way you go. So get up, stand tall and live a life you love – remember that nobody has the right to criticize what you do or don’t do.

29. I am tired of the way people judge me. I am tired of feeling like I have to conform to everyone else’s standards to be accepted.

30. I am sick and tired of being judged by my cover, by the way, I look, or by who I want to be.

31. I am sick and tired of being judged by everyone. I’m coming to this crazy planet alone and need to figure out what’s my place in it.

32. I am sick and tired of being judged. Being judged can change you. Don’t let it! It’s not who you are or what you say, but how you appear that makes people judge you. You can’t control other people’s opinions of you, so learn to let go and stop wasting your energy on what others think.

33. I am sick of being judged by people who have no idea what is going on in my life, and who have never endured a slight in their lives. All of you strangers should stop judging me.

34. I have had enough of everyone judging me, assuming and passing their judgements on me. I hate being judged for what I look like, who I am and what I do.

35. I am sick and tired of being judged for who I am. It’s obvious that no one cares about me so why bother trying?

36. I am sick and tired of being judged, worn out by the harsh words that are thrown my way. There is only one thing left to do and that is to look at me in the mirror and tell me that I am great!

37. I am sick and tired of being judged by others. I have no idea what they are judging me on, maybe they think I’m a bad person, or maybe they think I am ugly or strange. I don’t judge anyone else and sure do not want other people judging me either.

38. I’m sick of the constant judgment. I want to be viewed as equal, human and worthy.

39. You can’t judge people for who they are or where they’re from. People should be able to live freely, without being judged.

40. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am sick of people always telling me what to do, who to be and what not to do. It’s time I take a stand and declare my freedom.

41. I am sick and tired of being judged based on the way I look. As long as I can afford my bills and my kids are healthy that should be good enough for everybody else.

42. I am sick and tired of being judged by my appearance, I am sick and tired of being judged by your opinion. I don’t want to hear it anymore so do me a favour and just shut your mouth!

43. Being judged for my choices and beliefs makes me uncomfortable. I feel like people are trying to change me, even if it’s just a little bit. The majority of the time, these people do not know me so I do not understand why they care about my life or where I want to take it—because it isn’t their life or their decision to make.

44. I am sick and tired of being judged. It feels like I have been carrying a label around since I was born that has not changed since the day I arrived on this planet.

45. I am sick and tired of being judged. I have good intentions, I am a good person, and I don’t need anyone to prove that to me, or to tell me otherwise. I am sick of doing something innocent and getting dirty looks from people who think they know what I’m thinking.

46. I am sick and tired of being judged on the way I look, how I dress, or because I have a tattoo. Everything I have seen, read and heard in life today has made me feel that no matter what anyone says, they are always judging someone.

47. I am sick of being judged. I am tired of having all my feelings and emotions belittled, judged, compared and rated.

48. I am sick and tired of the judgments and criticisms that come my way. Judging is the highest form of ignorance; saying you know it all is a sign of pride. Love yourself today, because tomorrow never comes!

49. I am sick and tired of being judged. I can’t stand when people make assumptions about me without knowing me, because it’s the worst thing someone can do is the judge.

50. I am sick and tired of being judged for the way I look and for the way I dress.

51. I am sick and tired of being judged. It’s like everybody thinks they know something about me, but I’m tired to prove them wrong.

52. I am sick and tired of being judged for something I have no control over. It bothers me to be told what I can’t do and what I shouldn’t do just because of my race, gender or height. In my opinion, we should judge people by the way they treat others and not by what they look like!

53. I am sick and tired of being judged for what people think I should do. I am who I’m meant to be and if you don’t like it that’s what you get!

54. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am sick of the comments from my friends. It is not easy to make a change in my life, especially when I have to do it all by myself. I am only one person and there is nobody to help me.

55. I am sick and tired of being judged because I don’t follow the status quo. I’m not going to change who I am to be accepted by others. You need to stop making me feel like crap because you think that things should be done differently.

56. I am sick of being judged for my past, who I am now or who I want to become. You can not change me and no, you can’t judge me!

57. When you are sick and tired of being judged, then you will be happy, cause happiness doesn’t exist in the outside world, only inside you.

58. I will not be judged today. I am not going to let anybody define who I am, including myself.

59. I am sick and tired of being judged based on my looks, personality traits or my background. I deserve better than this unfair treatment.

60. I am sick and tired of being judged. Don’t talk to me about your problems, if you go around judging everyone, or if you think that you are better than me. Leave me alone and I will do the same for you.

61. I am sick and tired of being judged. Maybe because I wear my heart on my sleeve, and people like to write sad things next to their heartless names and judge me by their petty standards.

62. I am sick and tired of being judged. I have been judged since the day I was born. I am sick of being perceived as different. I am sick of people making ignorant assumptions about my character based on my skin colour and upbringing.

63. I’m sick of being judged for my looks, and my appearance. Just because I’m not wearing a suit or have perfectly done hair, doesn’t mean I am less qualified than you.

64. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am so over the judgment. It’s like a new trend people are following. And I’m just like, ‘Come on.’ Stop judging people.

65. I am sick and tired of being judged for my appearance because I know who I am and no one else does.

66. I am sick and tired of being judged for what I look like, for how skinny or fat or fit I am, for how well or not well I do in sports, or art. I am sick of being judged for anything that people can find to judge me. I will not be judged by anyone.

67. I am sick and tired of being judged by other people. My characters are not always the nicest in the world, but that doesn’t make me a monster.

68. I am sick and tired of being judged. I’m part of society too and I have feelings, very important feelings. They will get hurt. So stop judging me!

69. I am sick and tired of being judged. What do you have to say? Have a great day!

70. I am sick and tired of being judged by everyone! What’s wrong with liking myself and wanting to be happy?

71. I am sick of being judged. I am sick of being given advice that is not wanted as if it were a gift. I am no charity case subject to the whims of your benevolence. Your opinions are not my concern, and whether or not you approve of me has no bearing on my life.

72. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am sick and tired of being told what to do or think. My mind is my own, and yours is yours; I have rights; you have rights; we have rights together.

73. Don’t judge me before you know me. I am sick and tired of being judged by people who don’t even know me. I have my flaws, and you have yours. Please stop judging others without knowing them!

74. I am sick and tired of being judged for who I am. I just want to be myself, that’s all. I will not allow myself to be put down because people have this preconceived notion that whatever they are doing is better than what I’m doing.

75. I’m sick and tired of being judged. I don’t care how old you are, what colour your skin is, or where you come from—the simple fact that you are human should be enough to get you a job, an apartment and a good night’s sleep. This is how I view the world: We all deserve the same things and advantages in this world, we just need to work towards it.

76. I am sick of being judged by people who have never met me. It’s not fair, I feel like I should ask them why they make their judgements but I don’t want to be rude. So I sit here and suffer because they are making some big bad assumption based on what they see.

77. Being judged is an ongoing struggle all people face, but it is also a learning experience. We are told what to do and how to act. But, as long as you are true to yourself and your journey, things will work out the way they should.

78. I am sick and tired of being judged by people who don’t even know me. All these people that don’t even know me, dare to judge me like they were born with a crystal ball that told them what kind of person I was!

79. I am sick and tired of being judged as this and that. I am human. Not an object!

80. I’m sick of being judged and harassed. I don’t need to be told what to do or wear because I am not a kid anymore.

81. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am sick and tired of being told what to do and think. I am sick and tired of people telling me that their opinions are “facts” when in reality, they are just their views of the world.

82. I am sick and tired of being judged by my weight or what I look like. Who cares how I look? I don’t judge you for how you look so why do people think it’s okay to judge me?

83. I am sick and tired of being judged by my appearance. I am who I am; a human being, not some cardboard cutout who fits into a specific mould.

84. I am sick of being judged by people who think they are better than me. There are no real pictures on the internet, I have seen a real person living in this world and it is not easy.

85. I’m sick of being judged. I don’t want your approval or even your acceptance. I just want to be me and not get put down for it

86. I am sick and tired of being judged by society. I am just as good as you are, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at me the way that you do.

87. I am sick and tired of being judged. Today I am going to stand up for myself because I deserve better. It is time someone told me that I am worth it and that I can do anything I put my mind to.

88. I am sick and tired of being judged, there’s nothing wrong with the way I am. I don’t care if people don’t like me for what I do, but please just let me do what makes me happy.

89. I just want to be left alone and judged by my action. Stop trying to see who I am and judge me by my characteristics, personality, achievements or failures.

90. I am sick and tired of being judged by people who don’t know anything about me. I’m not a bad person. I’m also not what you think I am. I smile and laugh, but it’s all a defence mechanism. This is who I am.

91. I am sick of being judged for my body, for my ability to live the life I want and for the way I choose to spend my time.

92. Stop judging me. It is so easy to judge and make a quick remark about someone, but it takes very little effort to lift someone, smile and say hello.

93. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am tired of being stereotyped, sick of being judged and tired of strangers making assumptions based on what they see.

94. I am sick and tired of being judged. I don’t care if you think I am too skinny, too fat, too short, too tall or my skin is not ‘the perfect tone.

95. I am sick and tired of being judged. I have been judged by people who have never even met me! The things you hear about yourself are not true, but it doesn’t matter how many times you tell someone to their face. They’ll still believe whatever they want to believe.

96. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am sick and tired of being talked about. I am sick and tired of being called a failure.

97. I am sick and tired of being judged, just because I like having fun while being myself.

98. I am sick and tired of being judged. People think they know who I am based on how I look, how I speak, and how much money I make or don’t make. It’s exhausting to stand for who you are and constantly have others try to box you into a corner because you don’t fit their mould of what they believe is right.

99. I am sick and tired of being judged by people who do not know me. Being judged because my hair is in a messy bun, because my clothing isn’t trendy enough or too trendy, because my makeup isn’t perfect or I don’t wear it at all, because I am quiet and shy or talkative and outgoing.

100. I am sick of the unjust judgement that is laid down upon me. I am tired of being treated like some sort of subhuman because I do not fit the standard.

101. I am sick and tired of being judged by what I wear and how I look. I wonder if other women are as frustrated.

102. I am sick and tired of being judged by people who are even more immature than I am.

103. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am me, and no one can take away my strengths and weaknesses. Speak up!

104. I am sick and tired of being judged. I am sick of my words, who I am as a person and the decisions I make are analyzed under a microscope. I feel like an experiment gone wrong that has no purpose in this world. People tell you that it’s all about your attitude, but there is more to life than having the will to survive. There is more to life than surviving one day at a time.

105. I am sick and tired of being judged by others. I am more than my size, my weight, or my looks. I’m a good person and want to be respected for who I am on the inside, not just how I look on the outside.

106. I am sick and tired of being judged. People always have something to say, but they never know what our struggles have been. We have worked hard and suffered more than most people could ever imagine.

107. I am sick and tired of being judged by ignorant people who don’t even know me! You just label me because you think you know all there is to know, but you don’t. Please stop judging and try to know someone before you judge them.

108. I am sick and tired of being judged, by the colour of my skin, who I choose to love, or how many tattoos I have. We need to stop judging people by their looks and start valuing them for their experiences.

109. I’m so sick and tired of being judged. I’m doing the best that I can, and if you know me personally, then you know that I am not the person that is being portrayed right now on TV.

110. I have been judged by family, friends and strangers. People judge you based on what they see and hear. They also judge you by the colours that you wear!

The best way to deal with being judged is to understand why you are being judged. Then find a balance with the person judging you and let it go. Your happiness should not be affected by other people’s opinions of you.

I hope you liked this collection of sick of being judged quotes. Let me know in the comment section if you do. You can also share this post with your friends and loved ones. Thank you.

By admin

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