Development of an Improved Intrusion Detection Based Secured Robust Header Compression Technique.


This presents the of an improved detection-based secured header compression (idsrohc)technique for handling force attacks.

The secured robust header compression (secured rohc) was developed to secure internet protocol version six (ipv6) packets against false initial refresh attacks by encrypting the cyclic redundancy check field.

However, the secured rohc exposes the network to brute force attack due to the short field length of the cyclic redundancy check .an improved idsrohc technique was developed using a modified selective watchdog intrusion detection algorithm.

Weighted network graph and random waypoint model with pause time greater than simulation time was used to model the distribution of a total of forty nodes. The nodes were randomly distributed within an area of 100  by 100 meters. Bellman-ford was used to determine the shortest path of packets transmission.

Poisson traffic model was used to model the payload size and processing time of packets.

The interpretation interval, packet loss, and average compression length of packets were calculated using the header compression model. The cyclic redundancy check field of packets was modeled and encrypted using a symmetric block cipher. Brute force attack was modeled using a pseudorandom generator. A Matlab graphical user interface was designed to aid presentation.

An intrusion detection system based on the selective watchdog technique was used to inspect trial packets with the aim of identifying malicious links. Idsrohc was validated via comparison with the secured rohc using throughput and packet delivery success.

The results of this work showed that idsrohc produced a 4.97% improvement in throughput and a 29% improvement in packet delivery success over secured rohc.



The desire for industries to move towards an internet protocol version six (ipv6) network architecture has pushed research in the direction of maximizing bandwidth.

This is due to the increased header size of ipv6 header as compared to the payload. Therefore, reducing the internet protocol header overload sent over the air becomes inevitable (cheng & moore, 2013). The relative compression gain for specific flows (or applications) depends on the size of the payload used in each packet.

For applications such as voice over internet protocol (voip), the size of the payload containing coded speech can be as small as 15-20 octets while the transport header will have 20 octets hence, this gives a total size of 60 octets for the ipv6 header (sandlund et al., 2010).

Therefore, header compression leads to quite a significant compression gain. One method of providing increased bandwidth efficiency is the use of ip header compression techniques.

Header compression provides more efficient use of bandwidth in a packet-switched network by taking advantage of header field redundancies in packets belonging to the same packet flow(majanen et al., 2015).

It involves a compressor and a decompressor operating according to a well-defined protocol. The compressor compresses the headers with respect to a reference state that it shares in common with the decompressor, while the decompressor uncompresses them to their original state on reception at the destination (chishti & mir, 2015).


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