– Effect Of NPK Fertilizer Application on the Growth and Yield of Cucumber – 

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A field experiment was conducted at the, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilorin, Ilorin in the southern Guinea savannah ecology to determine the effect of NPK fertilizer application on the growth and yield of three cucumber varieties.

The experiment was designed as a 3×5 factorial in RCBD, arranged in split-plots, and replicated three times. The main plots consisted of (Marketer, Marketmore, and Poinsett), while the sub-plots were made up of five levels (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100kgNha-1) of NPK fertilizer.

(plant height, number of leaves/plant, number of branches per plant, leaf area per plant, number of males, the female and total number of flowers), as well as yield characteristics (dry matter, fruit length, fruit circumference, number of fruits per plant and fruit fresh weight), were measured.

Data were analyzed by the Analysis of Variance, using the split-plots model and significant means were separated by the Least Significant Difference at 5 percent probability level (LSD0.05).

The results showed that the application of the NPK fertilizer appreciably improved the growth performances of cucumber, with 100kgNha-1 being the most outstanding rate while the yield characteristics were not improved with the application of NPK fertilizer.

However, significant variety x fertilizer effects revealed that the application of 100kgNha-1 was best for the three varieties, suggesting in differential nutrient requirements of cucumber varieties.

Conclusively, the is beneficial for , and increasing the rate of application up to the highest level of 100 kg/ha gave the best results vegetatively.


TITLE PAGE         i




ABSTRACT       vi


LIST OF TABLES           xi


1.1       Introduction       1

1.1.1    Health benefits of cucumber      2

1.1.2    Skin benefits of cucumber      3

1.1.3    Cucumber benefits for hair   4

1.2       Statement of experimental problems    5

1.3       Justification for study        5

1.4       Objective of study     6


2.1       Background information        7

2.2       Botanical taxonomy    9

2.3       Nutritional health values      9

2.4       Plant description        10

2.4.1    Rooting system      10

2.4.2    The shoot   10

2.4.3    Flower types          11

2.4.4    The fruit   11

2.5       Growth stages    12

2.6       Climatic requirements    12

2.7       Soil requirement         14

2.8       Effect of NPK fertilizer on cucumber growth and yield                        14


3.1       Description of experimental site             19

3.2       Description of the experimental design      19

3.3       Field preparation and experimental layout     19

3.4       Soil sampling and analysis     20

3.5       Planting of seeds      20

3.6       Agronomic management practices    20

3.7       Data collection     21

3.8       Data analyses         22


4.1       Results of soil analysis     23

4.2       Effects of variety and fertilizer application on growth parameters of cucumber plant 24

4.2.1    Effects on vine length      24

4.2.2    Effects on number of leaves per plant     27

4.2.3    Effects on leaf area per plant    29

4.2.4    Effects on the number of branches per plant  31

4.2.5    Effects on flowering traits of cucumber      33

4.3       Effects of variety and fertilizer application on yield and yield components of cucumber 35

4.3.1    Effects on dry matter 35

4.3.2    Effects on Yield components and fruit yield     38 


5.1       Preamble         40

5.2       Effects of NPK fertilizer on growth parameters    41

5.3       Effects of NPK fertilizer on yield components and fruit yield     42

5.4       Varietal responses  42                  


REFERENCES         45    


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