In life, we face pain and sorrow, but there is one thing that can make it easier for everyone who feels hurt. The Bible says in Psalm 23:4 that God’s presence comforts us. It gives us comfort in times of stress and fear. It also tells us to trust Him at all times and know that He is always with us. We can find strength from the Bible’s promises of God getting back at our enemies and do so in a respectful way.

God gave us something indescribable. He told us that He will always be there even if we cannot see Him. When we feel lonely, it is the time to be reminded of His presence with us. Sometimes, bumbling through life, we lose our sense of control and purpose. But it’s comforting to know that God is always with us when we need Him, wherever we are and whatever we do.

These God is always with me quotes are great to read. They’ll keep your mind calm and spirit up when things get rough. Whenever you feel like you’re failing, just go through them, and everything will become better.

God is always with me and holds my hand. He loves me and is always there to listen when I need Him, even when I feel like the world has fallen apart. He is the light in the darkness, and I will always serve Him.

1. God is always with me, and His presence within me gives me peace, comfort, and strength.

2. I know that God is always with me. I have so much to be thankful for, and I know it’s because of Him. He has given me all my blessings, even on the hardest days.

3. You can’t go through life without trials, but you also have to know that God will always bless you and your loved ones. God is always with me.

4. I know that God is always with me. I have felt his love in many ways and seen Him bless me over the years. He’s helped me through hard times and made it okay to be myself.

5. I trust in my God. I will not fear what others can do to me because He is always with me.

6. In times of stress and confusion, it’s important to remember that God is always our strength and guide. He knows each of us individually and will never leave us needy.

7. God is always with me and has my back. Because of this, I can be a better person.

8. God is always with me and will help me get through my problems. When things are hard, and I feel like giving up, I need to remember He is right there with me.

9. When I’m feeling down and out, God is always with me. I can’t imagine my life without His presence.

10. God will always be with me, every day. Not because He is watching me but because He knows my heart.

11. Even when life seems dark and stormy, God is always there to comfort and guide me.

12. Whether I’m overwhelmed, or in a creative slump, God is always there. This a simple reminder to keep me focused on what matters most: Jesus.

13. God never leaves my side, He is with me every day, and that’s how I know He loves me. I think it’s useful to remember this as we are looking at him being away from us right now.

14. I am more than the thoughts that pass through my mind. I am more than the people who cross my path. And when I look to God, I find He is always with me.

15. No matter what, I always have God with me. He is my constant companion and a comfort to me in times of trouble and during difficult times.

16. God’s presence is never far away, and His love is with you always.

17. My relationship with God is the most important relationship of my life. His presence and guidance have helped me through all sorts of situations, and I know that as long as He’s there, I’ll be okay.

18. God is always with me. I can get through anything as long as I trust Him. He’s bigger than any obstacle or challenge that comes my way.

19. The comfort and reassurance of knowing God are always with you; I am continually blessed and dependent on God for all things. He is the one who richly provides for me, grants me a favour, and is always with me.

20. God loves you, and God loves me He will always be there for us. God is always with me. When I am happy when I am sad, when things are going great, and when they’re not, it doesn’t matter what is happening in my life; God is always there.

21. God is always with me, even when I am not with Him.

22. God is always with me. He is with me when I wake up and before I sleep at night. He is with me when life gets hard and stays by my side until things are better. God will never forsake me.

23. God is always with me, I am never alone here and can always go to him. Keep me in your heart and pray for me because I will have to face so many challenges; you will never see so many.

24. God never leaves us. He is always with us, and we should have faith like a child has faith in his mother.

25. Whether I’m riding a roller coaster or sitting in traffic, He’s right there with me. He is always up to something. I just have to trust my faith and not give up on Him. God is omnipresent, so I can never get away from Him.

26. God is always with me. It doesn’t matter where I go or what’s ahead. I am always loved, cared for, and protected when I trust Him.

27. God is always with me, and I will always be with Him. In moments of sadness and grief, I can lean on Him, just like He leans against us because God is a loving Father who asks us to trust in His abundant grace and mercy.

28. God is with me, always. His love and grace are my support, always. God’s presence sustains me in times of trouble and makes my heart glad when life is good.

29. God is always with me. I know this is true because He hasn’t left and will never leave.

30. God is always with me. He is my guide, protector, and strength. I acknowledge that He is everywhere, even if I can’t see Him physically.

31. God is always with me, even when I don’t realize it. He takes care of me, helps guide me, and protects me in many ways. I believe that God will continue to be there for me because He has been since the beginning.

32. God is always with me, in my trials and tribulations and in each decision I make. He gives strength to my soul, love to my heart, and peace to my mind.

33. I believe God is always with me, even when I don’t feel Him. I won’t always understand the process of how He works in my life, but I know that He loves me and wants me to look to him for all my needs.

34. In the most difficult times, God is always with me. I may not feel it with my mind or heart, but I know He is there with His arms, ready to embrace and comfort me.

35. Even in the darkest moments when I feel like giving up, He is standing by my side, just waiting to show me how much He loves and cares for me.

36. It is said that faith can move mountains, and I believe it. God’s love is everywhere, and even in the darkest times, He is always with me.

37. God is always with me whenever I feel alone, so I know He will help me through my struggles.

37. When everything around you is falling apart, remember that God is always with you.

38. Nothing can separate me from God’s love. When I’m lonely, afraid or facing difficulty, I ask God to be with me, and He will.

39. God is always with me. He is a great friend who listens and comforts my heart when I am sad, lonely or afraid. He is a wise teacher who helps me understand the world by showing me His love through people, nature, and events around the globe.

40. I know that God is always with me. He knows me and has loved me from the beginning, even before I was born. I can feel His presence daily, giving me strength, hope and courage in all situations.

41. I am not alone. God walks with me through every step, every struggle, and every surprise. In all things, He gives me the strength I need to overcome.

42. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no harm, for thou art with me.

43. God is always with me I need not worry about anything. God’s closest friends are always with me.

44. God is always with you and me. His love is unconditional, His sacrifice is unconditional, His grace is unconditional, and His mercy is unconditional. No matter what we have done or what we have not done, He has forgiven us completely through the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son.

45. God never leaves me, no matter what. I can still trust and follow Him no matter what happens, even if it seems I’m not doing as well at following Him as He would like.

46. As I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil because God is always a step behind me.

47. God is always with me, helping me and loving me. He is my helper and protector. He is with me day and night.

48. God is always with me so I will be okay. When challenges arise and my faith is tested, He makes way for me to get through them. With God’s help, and your prayers and support, I can do everything and more.

49. You are never alone. God is always with you, even when you feel like you’re all alone in this world. Cry out to him for help because he’s there to listen.

50. The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me? The Lord is with me; He is my friend and has taught me his way. Even in the face of my adversity, God gives me strength.

51. He is my best friend, my closest confidant, and the one who always has my back. He knows all of my secrets yet still accepts you as His. My relationship with God is special and unique. It’s a friendship that will last forever.

52. God is always with me, and He’s right here. He is the best sustenance that I have ever known.

53. God is always with me. When I am alone, I feel His presence everywhere.

54. Always remember that God loves you with all His heart, and He knows what you need before you ask Him.

55. God is always with me, keeping me going. I can do all things through him, who gives me strength. Daniel 1:5.

56. God is with me at all times. He is always by my side and never lets me down. He helps me through all of my tough times, and I know that nothing bad will happen to me as long as I have God on my side.

57. God is with me. It’s not just a statement. It’s the truth, and I want to share it with you. I want you to see how much God loves me and has worked throughout my life to make me the person I am today.

58. God is always with me. He’s always ready to help me work out any problem I have and give me strength for the challenges I face. I can talk with Him about everything, and He always listens even when I struggle.

59. God is always with me. All God wants is to reach out to him because he’s there waiting for us.

60. I’m my own worst enemy. I control my thoughts and actions, but no man is an island. God is the ultimate guide and guardian, always with me, whispering to me from within.

61. God is always with me. God made me, and He loves me. He wants to get to know me, and He wants to be my friend.

62. the presence of God surrounds me, and He never leaves my side. I live in the light of His grace, mercy, and love.

63. God is always with me, and He loves me. More importantly, I know that He has a perfect plan for me in life.

64. God is always with me, and there’s no room for fear, doubt or despair. Because He’s the author of my faith, I can live with hope, joy, and peace.

65. God is always with me in everything I do, and everywhere I go. He gives me the strength to face each day and the wisdom to make good choices.

66. There is no moment when I am alone; I will never be alone. God is always with me, speaking to me and guiding me on my way.

67. God is always with me, and I am truly blessed. God is on my side and will always be there to help me. He gives wisdom, strength, love and guidance to do things right. He is a great protector.

68. I know God is always with me, and I can feel his presence in my life.

69. When I feel alone, I can always call upon God, who is always with me. I feel better knowing that God will always love me, even when my favourite toys are broken, when my room is messy, or when I have made a mistake and feel bad about it.

70. God is with you always. You are never alone if you feel lost or scared when facing a difficult situation. No matter what, He loves you with all his heart, and He’s always with you.

71. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom should I be afraid?

72. God is always with me, even when I don’t feel like I’m praying, and He’s listening, no matter my decision. It’s a comfort to know that He has my back so I can take risks and do what He’s called me to do.

73. God is always with me. In good times and in bad, I am never alone.

74. God is always with me. He’s the source of my hope and strength; He is always there to be my guide.

75. Through the ups and downs and everything in between, God is always with me. When I am struggling or have questions, He is there to listen. When life seems to be falling apart, He holds me up.

76. God is always with me. Even when unsure of myself and my direction, He will lead me with His strength, grace, and love.

77. He is the God who is always with me. He knows me better than anyone else, and He loves me even more. He watches over me, protects my family and friends, my health and well-being, shields me from harm, and provides for all my needs.

78. God is always with me. To trust Him means believing that nothing can separate me from Him. No matter what happens in life or how I feel at any particular moment, it’s His will for my life, and all things work together for good.

79. God is always with me. No matter what I do or where I go, He has my back and will never leave me.

80. God is always with me and makes it possible for me to get through the hardest times in my life.

81. I am not afraid of what was or what will be. I have nothing to lose but everything to gain. God is always with me, whether in my struggles or euphoria. He has never left me and never will.

82. God is with you through everything. You can be confident that He has a plan and will fulfil His promise to you. He will also encourage you in your daily life every step of the way.

83. God is always with me, even when my thoughts roam. I feel His presence everywhere, even in the darkest places of my mind. He walks beside me and gives me the courage to face the day. Knowing that God is with me brings a sense of peace and comfort.

84. God is with me always, even when I don’t feel like He is. He helps me through difficult times, listens and provides comfort and guidance. Thanks to God, who gives me the strength and love that lets me share His kindness with others.

85. I firmly believe in God, the creator of all things great and small. He is always with me, in good times and in bad. I pray daily and thank Him for providing what I need to make it through each day.

86. God is always with me, no matter what happens. He is with us in everything, like when we feel alone, scared or bullied. When we are in the dark, He lights our way. When we are afraid, God gives us strength and courage. All you have to do is believe He’s there for you and loves all His children equally.

87. God is always by my side, even when I don’t see Him. He’s a listener and a comforter and loves every person who calls on Him. This comforting verse makes it easy to share your hope in Christ, who never leaves you.

88. God is always with me, no matter what. God has ensured my family, and I have everything we need to survive.

89. God is always with me. I can call on Him anytime, anywhere. And He is here to comfort and support me in the good times and bad.

90. God is always with me, no matter what. He gives me peace of mind and keeps me going, even when I feel like giving up. And as for everyday life, that’s something I can handle on my own.

91. God is always with me. He doesn’t give me anything too big to handle. I’m still learning so much about Him every day.

92. God is always with me, which means that all things are possible. I have a daily reminder of this truth right where I look when I get up in the morning, making the day brighter.

93. Even in my darkest moments, I know God is always with me. He has never abandoned me and will never abandon me.

94. God is always with me. He helps me to do what’s right and to be a good person.

95. God is always with me. Even when things are hard, or I don’t understand, God is still with me and has my back.

96. God is always with me by my side and in my heart. I will always have Him in my life; even on days when troubles come, and problems arise, God’s love will never change. He will never leave me nor forsake me.

97. Good times or bad times, God is always with me, whether I am sick or well. Wherever I go, and whatever I do, God is always with me. For this reason, I never have to worry about anything else.

98. A touch of faith, a whisper of love, a song of hope. Keep up your strength with God; He will always be with you.

99. God is always with me. I’m never alone, even if I sometimes don’t feel like it. When I go through difficult times, He’s there to help and guide me through them. My problems can’t be solved by myself, so I need to know that He is with me and can rely on Him when things get hard.

100. God is always with me, even if I forget him. He’s not going to abandon me or leave me on my own. I have complete faith in God and therefore, I have nothing to fear

Hello. I hope the collection of God is always with me quotes up there always reassure you that you are always covered in God’s presence and love. Kindly drop your comment below. God bless you. Amen.

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