A lot of people who have been in relationships will say that relationships can be really beautiful things. The idea of loving someone else and looking after them as much as you love yourself should definitely be interesting. However, some relationships come to an end, and that’s fine. While some people stay friends after a breakup, others become strangers again, and some just stay somewhere in between, occasionally exchanging greetings while keeping their distance.

No matter which of these categories one falls under, a perfect time to reach out to your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend is on the anniversary of your breakup. What to say is not a problem because this page contains many beautiful quotes for the anniversary of a breakup.

Do you want to see these lovely, interesting and thoughtful 4 year anniversary breakup quotes? Swipe up and find them.

Today is the four-year anniversary of our breakup. I was lucky to be with you for years, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I still love and care about you. I’m happy that I was able to know the person behind the facade. 

1. It’s our fourth breakup anniversary. I am happy we got to grow close and share a part of our lives. It’s been exciting, and I am glad that I got the chance to be with you. You always smiled, no matter what life threw at you. I love that about you. Unfortunately, we hit too many hurdles. Good luck in the future, and continue to open your good heart to people!

2. It’s four years since our breakup. I am glad we were able to share some years with each other. The memories I have of us are some that I will never forget, and they will always be treasured. There are times that I miss you, but the great memories have helped ease the pain of the breakup.

3. You are a sweetheart. When we started dating, it was bliss, but then we started fighting and had to break up. I sometimes wish things had worked out. Sooner or later, we’ll both find people that are right for us.

4. Hey, beauty. How have you been? I know it’s been a while since we talked, and I miss you. Things happen for a reason and I know things just don’t work out sometimes. I can’t believe we split up four years ago. I’m here to say hi and wish you the best!

5. It’s our fourth breakup anniversary. We are no longer together, but I will always remember the good times. You have made such a huge impact on my life, and I am happy we shared our lives.

6. Happy fourth breakup anniversary. I want you to know I am OK. I miss you. You are among the most amazing people I have ever met. Good luck with everything. Hope life is good for you!

7. Happy four years breakup anniversary. I admire and respect the person that you have become. I am grateful for the years we spent together, and I cherish all of the memories we created. Most importantly, I hope that you are happy and wish you all the luck in the world!

8. Happy four-year breakup anniversary. Words can’t be enough to thank you for all the things you did for me. I love you and will forever cherish our memories together.

9. Happy four years breakup anniversary. You made my heart happy, even when you were not with me. I still don’t know how we started the journey to the end of our relationship, but I continue to wish you happiness and that you find everything you’re looking for. Know that I love you and that I miss you.

10. It amazes me how much I care about you, even after breaking up. I remember you as someone that is sweet and gentle, smart and compassionate, creative and loyal. I treasure the time we spent together. Happy four-year anniversary of our breakup.

11. Four years after our breakup and I still care about you and that I miss you. If I could turn back time, I would have told you a hundred things I love about you on the night of our breakup. But I can’t. Looking back at it, I am so grateful for having met you and for the wonderful times we had together.

12. Hey, handsome. How are you? I hope you had a good day. Well, I wanted to wish you a happy fourth breakup anniversary! You were an all-around great guy, and I’m glad I got to be with you for some years. Thanks for not deleting me from everything. That was pretty cool of you.

13. Happy four years breakup anniversary. You are a wonderful man, and I enjoyed every second of our relationship. You deserve the world, my friend, and I hope you find someone who deserves your amazing heart.

14. Happy four years breakup anniversary. You still mean a lot to me. I can’t stop being grateful for the love we shared and remembering all the good times. You were my first everything, and I’d give anything to relieve some moments we had. I wish you happiness forever!

15. 4 years ago today, I told you it was time to end a beautiful past and drive away into the sunset of the future. I believe that is the best decision I’ve ever made, but I still miss you. I think about you often and miss being next to you at night. Happy anniversary to you!

16. I just wanted to say happy four years breakup anniversary. I loved spending so much time with you. You were an amazing boyfriend and best friend. I still remember the day we met. I hope you are still the great kisser I knew!

17. Today makes it four years since our breakup. I still love you more than words can say. I hope that we remain in each other’s lives. There has never been anyone who has made me smile, laugh, and cry as much as you do.

18. Today is the four-year anniversary of our breakup. I remember every minute of our relationship, and I will remember it for a long time. Thank you for the amazing memories and the times we shared.

19. It’s been four years since we broke up. And in all these years, you never left my mind. I never went on a date without you popping into my head. You are a great guy, and I definitely miss your smile. Happy anniversary! I hope you have a great day today.

20. It’s been four years since our breakup. What can I say? You were the love of my life, the best boyfriend. I am lucky you were in my life, and I’m glad we had each other. Even though we’re not together anymore, I still love and care about you very much.

21. Happy 4th breakup anniversary. I miss you, and I hope your life is wonderful. I remember how special our years together were for me, and though it may feel weird to say, I confess they were better because of you.

22. Happy 4th breakup anniversary. I remember our time together fondly. I will always be grateful that you gave me my first kiss, taught me how to perform magic tricks, and shared your love of weird things with me. Thank you for being my hero.

23. Happy 4th breakup anniversary. I look back at the years we spent together, and I smile. You were the first man to tell me that he loved me, and I will never forget that. I hope that you find happiness and love because you deserve it all.

24. Happy fourth breakup anniversary. We were together for a few months, but you changed my life forever. I hope you have a wonderful life, baby boy.

25. Happy 4th breakup anniversary. I will remember you forever. I wish things were different, but I’m strong and moving on. Thanks for the memories.

I miss you very much. You were such a key part of my life, and the love that we shared was something I hope everyone gets to experience. We will always have that special bond between us. I cannot handle being emotionally close with someone at this point in my life, but I wish you happiness and more happiness. 

26. Happy fourth breakup anniversary, my friend! I’m happy to have met you and happy to continue being friends with you!

27. It’s four years since we broke up. You were my first love, the person I wanted to marry, have children with and have a family with. Well, I’m glad we still talk and know that we still care about each other.

28. I still think of you. I miss you and your laugh. You were such a great boyfriend. I wish things had worked out, but they didn’t. However, I just want you to know that no matter what, I’ll always be your friend. Happy fourth breakup anniversary.

29. Happy fourth breakup anniversary. I’m happy we are still friends after all this time. I’m so happy that our breakup was amicable. We both needed a change. We’ve grown to become better people and have found the people who were meant for us. I wish you all beautiful things in your new relationship and a bright future.

30. Happy fourth breakup anniversary. I still think about you. I remember the times we had, both the funny ones and the sad ones. I learned a lot from my time with you, and I’m thankful for having met you. You were the most amazing woman in the world. I pray your journey leads you to happiness.

31. Happy fourth breakup anniversary. You are an amazing girl. I was too lucky to find someone like you. You were always so easy to talk to, and we had such great times together. I hope that you find everything that you’re looking for in life. We may not be together, but know that my love for you will never fade.

32. Today makes our breakup four years old. We had many good times. A lot of tears and heartaches too. I’m glad we are friends and can have a few laughs over some of the crazy things we did.

33. Happy breakup anniversary! I hope your day is wonderful. I thought about how happy I was when we were together. You brought so much joy into my life, so much love and laughter. I will never forget the years we spent together; it was amazing. I wish for your happiness and prosperity.

34. Happy fourth breakup anniversary. I want you to know that I never stopped loving you and that I still care about you. You are beautiful inside and out, and I will never forget the time we spent together.

35. Happy fourth breakup anniversary. I miss the way you kissed me. I miss the way you sounded when you laugh. I miss everything about our relationship. But most of all, I miss you. Good luck with your future endeavours.

36. You were my best friend. The one I thought would be by my side forever. Even though were no longer together, I still think of you fondly and remember the good times we had. May we meet again someday, and may you find the happiness that you so richly deserve. Happy four years breakup anniversary.

37. Happy four years breakup anniversary. I still remember our first date. You took me for dinner, and then we drove around town! I still love that my first hangover was with you. I have so many memories of us. I will never forget them. I wish things could be different, but I’m happy to have known you!

38. Happy four years breakup anniversary. I remember how I felt when we had our first kiss; dreaming of it for weeks before. The smile that I had plastered on my face wouldn’t go away. It was so wonderful to have you in my life, and I’m so glad we became friends. Thank you for all the great memories!

39. Do you remember our first date? We went to see the sunset, and then we had a cup of your favourite drink by the river. Years have passed since that day, but every time I remember that moment, I feel like it was yesterday. I miss you! Happy four-year breakup anniversary.

40. We have been apart for four years. I still think about you from time to time and wonder what happened to us. I wish we could have worked out, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be. Happy four years breakup anniversary.

41. It’s hard to believe that it has been four years since we broke up. I hope that you are doing well, and I truly wish you all the best. Hope your life is as happy, peaceful and full of love as I know mine is here.

42. Thinking of you on our fourth breakup anniversary. Hope you’re doing well. I’m down for a dinner date if you’re interested. Take care.

43. There was a time when we were together that I couldn’t imagine ever loving somebody as much as I loved you. You were the love of my life. And on days when my heart is heavy with sadness, I close my eyes and think back to that wonderful time. Happy four years breakup anniversary.

44. It’s our fourth breakup anniversary. We had all the fun in the world during our time together. Those were beautiful years. I wish you the absolute best!

45. Happy four years breakup anniversary to us. Always remember that I love you. You are a good person, and I wish nothing but the best for you.

46. Happy four years anniversary of our breakup. I hope that you’re doing well! You’re such a wonderful person. Thank you for all the fun times!

47. It’s our fourth breakup anniversary. I could probably write a giant book about all of the things I love about you and how I miss those things. But for now, you should know that you were one of the best people I have ever met. We may not be together anymore, but that won’t stop me from appreciating the good we enjoyed together.

48. It’s been a long time, isn’t it? I’m still not sure why our relationship didn’t work out, but I don’t regret the breakup. Your soul is beautiful, and I am so happy we had the chance to spend those three years together. Happy fourth breakup anniversary.

49. On this day, four years ago, we broke up. We’ve had so many perfect moments, and I will treasure them forever. You gave me much love and happiness. I hope you know that I loved being with you. Good luck with all you do!

50. It’s our fourth breakup anniversary. I really miss you, but I’m glad we had a great run while it lasted. I hope one day we can hang out again. Thanks for everything!

51. I’ll never forget how special you are to me. I’m sorry things didn’t work out. I hope you find happiness and love over the years to come. You’re such a wonderful person that it’s hard for anyone not to fall for you. Happy four years break up anniversary.

All I hope right now is that you found on this page, the perfect 4 year anniversary breakup quotes to use on the four years anniversary of your breakup. Please leave a comment and share them with your loved ones. Thanks.

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