This or that questions for kids can get everyone talking if you’re looking for icebreaker questions for kids or fun dinner conversation ideas. This or that questions are similar to “Would you rather?” questions in that children are presented with two options from which to choose. Which will you choose, this or that?

Sometimes  can be tough—especially when you’re trying to come up with topics to talk about.

To get rid of the awkwardness and help make things easier, try playing a question game, like “Would You Rather…?” It’s not only fun, but you’ll be surprised just how much you can get to know someone by what their answers are to your “Would you rather…?” questions for kids.

This classic question game makes players think about what things they value most, be it funny or serious, and will help you connect in a fast and silly way.

What are this and that Questions?

This and that questions differ from open-ended questions in that they ask about two distinct topics. They can be used to break the ice or to engage children (or adults) in conversation.

Because they are specific, children will find it easier to respond to them than open-ended questions.

This and that questions are also useful for learning more about someone. You can learn about someone’s hobbies, favorite things, and more by asking them this or that question.

Conversations with people are more productive and engaging when you know them well.

225 Fun this or that Questions for Kids

Every kid loves to laugh, so try out these hilarious tricky questions to get them ROFL.

1. Who is better – Elsa from ” Frozen” or Hermione Granger?

2. Should a main book or movie character be really smart or really brave?

3. What is more fun – going to the circus or going to the zoo?

4. Would you rather read every book in the world or watch every movie ever made?

5. Would you rather explore all of planet Earth or visit every plant in the solar system?

6. Do you prefer a vacation in Hawaii or Alaska?

7. Do you think it is better to have a really good sense of direction or a photographic memory?

8. What is more important – world peace or the end of hunger?

9. Do you think it is better to be able to fly or to be invisible?

10. If you had a superpower choice, would you rather control water or fire?

11. Is it better to have a superpower or to be rich?

12. Would you rather go to the moon or another planet?

13. Do you think it is better to have a time machine or a teleportation device?

14. Would you rather meet Mickey Mouse or Daffy Duck?

15. Do you think it is better to know the future or be able to change the past?

16. What’s a better cookie – Oreos or Chocolate chip cookies?

17. Do you think it is better to be able to swim really fast or to be able to breathe under water?

18. Would you prefer a pet turtle or pet snake?

19. Do you think it is better to have gills like a fish or webbed feet like a duck?

20. Do you think it is better to have fur or scales?

21. If you could choose, would you rather have a pet owl or a flying horse?

22. Do you think it is better to be able to breathe fire or shoot lightning from your hands?

23. What character would you rather be – Harry Potter or Ron Weasley?

24. Do you think it is better to be able to transform into any animal or into another human?

25. What is more fun – sledding or skiing?

26. Do you think it is better to have superhuman strength or superintelligence?

27. Do you prefer a pond or the ocean?

28. Who is better – Superman or Batman?

29. Do you think it is better to have X-ray vision or the ability to read people’s thoughts?

30. Do you like math or reading?

31. Do you like history or science?

32. What is more fun – recess or lunch?

33. Is it better to have gym class or art class?

34. Would you prefer to sing or play an instrument?

35. Do you like making things or doing things?

36. Would you prefer to explore the deep sea or go into space?

37. Is it better to have a really fast car or a really big house?

38. Would you rather save lots of money or spend lots of money?

38. Is it better to give gifts or receive gifts?

39. Do you think it is better to be really popular or to be really smart?

40. Do you prefer to read or write?

41. Do you like McDonalds or Burger King?

42. Do you like the sun or the moon?

43. Is it better to have a pool or a trampoline?

44. Do you prefer a laptop or iPad?

45. Who is a better villain- the Joker or Lex Luther?

46. Do you prefer a weekend on an island or in the mountains?

47. Do you think it is better to be able to speak Spanish or Chinese?

48. Would you rather have endless toys or endless candy?

49. Would you rather ride a horse or a camel?

50. Is it better to live in a tree or in the sea?

51. Do you like popcorn or chips?

52. Do you prefer popcorn or candy at the movie theater?

53. Would you rather have juice or soda?

54. Do you think it is better to have a lot of cheap clothes or a few expensive clothes?

55. Do you like bright colors or dark colors?

56. What are better, pencils or pens?

57. Do you prefer to write or type?

58. Is it better to have a big house or a small apartment?

59. Do you like to live in the city or in the country?

60. Do you think it is better to have a cat or a dog?

61. Do you think it is better to have a lot of toys or a few really good ones?

62. Do you like Legos or card games?

63. Which animal is more fun – monkeys or dogs?

64. What animal is scarier – tigers or wolves?

65. Do you think it is better to have a sister or a brother?

66. Do you like having lots of good friends or one absolute best friend?

67. Do you think it is better to stay up late or go to bed early?

68. Do you like Disney animation or live action movies?

69. Is a vacation more fun if you go to a new place or if you stay home?

70. Do you like going on road trips or taking flights?

71. Is it more fun to visit amusement parks or go camping?

72. Would you rather eat all day or watch cartoons all day?

73. Would you rather play with your friends or with siblings/cousins?

74. Do you like short books or long books?

75. Do you like fruity desserts or chocolate desserts?

76. Would you rather go back in time or into the future?

77. Is it better to be able to run fast or to be able to climb trees?

78. Do you think it is important for everyone to have a job?

79. Is it better to have a lot of money or a lot of friends?

80. Do you like solo singers or groups?

81. Do you like to play or watch sports?

82. Do you like to watch sports on TV or at a live game?

83. What is more important, being able to run fast or being able to jump high?

84. What do you think is better, being able to play any sport or being able to sing very well?

85. Do you think it would be better to have a superpower or the ability to be really lucky?

86. Do you like going on adventures or staying at home?

87. What is more important, intelligence or creativity?

88. Is it better to be able to see far away or to be able to see in the dark?

89. Do you think it would be better to have a time machine or a teleportation device?

90. Is it better to know a lot about one thing or a little bit about many things?

91. If you had to pick one, would you become a firefighter or a pilot?

92. What is better, to be able to fly or to be invisible?

93. Which do you think is better, to be able to read people’s minds or to have a magic wand?

94. Do you think it is better to have a superpower or to be very smart?

95. What is better, being able to turn into any animal or being able to speak any language?

96. Do you think it would be fun having a genie for a friend or a dragon for a pet?

97. Do you think it would be better to have wings or a tail?

98. What are more fun, swimming in the pool or swimming in the ocean?

99. Is it better to have a lot of free time or do a lot of activities?

100. Do you like school or would you rather be home with your family?

101. Do you think it is better to have a lot of energy or to be very calm?

102. Do you prefer Friday or Saturday ?

103. What is better, a hotdog or a hamburger?

104. Who is stronger, the Hulk or Superman?

105. Do you prefer playing video games or ?

106. Is it better to have lots of money or lots of friends?

107. Do you think people should be famous or not famous?

108. What is better a movie or a book?

109. Do you like a chair or a couch?

110. Do you think animals should be in cages or free?

111. Do you like the zoo or the aquarium?

112. Do you believe in ghosts or not believe in ghosts?

113. What are cuter, puppies or kittens?

114. Do you think people are good or bad?

115. Is it better to have a lot of school or no school?

116. Do you like Christmas or Halloween?

117. Do you like day parties or night parties?

118. Do you prefer to bed late or get up late?

119. Do you think people who stay up late are lazy or fun?

120 .Do you like to go on walks or play outside?

121. Do you like to watch funny movies or musicals?

122. Do you like to have a lot of friends over or just a few close friends?

123. What do you think it better, Star Wars or Star Trek?

124. Do you prefer going to the dentist or the doctor?

125. Do you prefer eating lots of vegetables or taking medicine?

126. Do you like walking or riding a bike?

127. Do you like to write or draw?

128. Do you like fruity snacks or chocolate snacks?

129. Do you like Pandas or Lions?

130. Do you like to eat ice cream or popsicles?

131. Do you like the color pink or the color purple?

132. Do you recess or gym class?

133. Do you like to play dress up or play with make-up?

134. Do you usually have a lot of homework or not very much?

135. Do you prefer to study or do chores in the house?

136. Do you like pancakes or waffles?

137. Do you like to go on field trips or stay in school?

138. Do you think school is easy or hard?

139. Do you like to wear a costume or have a pillow fight?

140. Do you like to build a sandcastle or go crabbing?

141. Do you like playing in the sprinkler or going to the waterpark?

142. Do you like to have a picnic or go camping?

143. Do you like to read a book or listen to a story?

144. Do you like to play tag or hide-and-seek?

145. Do you like Dodgeball or Simon Says?

146. Do you like playing with cars or dolls?

147. Do you have a brother or sister?

148. Do you like to play in the snow or at the beach?

149. Do you like to play games on a console or online?

150. Do you like to play with dolls or action figures?

151. Do you like dinosaurs or unicorns?

152. Do you prefer robots or aliens?

153. Do you think boys or girls are icky?

154. Do you like to play tag or hopscotch?

155. Do you like peanut butter or jelly?

156. Do you like Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

157. Would you rather eat milk chocolate or ?

158. Do you like M&Ms or Skittles?

159. Do you like cake or cookies?

160. Do you like to play soccer or basketball?

161. Do you like to listen to rap or rock?

162. Do you like Justin Bieber or One Direction?

163. Do you usually eat your breakfast at home or on the go?

164. Would you rather eat breakfast for dinner or dinner food for breakfast?

165. Do you like milkshakes or soda?

166. Do you like going to the playground or the library?

167. Do you like drinking from a straw or a cup?

168. Do you like using chopsticks or a fork?

169. Do you prefer a car or a bike?

170. Do you like to watch a show or play a game?

171. Do you like to draw or paint?

172. Do you prefer one color or rainbow colors?

173. Would you rather spend more time with family or friends?

174. Do you like funny movies or scary movies?

175. Do you like to be in a group or by yourself?

176. Do you like music or quiet?

177. Do you like talking or listening?

178. Do you like the sun or the moon?

179. Do you like being cold or hot?

180. Do you like rain or snow?

181. Would rather  by plane or car?

182. Do you like to go on walks or play outside?

183. Do you like pizza or tacos?

184. Do you like to take a shower or a bath?

185. Do you like to go to the movies or stay at home and watch a movie?

186. What’s better – ice cream or cake?

187. What’s better – cake or frosting?

188. Do you like strawberries or blueberries?

189. Do you like buying new clothes or wearing the same clothes?

190. Do you like to drink milk or juice?

191. What insects are better – grasshoppers or lady bugs?

192. What is cooler – the caterpillar or the butterfly?

193. Do you like chicken or steak?

194. Do you like to eat breakfast or dinner?

195. Do you like trying new things or doing the same thing over and over?

196. Do you like going to your grandparents’ house or prefer when grandparents visit you?

197. Do you like dogs or cats?

198. Do you like the city or the park?

199. Do you prefer June or December?

200. Do you like fall or spring?

201. Do you like cloudy days or sunny days?

202. Do you like reading books or listening to audiobooks?

203. Do you like riding a bike or rollerblading?

204. Would you rather go roller skating or ice skating?

205. Do you like running or jumping?

206. Do you like dancing or singing?

207. Would you rather to eat all day or sleep all day?

208. Do you like small parties or big parties?

209. Do you prefer strawberries or oranges?

210. Do you prefer hot chocolate or ice tea?

211. Do you like comics or cartoons?

212. Do you like movies or TV shows?

213. Do you like to play video games or sports?

214. Do you like to listen to music or read?

215. Do you like salty or sweet snacks?

216. Do you prefer sweet or spicy food?

217. Do you like to be indoors or outdoors?

218. Do you like to move around or stay in one place?

219. Do you like to be alone or with others?

220. Do you like animals or insects?

221. Would you rather swim at beach or the pool?

222. Do you like the morning or nighttime more?

223. Would you rather read or watch TV?

224. Would you rather not ever have to go to school or never have to do chores for the rest of your life?

225. Would you rather always need to shout whenever you speak or always have to whisper?

Final Thoughts on This or That Kid Question

That’s all there is to it. You now have a plethora of questions to choose from if you ever have to babysit or need an icebreaker for a teaching lesson.

These are just a few ideas, so get creative and come up with your own. You can even post them here in the comments section! The important thing to remember is to have fun with it in order to engage the kids in conversation.

If you found this article interesting don’t fail to share, comment and introduce it to your friends. 

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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