Gratitude allows you to see the wonders of life, even when you think it’s horrible. When you’re thinking, “What else can go wrong?” Writing down what you’re grateful for can help you heal. When life is going well, a gratitude journal can help you remember who helped, supported, and encouraged you.

Have you ever felt ungrateful and needed help getting back into a positive frame of mind? I know I have… which is why I regularly use gratitude journal prompts.

Writing about how grateful I am for my family, friends, career, and everything else in my life helps me remember what is truly important in my life. Every day, I use a journal to gain control of my and peace of mind.

Apart from the obvious choices of gratitude about health, family, and friends you might get a little stuck on what else to be thankful for.

This is where journaling prompts can be of great use! To help you uncover the good things in life that you might otherwise not even realize and be thankful for.

What Is a Gratitude Journal?

A gratitude journal is a journal in which you can record what you’re grateful for on a regular basis. Gratitude journals differ from other types of journals in that they are intended to be written in on a daily basis in order to be most effective, serving as a daily reminder of all that is good.

What are Journal Prompts?

A journal prompt is a question, written observation, or statement that makes you think about your life.

The goal of a prompt is to help you decide what to write in your journal by giving directions and guiding your thinking.

You can use general journaling prompts for free , self-discovery or gratitude prompts, and much more.

Since the gratitude journal is about finding and writing down about the things you are grateful for, the gratitude journal quotes, questions or statements are about self-reflection and are inclined towards the environment you live in.

101 Gratitude Journal Prompts for Thankfulness

1. Name six things you’ll take notice of and appreciate in the next 48 hours. 

2. Look outside your window and list 10 things you’re thankful for. 

3. What was yesterday like for you? List three things you liked about this day.

4. Consider where you were five years ago in your life. In comparison to today, in what ways have you made personal progress?

5. What’s your favorite vacation destination and why? Where else would you like to visit?

6. What do you love about pets or animals? How do animals contribute to the environment and your own life in some way?

7. How does your career enhance your skills or make you a better person in general?

8. What’s one thing you can change to improve your day tomorrow (wake up early, exercise, use technology less, etc.)? Write down how making one little change in your life can be significant or even life-changing for you. 

9. In what ways can having a sense of humor make your problems easier to deal with? Write down ideas to make yourself laugh when you’re unhappy. 

10. How can being less selfish help you be happier and improve your relationships? List ways you can be a better person.

11. Who special someone has taught you about unconditional love in the past or present?

12. Write down one good thing that happened to you today.

13. What are five personality traits that you are most thankful for?

14. What about your upbringing are you most grateful for?

15. Are you happy with how your day turned out?

16. Can you do better tomorrow?

17. Name 5 things you are doing well currently.

18. Did you have a nice surprise today? Write about it.

19. Did you do something nice to someone today? Write about it.

20. What family members are you most grateful for? Write about what makes them special.

21. What is something nice another person did for you today or this week?

22. What is something nice you did for another person today or this week?

23. In what ways can you commit to living in the moment (stay focused, be present, meditate, etc.) and how can doing this help you enjoy life?

24. Consider your current age and write down three things you love about this time in your life. 

25. Make a list of at least 10 things you’ve learned in the last month or year. 

26. What do you love the most about yourself?

27. List a few things you take for granted and how you can be more grateful for these. 

28. Who or what in your life are you happy to have let go?

29. Think of 5 people that irritate you or you have trouble getting along with. What irritates you most about them? Now list 3 positive notes or qualities about each person.

30. What were your 3 best days? Write a small paragraph about each day.

31. What were your worst three days? Write a small paragraph about each day and think how much better off you are now.

32. Write the top 10 things in your life that cause you stress. For each stress factor, write what you can do to change it.

33. Think about the worst period you went through in your life and list 10 ways life is better now than it was then.

34. How do children make the world a happier place?

35. What’s something consistently burdensome about your life that makes you a stronger person?

36. Name one thing/person that makes your life more exciting?

37. What’s something positive (self-love or positive self-talk) you can say to yourself every day?

38. What kind of gift could you give someone that would make you feel like a better person?

39. What gift did you receive that mattered to you the most and why?

40. List eight ways you can escape your comfort zone more often. How can incorporating these into your life increase your personal fulfillment?

41. Write down something beautiful you’ve never noticed before about your surroundings or life in general.

42. What are irritations in your life that could use a change in perspective? Can you take less seriously, find humor in? How can that change have a positive effect on your life?

43. List something good that has recently caught your attention to make you realize how fortunate you are.

44. Think about the qualities of the people you admire. List these qualities and how you can incorporate them into your life.

45. List 3 people and/or things you feel that you take for granted. How can you express more appreciation for these things or people?

46. What friends are you most grateful for having? List what makes each friend special.

47. List 3 things you could do today to be a kinder person.

48. Who are the people that first come to mind that don’t have it as good as you do?

49. Think of 3 stereotypes that do not have it as good as you (sick children, homeless people, the disabled, elderly, war victims, etc). What could you do to help people in these situations?

50. Name 3 things that always put a smile on your face.

51. What is the most beautiful place you have been to? Relive being in this place now.

52. What are your biggest accomplishments?

53. What do you really appreciate about your life?

54. Name 3 things that you can start doing today to express your gratitude to others? (helping, volunteering, donating, etc). Start doing it in the next few days.

55. What or who makes life more meaningful to you?

56. What gives you a sense of purpose and why? If you lack a purpose, write down ways you can have one on a daily basis and how this can enhance your lifestyle.  

57. How can you turn what bothers you about someone into something that benefits you in a healthy way? 

58. Which talent do you appreciate the most about someone you admire and why?

59. How did the people around you play roles in making you the person you are today?

60. Write down some necessities in your life, such as food or shelter, you’re grateful for. 

61. What or who are you the most grateful for?

62. What’s one memory or moment you’ll always cherish?

63. Pick one problem in your personal life you wish would end. Now write down ideas on how you can change the problem for the better.

64. Choose the type of weather condition you like the least. Figure out how you can tolerate it with a positive mindset next time it happens (read a book, think positive thoughts, etc.). 

65. Name one thing you like about your appearance and write a paragraph about it. 

66. In what ways can having a positive mindset each day make your life easier?

67. List some positive ways you can deal with any problems or people that bother you?

68. How can seeing the strengths of various people help you understand their true worth?

69. What has been the highlight of your day today?

70. What things do you own that make life easier?

71. Name 3 things that have happened to you that have strengthened your character and who you are today (positive or negative events).

72. List 2 struggles you experienced in life that you have overcome. What or who has helped you to overcome these trials?

73. List 5 things you love about your home.

74. What 3 things do you love about the town, area, or neighborhood you live in?

75. What about nature are you grateful for?

76. What about your career or job are you grateful for?

77. What things made you laugh out loud this week?

78. Write about something you saw recently that warmed your heart.

79. Write about a time someone went out of their way to help you.

80. Think about a time that you went out of your way to help someone.

81. Think of 3 times that pure luck or grace has saved you. Write a paragraph about each and focus on who and how the events took place. 

82. Make a list of 20 ways you are fortunate.

83. What meals do you most enjoy making or eating?

84. What physical characteristics are you most grateful for?

85. Name 3 talents or qualities you have that you are grateful for.

86. How can you continue being more thankful?

87. What is one thing you can do to make your bedroom more comfortable or bright, and how will it make you happier?

88. Choose a goal that you want to achieve. Make a list of how achieving it will improve your life satisfaction.

89. Consider one way in which you differ from those around you. Why do you value this distinction in yourself?

90. What can you do to help a friend or family member the next time they are unhappy or ill?

91. Who was your childhood sweetheart, and what characteristics of this person do you want in your next partner?

92. What did your parents teach you as a child that helped you become a better person?

93. Name a fear you’ve always had and make a plan to overcome it.

94. Consider something nice you did for someone else and write a paragraph or two about it.

95. Which movie always puts you in a good mood, or has it changed your life in some way? Consider why you are so passionate about it.

96. Make a list of ways you can be more accepting of those who are different from you. How can you improve your quality of life by doing this?

97. Do you have a favorite form of creativity? If so, how does it make you feel? If not, write down a creative outlet you’d like to learn and how it could help you feel better.

98. Name one bad habit you’d like to break and explain why. Then make a list of small steps you can take to make this a reality.

99. How can doing good for others make you happier than doing good for yourself?

100. Where do you find inner peace? How can you incorporate some of this into your daily routine?

101. What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited? Imagine how you felt while you were there and write it down.

Last Words on Gratitude Journal Prompts

Keeping a gratitude journal can help you make your life more meaningful. Furthermore, writing every day has numerous advantages.

Gratitude journaling can provide a dose of positivity upon waking each morning, boosting your mood for the entire day.

If you don’t have time to journal in the morning, try meditation instead, and use gratitude journal prompts before bedtime. This can help you sleep deeper and longer during the night.

We hope you find gratitude journaling as enjoyable and eye-opening as I do… It is a wonderful way to show your appreciation for those closest to you and all that is good in your life.

This may even improve your relationship and bring you closer together. If this post inspired you, you might be interested in reading another of our articles about anxiety journal prompts.

Thanks for checking out these amazing Gratitude Journal Prompts! Don’t forget to take a look at our similar collection of words as you share to others to get inspire.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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