– The Effect of Workers Behaviour on the Productivity of Female Executives in Organization – 

Download The Effect of Workers Behaviour on the Productivity of Female Executives in Organization project materials: This project material is ready for students who are in need of it to aid their research.


This research work studies the on the productivity of female executive in an organization.  The research work went a long way to investigate the workers behaviour on the productivity of female executives in an organization.

The analysis was carried out and the chi-square statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis.  The funding shows that education whether formal or informal is absolutely important.

In conclusion, the result of this research work shows that the nature of workers behaviour on the productivity of female executive does not determine the adopted by the executives.


Title Page

Approval Page



Table of Contents


1.0          Introduction

  • Background of the Study
  • Historical and Operational Background
  • Statement of the Problem
  • Purpose of the Study
  • Research Hypothesis
  • Research Questions
  • Scope and Delimitation of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Definition of Terms


2.0          Literature Review

  • Overview of the Subject Matter
  • Sources of Behavior
  • Stereotyped Behavior
  • The Executive
  • Leadership
  • Difference Between Female and Male Managers


Research Methodology

  • Area of Coverage
  • Restatement of Research Questions
  • Sources of Data
  • Sampling Plan Population
  • Description of Data Analysis Techniques


Data Presentation and Analysis of Data

  • Introduction
  • Data Analysis
  • Test of Hypothesis


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

  • Overall Summary
  • Summary of Findings
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendation
  • Suggestions for Further Research




The successful achievement of depends on how effectively and efficiently the various groups that make up an organization work towards , that are congruent with the established goals of the organization and the motivation of the individuals within the organization.

James and Savilla Smith 1992), state that the values which under pain the great majority of organization and thus, defines success often include money, power and status.  In addition of the people within the work environment of an organization would also affect the efficiency of that organization.

Nigeria women were predominantly relegated to household and kitchen works.  Their major role revolved around child bearing and household management.  Women were hardly found in public life, this however was primary due to the general African and Nigeria belief that women are weaker sex.

The advents of Western education today gradually expand the role of women from household and kitchen works to the position they occupy today.  Before independence, there were few female university graduates in Nigeria.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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