– Contributions of The Nigerian Export Promotion Council (nepc) in Export Promotion – 

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Exports play a crucial role in the growth of any economy. It is an avenue for raising national income of the country.

However, in Nigerian, oil export accounts for over 90 percent revenue to the government while non-oil export is less than 10 percent.

This thesis therefore examines the performance of non-oil exports over the years as well as the reason for that pattern of performance.

The Nigerian Export Promotion council (NEPC) is the organization saddled with the responsibility of promoting exports in the country.

The ability of this organization to meet its mandate will facilitate the diversification of the economy.

The fact remains that oil and non-oil exports are like the two sides of a coin. Both can be good sources of revenue to the government if adequate attention is given to them.

Both primary and secondary sources of data were used for the research work while chi-square statistical technique was used to test the hypotheses.

The finding shows that there is a slight increase in non-oil exports and that NEPC is not a total failure. However, the growth in non-oil exports is not satisfactory.

Some of the challenges of NEPC include insufficient funds and inadequate incentives to boost exports.

It was therefore, recommended that NEPC should be strengthened and adequately funded so that it can carry out her programmes effectively and efficiently in order to meet with the radically changed international trading environment.

Besides, government should provide more incentives and create the conducive environment for export activities to thrive.


Background of the Study

Export is a potent strategy for mutual inter-dependence among nations of the world. It is an engine of growth and an instrument for technological and industrial advancement.

Practically, all human beings realize that they are not Islands unto themselves, and that they benefit from living with, and trading with other people.

The same is true of nations. They too must interact with one another. No nation can be an Island unto itself.

The dynamics of the world economy and trading environment is continually being shaped by fierce competition among trading nations under the impetus of revolutionary changes in information and communication technology resulting in significant changes in the structure of exports of leading countries in international trade.

The development and promotion of non-oil export on a sustainable basis in Nigeria becomes critical taking into cognizance the huge natural resources in the country and export potentials outside the oil sector that can provide vast employment opportunities and sustain the non-oil economy.


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