Effect of Industrial Training Scheme on the Training of Office Managers in Selected Tertiary Institutions in South East Zone of Nigeria


Title                                                                                                  i

Approval                                                                                          ii

Dedication                                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                                          iv

Table of Content                                                                              v

List of Tables                                                                                  vii

List of Figure                                                                                  viii

Abstract                                                                                           ix



  • Background of Study                                                   1
  • Statement of the Problem                                                 3
  • The objective of Study                                                       4
  • Research Question                                                             5
  • Research Hypothesis                                                         5
  • Significance of Study                                                  6
  • Scope of Study                                                              7


Review of Related Literature

  • The Aims and Objectives of Industrial Training                    8
  • Benefits Derived from Industrial Training                             12
    • Impact of Information Technologies in Offices           15
    • Information Technology Skills                                        16
  • Causes of Poor Implementation of IT Programme                17

2.3.1 Bodies Involved in the Management of SIWES                      20

  • The Remedies to the Poor Implementation of the

Programme                                                                                               21

  • Industrial Training Fund Services                                            23
  • Performance Monitoring and Publication                              30
  • Grievances and Redress Mechanism                                       30
  • Obligation and Expectations of ITF                                          31
  • Summary of Literature Review                                                  33


Research Methodology

  • Design of Study                                                                     35
  • Area of Study                                                                                36
  • The population of Study                                                              36
  • Sample and Sampling Technique                                             37
  • Method of Data Collection                                                         38
  • Questionnaire Administration                                                  39
  • Validation of the Instrument                                                     39
  • Method of Data Analysis                                                            39


Presentation and Analysis of Data

  • Research Question One                                                              41
  • Testing of Hypothesis                                                                 47
  • Discussion of Findings                                                                58


Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Restatement of the Problem                                                     59
  • Summary of Findings                                                                 59
  • Conclusions                                                                                  60
  • Recommendations                                                                      61
  • Limitation of Study                                                                     63
  • Suggestions for Further Study                                                  63

References                                                                                               64

Appendix                                                                                                 66

Questionnaire                                                                                         67


This research work was carried out to investigate the effect of industrial training schemes on the training of Office Managers.  It was discussed under the following subheadings according to the purpose of the study:

Objectives of Industrial Training, benefits derived from Industrial Training, causes and remedies to the poor implementation of Industrial Training programme. It was observed that the management problem of industrial training on the training of Office Managers was on how to achieve the organizational goal,

poor visitation of students by supervision staff during training and non-payment to students on attachment.

This study helps students to achieve the practical aspect of learning, which enable them to perfect the theoretical training.  The population of the study was made up of 253 managerial students both Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Federal Polytechnic Oko and Abia State Polytechnic Aba.

Four (4) research questions were formulated which guided the study. Thirty (30) structured questionnaires were used for data collection which was distributed to 165 managerial students from HNDI and HNDII in the selected tertiary institutions.

Also, tables, percentile methods were used in the analysis of data collected and the statistical tool employed in testing the hypothesis was Chi-Square.  The findings reveal that the programme organized by the industrial training fund is relevant to students involved in skilled courses.

It was recommended that the activities of the establishment in which they had their IT exposure are related to their course of study.  There should be a line between the industries and schools so that the performance reports of the students would be sent to Industrial Training Fund (ITF) office after each industrial training experience for further assessment.

Background of the Study

Industrial Training is the training given to the students in tertiary institutions in order to know the responsibilities of human resources development and how they will tackle their work/job after their school career.

The Industrial Training Funds was set up by (SIWES) Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme programme to help students in tertiary institutions especially those offering practical courses such as Office Technology and Management students, Art and Applied Sciences, Engineering students etc. to achieve their required training skills for their professions.

This programme has brought about many positive effects on the students.  As the manager’s job is to provide service to the general public, industrial training helps to expose managers to industrial behaviour in order to improve on the practical aspect of their course.

According to Okafor (1993), this type of experience would expose students to the world of work and help them remedy the deficiencies of the classroom in terms of its practical components. Thus, the Industrial Training Fund programs help Office Managers to perfect their profession.

For instance, some courses in Office Technology and Management line is Office Management System, Office Practice, Principle of Law, Advance Transcription, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Human Capital Management etc. are being taught theoretically in school.

In Polytechnics, Office Managers due go to four months Industrial Training (IT), in their first year, in second year another one year Industrial Training making them acquire the necessary skills to perfect in their course of study.

Students experience during the course of their training will definitely help them to carry out their managerial work effectively provided that the programme of the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) is a continuous process.

The experiences gotten by students is a good tool that responds to a certain basic aspect of the students fullest development in the Office Management and Technology course making them acquire the necessary skills. The most serious problem facing the students before the introduction of Industrial Training (IT) is unemployment.


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