– Application of Information and Communication Technology Resources in University-Based Law Library Services in South-East, Nigeria – 

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This study was carried out to ascertain the types of ICT resources available in university based  law libraries, South East, Nigeria, their spread among the federal, state and private universities, level of application and the factors necessitating the application; the extent the application meets the needs  of their application, problems as well as factors for the sustainable application of ICT  in the law libraries.

The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The  population were the all the 48 respondents drawn from the eight universities offering law courses in the  South East, Nigeria. Data was collected with a structured questionnaire and an observation checklist. Tables, frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the data collected. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the three hypotheses.

The result of the study revealed that computer systems, internet, LAN, modem, portals, e-mail, CD-ROM, Lexis-Nexis, OPAC, photocopiers, printers and scanners  were  the most available ICT resources applied in the law libraries services. Also there are more ICT resources available in state universities than in federal and more in federal than in private universities. It was also found that the need  to  enhance services in  university law libraries was  the most perceived factor for ICT resources application.

Other factors include resource sharing  and information networking among law libraries, escalation in prices of law books and journals, emerging scholarly interest and increasing range of legal information services. ICT applications have to a large extent met the need for their application in university law libraries in the areas of legal information delivery, resource sharing and networking, acquisition and collection development, indexing and abstracting services.


Approval page     ii

Certification         iii

Dedication     iv

Acknowledgements          v

Abstract    vi

Table of Content      vii


Background of the Study     1

Statement of the Problem 8

Purpose of the Study   9

Research Questions  10

Hypotheses    11

Significance of the Study    11

Scope of the Study   12


Conceptual Framework 14

Conceptual of Information 14

Concept of Library Service    17

Concept of Information and Communication Technology  17

Types of ICT Resources for Application in University Law Libraries  20

Application of ICT Resources in University Law Library services  29

Factors necessitating ICT Resources Application in  University Law Libraries   36

Problems Associated with ICT Resources Application in University Law Libraries  44

Strategies for Sustainable ICT Resources Application in University Law Libraries    47

Theoretical Framework   52

The Integrated Information Service Model    52

Process Centred Model by Carol C. Kuhlthau  56

Information Problem Solving (IPS) Model by Eisenberg-Berkowitz  60

Review of Empirical Studies  66

Summary of Literature Review   74


Design of the Study      76

Area of Study  76

Population of the Study 77

Sample and Sampling Techniques    77

Instruments for Data Collection   78

Validation of the Instruments  79

Reliability of the Instrument    80

Method of Data Collection    80

Method of Data analysis     81



Discussion of Findings      102

Implication of the Study   107

Recommendations       108

Suggestions for Further Studies   109

Limitations of the Study    109

Summary of the Study 109

Conclusions     111

References  113

Appendices     127


Libraries generally are important centres for the provision of resources for teaching, learning and research. The “right information to the right user at the time” has been the underlying principle on which libraries generally render information services (Ezomo, 2006). In the university, the teaching and study of different disciplines including law depends largely on the availability of library resources. Specifically, law libraries are indispensable in the study and practice of law.

Thus, the law library has often been described as the laboratory of the law student, the pillar and plant of the legal profession, (Anigilaje, 2005 Dada, 2011). Presently, modern university based law library services  are challenging and demanding due to the nature of law, changes therein as well as enormous resources required to meet the  needs of the users.

As a result, application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) becomes indispensable for the law libraries to enhance their services. Law libraries according to Ukpana and Afolabi, (2011) citing Balogun are a collection of legal materials consisting of law information organized for use for those seeking to qualify as or who have qualified as lawyers and those enacting or administering the law.


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