– Effect of Television Viewing on the Moral Behaviour of Nigerian Children –

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The deterioration of the moral life of children who grow into youthful age and then into adulthood in the face of immoralities has become an issue that needs urgent action in today’s Nigerian society. This can be attributed to a lot of reasons but the mass media with us Persuasive messages cannot be exonerated.

Television is a viable medium of the mass media that stands at the fore in shaping the attitudes of children. This research work has, therefore, made a good attempt at unrevealing the various effects of television programs on Nigerian children using Gaius Benton schools as a pivot.

In this regards, a historical background of events bading to this study and analysis of findings and recommendations are duly presented. It is found in this research work that television programmes affect children’s moral behaviour both positively and negatively depending on the moral standards of the programme.

The appraised and critical examination of issues are the mainstay of this research work thus, if the recommendation are heeded it will help in enforcing and maintaining good, upright and acceptable moral behaviour in Nigerian children.


Title page                                                                i

Declaration                                                             ii

Certification                                                            iii

Dedication                                                               iv

Acknowledgment                                                    v

Table of contents                                                    vii

Abstract                                                                    xi



  • Background of the study 1
  • Statement of the problem 8
  • Objectives of the study 9
  • Significance of the study 10
  • Research Questions 11
  • Scope of the study 12
  • Limitation of the study 13
  • Operational Definitions of terms. 13



2.1   Introduction                                                             16

  • Concept of Television                                           18
  • Brief History of Television                                   19
  • Television as a medium for mass comm.         20
  • Television as an instrument of social animals 22
  • Media Influence on children                               24
  • Impact of Television Viewing on Children       20
  • Theoretical Framework                                        36
  • Summary of Literature Review                           39



3.1   Introduction                                                    41

3.2   Research Design                                             41

3.3   Population of study                                       42

3.4   Sample Size                                                     43

3.5   Sampling Techniques                                    45

3.6   Instrument for Data Collection                    47

3.7   Validity of instrument                                    48

3.8   Method of Data Analysis                               48



4.1   Introduction                                                    49

4.2   Data presentation and analysis                   49

4.3   Discussion                                                        57



5.1   Introduction                                                      60

5.2   Summary of Findings                                     61

  • Conclusion                                                      63
  • Recommendations                                        64
  • Recommendations for Further Studies    66

References                                                         67

Appendix                                                            70

Questionnaire                                                    77


Background of the Study

Television is a sight and sound medium through which messages and information ideas are communicated to a wide range of audience. Television viewing is a common activity engaged in by children, especially in this era of proliferation of television as a medium for communication.

To this end, television messages are broadcast for certain purposes, this implies that television through it’s programmers’ has certain influence on individuals as including children.

This chapter presents an overview of television and a brief history of television. It also encapsulates the statement of problem of this research work, the objective of this study, significance and the scope of study, research question as well as operational definition of certain terms.

Television has made tremendous impact on Nigeria society and in the world at large. It possesses immense power to influence the viewer and sharpen his sensitivity in all spheres of life.

Various theories have been propounded by different scholars, some of which support the fact that the media possess immense power in influencing the viewer, while others have consistently countered the notion.

Television as one of the world’s most amazing inventions has come to stay and has over the years been a veritable channel for communication in the world.

The effects of television on adults can be significant but its influence in children goes much deeper. The increasing rate of immoralities in the society today among youths can be easily attributed to inventions of technologies like television, internet, films and motion pictures by an average Nigerian.

This study therefore is an examines the influence television viewing exacts on Nigerian children. Gaius Benton schools; cut across all sections of children from nursery, primary to secondary school.


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