Cultural Practices and Infant Mortality in Wammako Local Government Area of Sokoto State.

Save the children initiative (2014), estimated general infant mortality rate to be 100 deaths per 1,000 live births for the 2011-2014 period (NPC, 2014).

Regionally, south east, south west, north east and northwest have infant mortality rates of 74, 81, 129 and 139 deaths per 1,000 live births respectively. Indicating the highest concentration in the North West (NPC, 2014).

This research examines if there is any relationship between some cultural practices and infant death in Wamakko Local Government Area.

The town consist of 11 wards, in which six wards were selected out of the 11 wards. 100 women respondents were drawn on the basis of availability.

The target population were married women who must have given birth at least once. The unit of analysis is married women.

The research’s critical variables are maternal rights, decision making, traditional circumcision and awareness. The type of data sought is quantitative (questionnaire). Simple percentage and chi-square in SPSS

20.1 version were used to test the hypothesis. Findings revealed that there is relationship between the levels of traditional circumcisions carried out by traditional experts and the higher level of infant mortality.

And also, there is relationship between higher mother’s participation in decision making and the lower level of infant mortality in Wamakko.

Table Of Contents

Title page                    i

Certification    –        ii

Dedication      –          iii

Acknowledgement      –     iv

Table of Contents       –    vi

Abstract          –        ix


  • Background ofthe Study – –     1
  • Statement of the Research Problem – –        2
  • Objective of the Study – –      4
  • Scope of the Study – –       5
  • Justification of the Study – –  5
  • Hypotheses Formulation – – 6
  • Operationalization of Terms – – 6


  • Introduction – –            8
  • Causes of Infant Mortality – –       8
  • Infant and Maternal Mortality Trend in Developed and Developing Countries- 9
  • Global Rate of Infant Mortality: A Brief Review – –   10
  • Theoretical Frame Work – –    12

References      –    6


  • Introduction – –     17
  • History of Study Area – –  17
  • Research Design – –      18
  • Study Population – – 18
  • Sample Size and Procedure – – 19
  • Method of Data Collection – – 20
  • Method of Data Analysis – – 20


  • Introduction – –   22
  • Data Presentation and Discussion – –     22
  • Statistical Inference – –     32
  • Discussion of the findings – –    33


5.1       Introduction    –   34

5.2       Summary         –   34

5.3       Summary of the Findings        35

5.4       Conclusion      –        35

  • Recommendation – –     36
  • Suggestion for Further Research – –    36

Bibliography  –        37

Appendix      40


Background Of Study

Infants and child mortality rate is an accepted global indicator of the health and socioeconomic status of a given population (WHO; 1981, 1990).

Despite the arguments that the determinants of infant and child mortality were extensively investigated and that there was a continued decrease in mortality rates among children and infants in most of the developing world.

These reductions are not impressive when compared to other developed countries like Japan, France, Spain and United States.

In Nigeria, factors such as economic and political policies had been associated with infant mortality, but some researchers explained that.

Most of the reasons for the death of infants are deeply rooted in people’s beliefs and attitudes concerning child care and behavioural practices in relation to health strategies (Save the Children, 2014).

The perceptions and attitudes of people influence the way they perceive and react to health related issues, as such any health development initiative that does not take into Account cultural issues might prove ineffective in view of this, the present study is designed to find out the relationship between cultural practices and infant mortality in Wammako community Sokoto State.


Doyal, L. (2002). What makes women sick: Gender and political economy of health, Rutgers University Press New Brunswick, New Jersey.

El-Safty, M. (2001). Cultural, public health and community development. Health and environmental education association of Egypt (HEEA).

Giddens, A. (2003). Sociology fourth edition. Blackwell publishing Ltd.

Griffiths, P., Hinde, A and Mathew, Z. (2001). Infant and Child mortality in two culturally contrasting states of India. J. Blossoc Sc. 33:603-622.

Igun, U.A. (1988). Medical Sociology, An introduction Shaneson C.I. Ltd. Ibadan.

Machando, C.J. and Hill, K. (2004). Madernal, neonatal and community factor influencing neonatal mortality in Brazil J. Blossoc. Sci. 37: 193-208.

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