SADC Media Awards is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

About the Award

The Council of Ministers’ decision to create a sector that deals with issues related to, among other things, information, culture, and sport resulted in the establishment of the Awards.

These honors contribute to establishing a connection, coordination, and synchronization between the formal structures, civil society, academia, the labor movement, and the media.

The awards aim to reward excellence in journalism in the areas of print, picture, television, and radio and to encourage media practitioners in member nations to cover issues relating to the region in order to foster regional integration and cooperation (cross-border concerns).

Benefits of SADC Media Awards

The Awards will include Print, Radio, Television and Photo journalism. Each category carries a first prize of US$2,500;

The runner-ups in each category will receive a second prize of US$1000 and will receive the prize money and certificates in their respective countries through their National Contact Point;

The monetary prizes will be accompanied by a certificate signed by the SADC Chairperson;

The prizes will be paid directly to the winner. In the case of a winner being unable to attend the ceremony, SADC will plan to give the prize in his/her home country.


Requirements for SADC Media Awards

The Awards are in the fields of Print Journalism, Radio Journalism, Television Journalism and Photo journalism.

Prospective entrants are invited to submit their entries accompanied by proof of their nationality to the National Adjudication Committee (NAC) in their respective Member States.

Application Deadline

February 28, 2022.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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