The brain is the most amazing organ we have. It is the control centre for all our thinking, feeling, and doing. We use our brains to store memories, thoughts, ideas, and emotions daily. Unfortunately, the fact that we take thinking for granted can make us complacent about its importance in our lives.

This collection of God gave you a brain quotes is a reminder that being able to think is a blessing. God gave you a brain to think for yourself. When you learn about God, that brain doesn’t shrivel and die — it kicks into high gear and starts whirring with activity.

God gave humans brains which makes them smarter than any animals. God gave us a brain to help us do things better and faster with our life journey. We must always remember that the brain is our best tool. We can handle difficult problems with smoothness and perfection by using them well. So let this God-given talent of ours become a blessing to us and not a regret.

God gave you a brain and a thought, so exercise it by looking through this selection of God gave you a brain quotes.

God gave you a brain and gifted you with intellect. He laced it together with nerves and brain cells so you can make great decisions, think about life’s big questions, understand, process and take joy in life. God gave you a brain to use. Use it.

1. God gave you a brain, be smart. The more you use it, the more it grows. And the more it grows, the smarter you get. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. He gave you a brain for a reason, so use it.

2. Your brain is your greatest tool; use it well. God gave you a brain, and you are like a computer. You cannot control everything, but you can control how you interpret and use information from the world around you. You can choose to ignore it or interpret what it means for the betterment of your life.

3. The greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of thinking. God gave you a brain to use, not to be worshipped and saved for the future but for everyday use.

4. Your brain is God’s masterpiece. Make it work for you! God didn’t give you a brain to offend; He gave you a brain to think with and be creative.

5. God gave you a brain to use. We all have brains- our most powerful tool, second only to our hearts. The difference is obvious when we choose to use them.

6. God gave you your brain to use and to keep in top shape by making good choices, exercising regularly, and staying alert. It controls everything you do—from breathing to walking and talking. Use it wisely.

7. Everyone can be successful at something. God gave you a brain to use. It is the most powerful tool for success you’ll ever have. Take advantage of your God-given strengths and blessings. Every learner has a goal and dream; find yours!

8. When God gives you something, don’t ask him to take it away. He gave you a brain, the most important organ in your body. It controls everything you think, feel and do.

9. God gave you a brain so you could create your reality. It’s up to you to make it happen. You can do anything. God gave you the power to think, dream and create. You are limited only by your

10. God gave you the brain, so you can use it. Your brain is the greatest instrument on earth. God gave you a brain for learning and growing, not shutting down. Use it wisely because you have a brain.

11. Don’t let your heart be the size of a pea because God gave you a big brain. Life is about choices. Choose to be happy and share your thoughts by using your brain wisely.

12. A brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you decide to use it. Good things will happen if you work hard enough, and God gave you a brain; use it!

13. God gave you a brain. If you only knew how it works, you might not make so many mistakes. Your brain is a muscle that can get used to tough things. It’s what you do with it that matters!

14. The brain is a masterpiece that God gave you. It’s the most complex organ in the human body. It can learn how to play chess against itself and beat the greatest computers in the world. It can do more than any computer will ever be able to do. The brain is God’s greatest gift to humans.

15. Think of it this way: God has given you a brain, and that’s pretty awesome. Don’t waste it on meaningless information and gossip; use it to think for yourself, encourage others, and create change!

16. Trusting God makes you more creative, productive, and successful. Trust God with your brain because God gave you a brain for you to use it.

17. The brain is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought, and He gave you free to use. The only way to keep it healthy is to use it.

18. A brain is a miracle. A miracle is something you can appreciate every day. If you have a brain, use it! If not, stimulate one. The brain is the most powerful tool you have at your disposal. Use it.

19. You have no idea how powerful your mind is. It can help you achieve things that would be impossible for someone else if you use it wisely because God gave you to use it.

20. God gave you a brain. The brain has a way of making you feel better about yourself. It can also make you feel better about life in general.

21. Your brain is a muscle—use it! God gave you a brain, and your job is to use it. You were made to think. Be curious, and find what God has in store for you.

22. God gave you a brain to use. Brains are the engine that drives our souls, and we do not want to starve them of food. Feed your brain, mind, and soul! Feed yourself with knowledge and words from all over the world.

23. A brain is a wonderful organ for storing up wisdom for always. You were made to use it because it was given to you by Hid to use for prospering.

24. God gave you your brain for use. Your brain is your most powerful tool. It is your vehicle for learning, productivity, and growth. Use it! Persist. Persevere. Remember and act on each day’s opportunities like a better person.

25. You are created to think, discover, and imagine- not be kept in the dark by fear. God gave you a brain for use. Use it wisely and overcome your fears.

26. God gave you a brain Don’t just sit there—procrastinate. Do something else while you’re doing that. Do something creative and purposeful with it.

27. God gave you a brain for a reason. Use it wisely. Life is not always fair, but it is always beautiful. God gave you a brain and a heart, but not everyone will understand your actions.

28. God gave you a brain; that’s why you’re here. So use it to make the world better than you had it yourself. You’ve got a brain. Get smart.

29. Some people give you a headache, and some people have the power to change your life, but God created you with a brain and gave you the power to think. Be wise in the use of it.

30. Your brain is an incredible tool. But you must know how to use it, which means exercising it. It is the most powerful tool in your arsenal. Use it wisely, and you can do anything.

31. No man is an island, and no brain is an island. We are a part of a bigger whole, and we must remember that every time we do something dumb.

32. Your brain is like a parachute. It only functions when it is open and used. Use it or lose it. God gave you a brain to use. Use it!

33. Don’t forget God gave you a brain. Use it to make the right choice. Your brain is not a muscle to be exercised like a bicep. It is your mind’s most precious tool, so keep it healthy with the right nutrition and vitamins.

34. Everything you have because God gave it to you, even your brain. God gave you; use it. It is the most wonderful organ in your body. It’s the only organ that never stops working.

35. There’s an unlimited amount of things you can do with your life if you use the brain God gave you. Life is too short not to think and use your brain to make a difference.

36. God gave you a brain. It has been designed to work exactly how it was intended to, and so long as you’re willing to put in the hard work, it will reward you with peace of mind and a healthy heart.

37. God gave you a brain; all He asked for in return was for you to use it. You can use it for good or evil, but at least try to put it to work for God and change the world.

38. Your brain is the most powerful tool that God gave you. Use it to think about His ways and learn more about Him in your life.

39. Your brain is the most powerful tool and shouldn’t be used as a weapon. It should be used to see through evil, help others, and spread light.

40. The only thing that stands between you and your dreams is the power of your mind. God gave you a brain. You are a brain. You have a brain. Use it.

41. Your brain is your most powerful tool for success. Use it well. The power of your mind is unmatched. Your mind will be a powerful weapon in life if you take care of it and use it wisely.

42. God gave you a brain. Use it well because your brain is a muscle that gets stronger, smarter, and more flexible as you use it. Keep training it! You either use it or lose it.

43. The brain is a muscle that can be strengthened with exercise. God gave you this brain; use it! When you feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life, remember: God gave you a brain. Use it!

44. Your brain is amazing, and with it y, you can accomplish anything. God gave you a brain to help you accomplish things in life.

45. Don’t just survive; thrive. God gave you a brain! Use it! It helps to plan, strategize, and act. You can use it to help yourself by practising self-growth and development. Use it!

46. When you are curious, God gives you a brain. When you are afraid, He gives you strength. When you are happy, that is when God takes his own sweet time with you to show you the sun and stars! God gave us brains for a reason, you know. Use it to your full potential.

47. A brain is like a muscle. It can be strengthened with the use or weakened by inactivity. Make sure you’re using your brain every day. God gave you a brain, the most powerful tool in the universe. Use it wisely.

48. God gave you a brain. Don’t waste it.” In the words of God, ”You are more than the sum of your parts.” ― God, what a perfect day to use your brain and have fun.

49. The more you use your brain given by God, the more successful you will be. You can’t control your brain, but you can control the brain chemicals that power them. When you have a healthy relationship with your thoughts and emotions, you are more connected to the world around you—more confident and happier.

50. God gave you a brain! Use it! It’s the only thought maker you have. You are responsible for what you think, so think wisely! God is the author and finisher of your life. Be in tune with Him as you go through each day. He will make your path straight.

God gave you a brain so that you could make good choices. If you don’t use it, you’re robbing Him and others. So use your brain to think about your situation and the best decision for yourself and others. Send this awesome collection of God gave you a brain quotes to others so as not to rob them! Thanks.

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