A source of strength for parents is their son. They are proud of him and appreciate him for being their rock. He inspires them and makes them feel proud of themselves.

The continuation of the family line is represented by sons. They provide their parents with hope and pride. They offer their parents encouragement and support.

They assist them in overcoming adversity and remind them of their own strength. Sons also serve as a reminder of the parents’ youth.

They assist in keeping parents young at heart by reminding them of the joys of childhood. Here is a collection of quotes about my son being my strength.

1. “My son is beyond special to me. He is my pride, my love, and my everything.” – Unknown

2. “My son, live your life with love and kindness. Spread your wings and fly high up in the air. Achieve the things that make you happy. And know that I am proud of you and you are forever loved.” – Unknown

3. “They used to say, ‘Oh, he’s just his mother’s son,’ as a way of dismissing me. And every time I’d say, ‘Oh, yes, thank you! I’m so proud of that.’” – Justin Trudeau

4. “To my son, what an honor it has been to raise you! I am so proud of the man you have become.” – Unknown

5. “To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to be kind.” – Shannon L. Alder

6. “My son, you are such an amazing man, and I’m so proud of the incredible way that you are growing up. Even at such a young age, you are full of wisdom, kindness, compassion, and courage.” – Unknown

7. “My son is more precious to me than all the treasure in the world.” – Unknown

8. “Seeing my son happy is one of the best feelings in the world.” – Unknown

9. “My son will never have to wonder where to go for a hug, love, or support. I will always be there for him no matter how old he is.” – Unknown

10. “My son is so much more than I could ever have imagined. Every day he makes my world better.” – Unknown

11. “I know you’re grown now, but my heart doesn’t realize that. In my heart, you will always be my sweet little boy.” – Unknown

12. “No matter how far apart we are, you’ll always be with me, like a handprint on my heart.” – Unknown

13. “If I could give you one thing, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Because only then would you see how loved you really are.” – Unknown

14. “Of course, my son has been the center of my life and will always be the center of my love. When he was young, I was the rock in his life. Now that I am old, he is the rock in my life.” – Hyacinth Mottley

15. “Always my son; forever my friend.” – Unknown

16. “My son will always be the miracle that makes my life complete.” – Unknown

17. “Raising boys has made me a more generous woman than I really am.” – Mary Kay Blakely

18. “Son, you make me proud to be a father.” – Unknown

19. “A good father will leave his imprint on his son for the rest of her life.” — Dr. James Dobson

20. “A man’s desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world.” — Helen Rowland

21. “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” — Sigmund Freud

22. “Until you have a son of your own, you will never know what that means. You will never know the joy beyond joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son.” — Kent Nerburn

23. Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example rather than his advice.” — Charles F. Kettering

24. “When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.” — William Shakespeare

Motivational Father-Son Quotes

25. “Becoming a dad means you have to be a role model for your son and be someone he can look up to.” – Wayne Rooney

26. “My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence B. Kelland

27. “A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” – Frank A. Clark

28. “If you ever feel like giving up, just remember your son is watching and wants to be just like you.” – Unknown

29. “By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.” – Charles Wadsworth

30. “My son, in a world where you can be anything, be kind!” – Unknown

31. “A son needs his father at every situation he faces in present, and a father needs his son at every situation he faces for his son in past.” – Nishan Panwar

32. “He promised us that everything would be okay. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be okay. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.” – Jonathan Safran Foer

33. “I don’t want my son to follow in my footsteps. I want him to walk the path beside me and go even further than I could have ever dreamed.” – Unknown

Proud Family Quotes about Sons

34. “I listen to my mother, and that keeps me out of trouble. I’m a good son.” — Mr. T

35. “Be strong out there, my son. Look for the love and kindness in others. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes, and enjoy the journey.” – Kirsten Wreggitt

36. “It makes me so proud knowing that you are my son.” – Unknown

37. “I am so proud of you, my son, not for what you have achieved, but for the man you have become.” – Unknown

38. “The best way for a woman to get away from the problems is to see her son’s smile.” – Anonymous

39. “I may not be perfect, but when I look at my son I know that I got something in my life perfectly right.” – Anonymous

40. “If my son is happy, then I am happy.” – CHRIS PAUL

41. “I love my son more than I have ever found the words to say.” – Anonymous

42. “As I look into your eyes, I see myself. I see strength and passion for life.” – Anonymous

43. “No matter how much I tell my son I love him, I always love him more than that.” – Unknown

44. “Son, you may outgrow my lap, but never my heart.” – Unknown

45. “You are my sonshine.” – Unknown

46. “The most important mark I will leave on this world is my son.” – Sarah Shahi

47. “Giving your son a skill is better than giving him one thousand pieces of gold.” – Chinese Proverb

48. “My son. My life. My everything.” – Unknown

49. “I love my son with all my heart. Forever and always.” – Unknown

50. “My son is the best gift I have ever received. He is the sunshine in my day. The joy in my soul. And the love of my life.” – Unknown

51. “I may have given my son the gift of life, but he gave me a reason to live.” – Unknown

52. “You”ve been a blessing from the start, I love you my son with all my heart.” – Unknown

53. “Sons are the anchors of a mother’s life.” – Sophocles

54. “I love my son. No matter where he goes in life, he will forever be on my mind and in my heart.” – Unknown

55. “I love my son more than I have ever found the words to say.” – Unknown

56. “Happiness is time spent with my son.” – Unknown

Parents are proud of their son for being their strength, and they love their son for being their strength. A son is someone on whom they can rely and who makes them feel secure.

He is the one who shields them from the world’s perils. They adore him for who he is and what he accomplishes.

He is their fortification, protector, and hero.

We hope you liked our collection of My Son is My Strength quotes!

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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