Effects of Different Intensity Levels of Circuit Resistance Training on Physiological Variables of Young Female Adults in Plateau State, Nigeria.


The of this study was to the effects of intensities of circuit resistance training on body , resting blood , and resting metabolic rate of young female adults in the state. A pre-test and post-test group research design were used for the study.

Thirty (30) young female adult volunteers were randomly assigned into three groups of low, moderate, and high intensity to 12 weeks of circuit resistance training (CRT) (LI, n=10, 29.7+3.04; MI, n=10, 28.6+2.12; HI, n=10, 29.3+2.43 years).

The low-intensity group exercised at 40% 1 repetition maximum while the moderate and high intensity exercised at 50 – 60% 1 repetition maximum.

The exercise was conducted 3 times a week and 30 – 40 minutes per session. The variables measured were percent body fat (%BF), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), lean body mass (LBM), resting systolic blood pressure (SBP), resting diastolic blood pressures (DBP), and resting metabolic rate (RMR).

At the end of the 12-week training period, there was a decrease (p<.05) in the three CRT groups %BF (LI = – 1.8%; MI = -2.4%; MI = -2.9%, (BP) LI = – 6/3, MI = -7/5, HI = -9/6, an increase in LBM (LI = 1.2kg; MI = 3.8kg; HI = 5.1kg), RMR (LI = 34; MI = 81; HI = 112).

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA 1) and Scheffe’s post hoc tests was used to find out the significant effects on the physiological variables of the participants. And the F-value of %BF, WHR, BMI,  LBW,  SBP,  DBP, and  RMR  were  20.78,  17.23,  2.58,  5.23,  4.25,  4.75  and   5.16

Compared to the critical value of 2.37 respectively. The results of the study revealed that the different intensities of CRT had significant effects on body composition, resting blood pressure, and resting metabolic rate of the participants.

On the basis of these findings, it was recommended that: young female adults should train more at moderate or relatively high-intensity circuit resistance programs. This would go a long way to generally improve their health and fitness.


Title page ii

Declaration iii

Certification iv

Dedication v

Acknowledgments vi

Abstract  viii

Table of content ix

List of tables xii

Abbreviations xiii

Operational definition of terms xiv

Chapter one

  • Statement of the problem 5

Chapter two

  • Review of related literature
  • Concept of circuit resistance training (crt) 13
  • Effects of different intensity levels of crt on body composition 17
  • Effects of different intensity levels of crt on blood pressure 24
  • Effects of different intensity levels of crt on resting metabolic rate-28

Chapter three

  • Research design 34
  • The population of study 34
  • sample and sampling techniques 34
  • Research instruments 35
  • Description of the tests 36
  • Resting blood pressure 38
  • Resting metabolic rate 39
  • Procedure for data collection 43
  • Statistical techniques 45

Chapter four

Chapter five

  • Summary, conclusion, and recommendations
  • Suggestions for further study 65
  • References   66
  • Appendices 71


Background of the Study

Circuit resistance training (CRT) is a great type of training routine that offers a number of benefits, especially for those who have limited time for a workout. Circuit resistance training is the practice of doing exercises with resistance and moving simultaneously from one station to the next with no real break in between exercises.

It can be designed to increase muscular strength and power, muscular endurance, flexibility, and to a limited extent, cardio-respiratory endurance. However, the physiological effects depend to a large extent on the type of circuit that is set up.

For example, a circuit consisting only of weight-resistance exercises produce substantial gains in strength but only minimal gains in cardio-respiratory endurance (Gettman, Ayres, Pollock, and Jackson, 1978; Wilmore, Parr, Girandola, Ward, Vodak, Barstow, Pipes, Romero, and Laslie, 1978).

The physiological effects of circuit resistance training (CRT) on body composition, resting blood pressure and resting metabolic rate (RMR) of females have been of great interest to exercise scientists, dieticians, clinicians, coaches, allied sports, and health professionals.

Since early times, different kinds of training programs that may also be effective in improving health and fitness in females is circuit resistance training (CRT). Corbin and Lindsey (1994), defined circuit resistance training as a routine of selected weight exercises or activities performed as possible in a sequence at circuitous individual stations.


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