The governments of developing countries have limited funds for solid waste management and must develop measures to reduce and recover the expenditure and increase revenues where possible. They need to turn their waste management system to more self-financing programmers external support can be effectively used to develop different alternative cost cutting, cost recovering, and revenue-raising schemes (e.g., waste minimization, deposit-refund system for recyclable materials, import or sales tax on certain packaged products, collection of user service charges, etc) and implement pilot studies on these economic retentive measures. Which the waste management body (EBSEPA) does mean as user service charge.

(i)     Collection: This has to do with transportation of the domestic waste from the point of storage to the point of disposal. Two stages are involved in the collection:-

(a)       The direct collection which makes uses only one means of transpiration. I. e. the waste is picked up from the point of storage in a truck that takes place on the disposal site.

(b)       The second collection which carries the solid waste from the storage facility to the transfer station, at the transfer station, the waste is loaded I the secondary stage to transport the waste to the disposal site

(ii)      Disposal site: The final destination of polythene waste, usually it is dumped on land at a tip, this may be done in an engineered and hygienic way:-

(a)       Sanitary landfill or controlled tipping or in a careless way:-

(b)       Open tipping or crude dumping under managed or crude wate disposal has negative effect on the environment, individual and community health, society in general and the economy. These include:-

(i)        Toxic contamination of the environment

(ii)       Specific health problems including convulsion, chronic dermatitis, chronic irritation of mucous membranes, cancers etc.


            Effective management of domestic requires the cooperation of the general public. Lifting the priority of, and allocating more resources to, the solid waste management sector needs the support from decision makers’ awareness activities

            Private sector participation in waste management, collection and disposal services is also a way to reduce the financial burden of the government. It can draw not only investment finance from private companies for waste management equipment and facilities, but also managerial expertise a technical skill. Experiences in developing countries, which are reported elsewhere, indicate that use of private sector resources through a contractual arrangement provides a potential alternative towards self financing waste management.

            Effective application of economic incentive measures and sector resources in waste management requires human resources to private sector manage such scheme. Aside from human resources development in technical aspect of solid waste management, human resources development in financial planning and management is necessary and often a key to the development of more self financing scheme.


            To implement the said concept, all advisory committee, which is represented by the heads of local authorities? Executive communities have been formal in each and every waste management zones to plan waste management activities working groups for the respective local Authorities were formed to execute zonal plans at local authority level. Since this is a new concept to the province, familiarization is in progress. Therefore, regular meeting and awareness programs are conducted by waste management Authority (WMA)

            Through the zonal concept, the authority will be able to utilize the available limited resources and funds, released by the central government.


            Laws and legislation should be put in place regarded the improper polythene waste disposal. The people who are seen throwing away the bags careless while moving should be penalized and this should be done by lobbying the parliament to pass these laws. In some cases the use of bags should be banned especially where they have been mismanaged. Local actions projects should emphasized by the students where by the students move to the neighboring committees to have them cleaned up and also carry out seminars to sensitize the masses about the danger of improver waste disposal. Using by development law for enforcement


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