– Role of Trade Union on Manpower Development – 

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This subject of labor unrest has been a characteristic feature in Nigeria. “The question often asked is whether trade Unions are necessities of another colonial legacy which length to be retrained out of expediency.

This research work therefore focused on the act ivies on organizational objectives. A case of Unilever Nigeria PLC.

To justify the topic, the researcher consulted relevant textbooks on the topic as well as researches conducted by other researchers. Again, to be abreast of relevant event or development, the Internet was explored, and newspapers were consulted.

The size of the population is drawn from all employee of the organization. A careful look is taken in all sectors of the organization e.g. the employees and the directors.

In order to get the accurate population size of the organization. For the purpose of this research work, the researcher will base on 100. In this research work, the sample size used is 50 out of the population of 100

The researcher found out that trade unions are necessary for harmonious working relationship and industrial peace in organizations and the society  at large and achievement of organizational objectives.


Title page                 i

Certification      ii

Dedication      iii

Acknowledgement    iv

Abstract            v

Table of contents  vii


1.0.         Introduction.

1.1          Statement of Research problem.

1.2          Objectives of the study.

1.3              Research Questions.

1.4          Research Hypothesis.

1.5          Significant of the study.

1.6          Scope and limitation of the study.

1.7          Organization of the study.

1.8          Definitions of terms.                                                                                                     


2.0.                         Introduction

2.1                          The definition of corporate social responsibility

2.2                          Conceptual frameworks.

2.3                          Theoretical framework.

2.4                          Empirical framework

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                                    

3.0          Research methodology

3.1          Area of study

3.2          Method of data collection

3.3          Sample size

3.4          Instrument used for data collection

3.5          Method of data analysis                                                                                                                                   


4.0          Introductions.

4.1          Distribution and collection of questionnaire

4.2          Testing of Hypothesis                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


5.0         Introduction.

5.1          Summary of the findings.

5.2          Recommendation.

5.3          Conclusion.

Appendix II.




has been one of the fundamental issues that have consistently attracted the interest and concern of succeeding government in Nigeria since independence.

The Federal Government of Nigeria (1981) realized that if independence was to have meaningful impact on the general well-being of its citizen, it must be complemented promptly and definitely by a rapid to achieve self-reliance.

The initial effort of achieving rapid national development were concentrated on the expansion of formal education institution at all levels, and the product were expected to have acquired the skills, knowledge attitude to meet the needs of the vital sector of the economy.

It has been established that the greatest assets of a nation are its human resources (men and women, old and young) who are capable of participating in productive labor, capable, natural resources, international trade etc.

It became increasingly clear, in government, industry and commerce that economic growth and required the services of trained workers and professionals who possess technological skills and or executive capacity to provide specialized services of all sorts. Most nations today are development conscious.


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