When we are going through a difficult time in life, it is easy to think that God has abandoned us or stopped loving us because of the pain we are experiencing. But God never abandons His children; He is always there loving them even when they don’t feel it or see it!

God uses these challenges for His good purposes! He uses them so that we will learn how strong and mighty He is. He uses them so that we will gain wisdom from His Word. And most importantly, He uses them so that we will know and experience His love more than ever before!

The Bible is full of stories that challenge us, encourage us, and inspire us to be better people. God challenges us to be better, to do better, and to be more than we are. He challenges us to grow. He loves us and wants us to be happy. We are called to live in a way that reflects His glory and brings glory to Him in everything we do. 

You may want to see some quotes about this already, to inspire yourself or someone out there. Find them in the list of God challenges us quotes below. 

God challenges us to have faith in Him when times are tough, when we make mistakes, when we feel alone and when we think no one understands or cares about what we’re going through. Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, but he didn’t give up because of the pain and suffering involved.

1. God challenges us to search our hearts, question our motives and ask ourselves if we are truly being faithful to His will.

2. God challenges us to be more of who He made us to be. We need to stop sitting on our rear ends and live the life that God has planned for us. He is the creator of our destiny!

3. God challenges us to cultivate a passion for the Word of God, to be devoted to prayer and always seek God’s counsel and wisdom in our decisions. But even more than that, God challenges us to step out in faith and trust Him when it comes to being godly.

4. God challenges us to choose him and follow Him. If he were just to tell us what to do, then we would not be free to obey. That is why God tells us the truth about who we are and how far gone from the life he intended for us we have become.

5. God challenges us. He challenges us to be honest. He challenges us to forgive others. He challenges us to love our neighbour as ourselves. He challenges us to overcome evil with good.

6. God challenges us to do what is right and good, even when it’s not easy or popular. Jesus Christ was crucified for standing up for truth and justice, but he didn’t give up because of the pain and suffering involved.

7. God challenges us to be courageous and brave, even when we’re afraid or uncertain about what the future holds for us or those we love. Jesus Christ was betrayed by Judas Iscariot before His arrest and crucifixion, but he didn’t give up because of the pain and suffering involved.

8. God challenges us to make a difference, to be a light in the world and to do all of this with a humble spirit. He challenges us to move beyond the small things in life and pursue what is great.

9. God challenges us to be courageous and brave, even when we’re afraid or uncertain about what the future holds for us or those we love.

10. As believers, we can know that God calls us to rise above the adversities and challenges of life. And He cheerfully helps us if we will surrender ourselves to Him.

11. God’s Word encourages us, challenges us, teaches us and brings joy to our hearts. God challenges us to recognize the glory in what we have and the opportunity to share it with others.

12. God challenges us to be open to the possibility of a fresh start. When we pick up our cross, we are invited by God to take the next step in our spiritual journey and surrender our pride, selfishness and lack of gratitude in exchange for humility and faithfulness.

13. God challenges us to take a new look at ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world around us. He invites us to examine what we have done with the gifts he has given us. The more we know God’s Word and understand his plans for our lives, the better we will become at facing life’s challenges and problems.

14. God challenges us to help make the world a better place for everyone who lives here. We pray for the needs of others and offer hope when it seems impossible to be hopeful. We are called by God to show His love in practical ways.

15. God challenges us to: Seek Him with all our hearts, love him with our whole being, and serve Him with all our minds.

16. God challenges us to overcome ourselves so that He can change our lives. He challenges us to use our gifts and talents as part of God’s plan for us. We are called to love others, to give generously, and to help those who need our help.

17. God challenges us to say yes to His plans and purposes in our lives. This speaks of a relationship between God and man that is not just a one-way street, but rather an intimate friendship where we have the freedom to share our concerns and requests with Him openly, knowing He cares enough about each of us to listen and respond.

18. God challenges us to take a journey with Him, to listen to what He is saying and discover what really matters in this life. We can’t always know the exact path ahead of us or what our future will hold, but God gives us hope that by holding onto him we can be prepared for anything.

19. God challenges us to live out His love in every situation throughout each day. We need to be proactive in living the Gospel and not just reactive, hiding behind the teachings of the Church and waiting for something to happen.

20. God challenges us to be better in order to realize the best of who we can be. He doesn’t just want us to be good; He wants us to be great. And that’s a tall order. 

21. God wants us to be more than content with the status quo. He wants us to be fully engaged, pushing ourselves to do more and become better people.

22. God challenges us to be better than we thought we could be and to reach further than we ever dreamed.

23. God challenges us to become the best version of ourselves, to be better people. To be more educated about God’s plan for our lives and for others. He wants us to remember that there is a right way and a wrong way in every circumstance.

24. God challenges us to become more than we are. He calls us to be all that He intends for us to be.

25. God challenges us to be all that we are capable of being. He wants us to rise above ourselves and reach for our full potential, both individually and collectively as a family.

26. God is always challenging us to do what He has called us to do. God takes us from the ordinary to the extraordinary. His love is bigger than yours.

27. Don’t let anything stop you from reaching for God. God challenges us to be better than we have been, stronger than we have been, and kinder than we have been.

28. God challenges you to be the best version of yourself. He is always challenging us to seek more than we think we can do.

29. God’s challenge is to live your life as if God is with you, not apart from you. God is hard to understand and even harder to obey, but God never accuses us of sin.

30. God isn’t silent, He is just waiting for us to listen. He challenges us to get up and do something about the things that seem beyond hope. No matter what you’re going through, God’s got your back.

31. God challenges us to face our challenges by believing in ourselves and trusting Him to turn things around for good.

32. God challenges us but will not give us more than we can handle, but He will give you a way out because He loves you too much to let you stay where you are.

33. When you feel discouraged, just remember that God challenges us to be faithful, even when it seems like we are not up to the task.

34. God challenges us to walk in His greatness every day, even in the face of doubt and struggle.

35. God challenges us to be better. To do our best and to keep pushing forward. Let’s do it together.

36. God challenges us to be more than what we think we are. Our God challenges us to be great, even when we are small.

37. Ever since we were created, God has been challenging us to be more. He has been pushing us to stretch beyond our comfort zone and reach new heights.

38. God challenges us to be more than we are. He wants us to be better, stronger and more compassionate than we are right now.

39. Don’t be afraid to dream. God wants to give you successes that are wild, wonderful, and unexpected. You will face many challenges in life, but you can’t let them break you. Be stronger than they are.

40. God challenges us to be a little more like him. We are loved, accepted and wanted by God. So let’s accept the challenge and do our best to be better people every day.

41. God challenges us to be all that He is, to be all that we can be.

42. In your own life and in the lives around you, there is always a challenge for you to rise up over.

43. God challenges us to reach for him and live better lives. So that’s what we’re doing.

44. The Lord challenges us to reach higher and farther than we ever thought possible. Be the change you want to see in the world.

45. God is more than our creator. He’s a friend and comforter, who shows up in ways we least expect. God wants us to be more than just a conqueror, but a conqueror who is conquered by Him.

46. God challenges us to live a different kind of life. A life where we are intentional about living each day with purpose and fulfilling the destiny God has placed upon our lives.

47. God challenges us to be more like him. In our faith, in our families and friendships, and in the way we treat others.

48. God challenges us to change the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

49. God challenges us to be like him. As we grow closer to God, who is love and peace and joy, we will receive more of those things in our lives.

50. God challenges us to be all that He wants us to be. We may have a lot of excuses as to why we can’t accomplish something, but the truth is that we are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for.

51. The harder you work, the more blessed you will be. God challenges us to keep growing and becoming the person He wants us to be.

52. God challenges us with our fears, but He also comforts us with His presence.

53. Don’t go through life thinking you’ve got it all figured out. God challenges us to rise above the status quo and allows us to know that we are not alone.

54. God challenges us to be all He created us to be. We are the sum of all things. Even in the hardest times, we must embrace.

55. God challenges us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

56. God challenges us to be better than good enough. He wants us to be great and to reach the highest level of His purpose for our lives in him.

57. God challenges us to seek more than what this mortal world has to offer. He inspires us to dream bigger, work harder and live better than we ever thought possible.

58. God challenges us to be bold for His glory, persistent for His work, and patient for His timing.

59. God wants to be in our lives, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop testing us. How will we respond when tested? God wants us to stand tall, but He also wants us to be willing to fall down.

60. God challenges us to be better. He has given us the tools and tools, if we use them with faith, we can grow in our relationship with God.

61. God challenges us to live more faithfully, serve more courageously and love more intensely.

62. When all you do is think about yourself and what you want, you can be your own worst enemy. God challenges us to be the best people we could possibly be by reminding us that He knows what’s best for us.

63. God challenges us to fight for what’s right, not just for ourselves but for others too.

64. God challenges us to trust him when we stumble and fall. He always makes a way back up.

65. God challenges us by setting before us things that we cannot do, but He gives us the strength and power to do them.

66. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself on an adventure. God challenges us to dream and fight for what we believe.

67. God challenges us to live according to our values, not by accident but by design.

68. God challenges us to be faithful and hopeful, even when we feel like all is lost—because there’s always an opportunity for hope in His amazing grace.

69. God challenges us to do the things that can’t be done by people, but only by God.

70. If you’re serious about your faith, God challenges you to be a man or woman of action.

71. God does not tempt us. He challenges us to be all that we were created to be.

72. God is calling you to see the possibilities that lie ahead of you, but God also challenges us to reach out and take action.

73. God challenges us to be more than conquerors, even when we’re confronted with difficult situations.

74. God challenges us to be better than we were yesterday. He loves you, and He wants the best for you.

75. God challenges us to be His hands and feet. He calls us to go out and serve, love deeply, and look for opportunity in the face of adversity.

76. God challenges us to be like him. He is kind, patient, gracious and good.

77. God challenges us to seek him, live close to him and love others the way he loves us.

78. God challenges us with situations that we can’t understand. He doesn’t give us answers to those questions; He shows us the way to Him.

79. He asks you to be a leader. He asks you to raise your hands in worship and praise. In every situation, God challenges you to do something bigger, more than you ever thought possible.

80. How will you respond to the challenges and opportunities in your life? God challenges us to be better than we know.

81. God challenges us to make the world a better place. It is through that passion and determination that we will be remembered as the generation who changed history.

82. God wants us to be more than we ever imagined. He challenges us to rise above our circumstances and become the best versions of ourselves.

83. God challenges us to live a life that matters, a life of faith and hope, a life that is bigger than ourselves.

84. The creator of the universe challenges us to trust him, believe in him and follow him.

85. God challenges us to push ourselves, grow and expand beyond our comfort zones. God has called you to make him known. Your story matters and your journey is worth telling.

86. God challenges us to be the people He created us to be, not the people society tells us we should be.

87. God challenges us to love Him with all our heart and mind, so that we may be like Him.

88. The God challenge is to go beyond the limitations you thought existed. It’s ok if you fall short because He is always there to catch you.

89. God is always challenging us. Be willing to be uncomfortable and do the things that scare you.

90. God challenges us, to do things we’ve never done before and would never think possible…in our own lives.

91. God challenges us to be the kind of people who fearlessly and faithfully live out His calling in our lives. He challenges you to make a difference in your world.

92. Who has ever met a challenge they could not overcome? God challenges us to do better and be better.

93. God challenges us to take the next step of faith. A belief in God gives us strength, courage and hope that we can be who we want to be.

94. God challenges you to grow. God challenges you to be a better person and give of yourself more freely.

95. The God we believe in challenges us to be the best version of ourselves. God tests your faith. He pushes you to the limit and asks you to do more than you were ever asked to do before.

96. God challenges us to be a force of good in an ever-changing world. We can do all things through him who strengthens us. In him we are strong and in him our hope of glory.

97. God challenges us to see the world as a place of endless opportunity and possibilities. The only thing we cannot control is His timing, but no matter what happens, God gets the credit.

98. God challenges us to explore who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come. And so we rise to the challenge.

99. God challenges us to be more than we can imagine, to do more than we think possible, to see what is not seen, and to seek out the maker of all things.

100. God challenges us to be creative. He expects us to create beauty, love and purpose in the world. This is the ultimate act of love: being a source of inspiration for others.

The problem with some of us is that we often settle for mediocrity and live below our true potential. We let the world tell us what we can or cannot do. Instead of seeing ourselves as who God wants us to be — His children — we see ourselves as what others have told us we are.

But there is hope! God challenges each of us to reach our full potential as human beings. He wants each of us to be all that He created us to be — even when it seems impossible or too difficult — because His plans for each one of us are great indeed!

I hope the list of God challenges us quotes you just read through inspired you. You can surely inspire and encourage others too by sharing this post. God challenges us to be our brother’s keeper! 

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