We ignore the very thing right in front of us and its plausible implications for our future. Ignorance is no excuse; a person cannot plead ignorance as a defence against an accusation or crime because one has to be familiar with and comply with laws. It’s amazing how blind people can be to the truth in front of them.

1. Do you know what it’s like to be blind to the truth? The whole world is calling out for you to open your eyes. But you keep living as if you’re still in the dark and not seeing clearly.

2. When you’re blind to the truth, who decides what you see? Knowing the answer will be an interesting find.

3. When you’re blind to the truth, you’re bound to miss some things.

4. We’re blind to the truth when we really need to look for ways to improve our world.

5. If you’re blind to the truth, you’ll never see what’s right in front of your face.

6. You see what you want to see. You don’t realize how blind you are to the truth.

7. We’re blind to the truth. Why? Because we let others pull us away from our potential and happiness. Until we learn to trust ourselves, the world will continue to suck the life out of us.

8. When you’re blind to the truth, it’s not till it hits you in the face that you realize how wrong you have been.

9. Don’t be blind to the truth; you deserve to be treated with respect and love.

10. You can’t see the forest for the trees. Don’t be blind to the truth of letting others know what’s going on in your life.

11. Don’t let your blindness to the truth keep you from living, loving, and pursuing all of your dreams.

12. Don’t be blinded by the truth; see it instead!

13. Don’t turn a blind eye to what’s around you. Be aware of your surroundings and the people who surround you.

14. The first step to curing blindness to the truth is to acknowledge you have one.

15. A seeing eye is useless when the mind is blind. This happens when one is blind to the truth, oblivious to what’s happening around them.

16. When looking at something, your eyes are the most important part. But when your mind is blind, your eyes are useless.

17. It will find you if you are not looking for truth. The truth will set you free.

18. Always be true to yourself and never let a sense of what is right blind you to the truth.

19. There are times in our lives when we must be strong, even when it is hard. We must never let a sense of what is right blind us to the truth of who we are and where we belong.

20. Don’t be afraid to speak up and tell the truth.

21. The truth is often hard to hear, but the worst thing you can do is ignore it.

22. You can’t always be right. But you can always be honest.

23. Don’t let others define what is right or wrong. Be your person and be true to yourself

24. The truth is often hard to hear, but the worst thing you can do is ignore it. Be wise and listen to your soul.

25. It’s easy to ignore the truth when it’s not convenient, but being a good person doesn’t require you to do things you don’t want to do.

26. Sometimes, you need to hear the truth about yourself, your life, and the world around you.

27. Don’t ignore the truth—it’s a gift that keeps giving.

28. Listen to the truth. Don’t reject it, and don’t ignore it because the truth is always there for you if you’re willing to open your eyes and ears.

29. Don’t leave anything unsaid. Whether good or bad, the truth is always there for you, so don’t ignore it.

30. The truth is out there. It’s a good idea to listen and learn from it. Ignore it at your peril.

31. Be prepared to open your eyes and ears to take in all the truth you can get.

32. The truth is hard to hear, but when you speak the truth, you will find your soft spot.

33. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth even if it’s inconvenient.

34. If you don’t speak up for what you believe in, who will? Their own mistakes are unable to recognize the intractable ones of others.

35. You need to be a hero and tell the truth. Sometimes it’s hard to see, but the worst thing you can do is ignore it.

36. The truth is rarely simple, and the hardest part of being a good person is not always seeing what’s right in front of you.

37. What is the worst thing you can do? Ignore truth.

38. It can be hard to see the truth, but it is always there, hiding in plain sight.

39. When we ignore the truth, it will continue to rot in our hearts and minds. It is always better to change your life than to pretend that nothing has changed.

40. When we ignore the truth, it only worsens. If you try to be true, things will always improve, even in the smallest circumstances.

41. It is better to accept that our actions were wrong than to pretend they were always right.

42. Whatever your truth is, that’s the only way to go. The truth will set you free.

43. Telling yourself the truth changes everything. We are all confused, lost, and in need of something; the truth is a necessity.

44. Nothing is more valuable than the truth. We will figure out the truth and then go from there.

45. Understanding your truth and telling yourself the truth is the first step on a path to being free from whatever it is that haunts you.

46. The only way to break free from whatever haunts you is with the truth. Dare to see it.

47. The first step to being free is acknowledging the truth.

48. It’s time to free yourself. The truth is something you can’t escape. The only way out is through it.

49. There’s no shame in admitting that you have a problem. It’s the first step to getting better. Let us help you get back on track

50. If you ignore something, it will always continue to get worse. Don’t let a blind spot stop you from seeing that your relationships could be better. Treat your significant other with the same respect and care they deserve.

51. The truth is not always comfortable. It can be downright shocking. But it’s always worth the confrontation if we’re willing to look at our lives honestly and open up to change – or at least understand that things need to change.

52. The truth is not always comfortable, but it’s always worth the confrontation if we’re willing to look at our lives honestly and open up to change.

53. A truth that’s hard to hear: The truth is not always comfortable, but you have to face it anyway. You’ll be a better person for it.

54. It’s okay to be uncomfortable. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to look at your life and ask yourself: “What can I do?”

55. When you acknowledge that you’re blind to something, that’s the first step to overcoming it.

56. Don’t be afraid of the truth. Be brave enough to see it, even if you don’t like it.

57. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the truth when you can’t see past your own pain.

58. You know better than most that you can’t always see the truth. But as a person who checks themselves often and listens to their intuition, it is important to recognize certain things in life that you need to pay attention to, or else it will catch up with you.

59. When you don’t see the truth, it’s easy to be blindsided. Don’t let others get away with their lies—take some time and stay alert to what’s going on.

60. Life can be so hard to live when you don’t see the truth. The truth will set you free!

61. A blind spot is an area of your field of vision where you fail to notice things because they are hidden from view or because they are not relevant to what you are looking at.

62. The truth is out there, but it’s hard to see and easy to ignore.

63. It’s easy to miss the bigger picture when it’s not your business to see.

64. Don’t be blind to see the truth when you ought to notice or be aware of it.

65. You can’t see the truth if you’re blind to it! So, take a good look at yourself and learn how to be a better person.

66. It is up to you whether you want to see the truth. If you don’t want to see it, you are blind to it.

67. Seeing the truth when you want to blind yourself is the first step to learning.

68. Life is not always what you expect, but it can be better. Don’t be blind to see the truth. Be aware of it, and make changes for the better.

69. The only way to change your life is to take a hard look and make the necessary changes. Don’t be blind to see the truth.

70. Don’t be blind to see the truth. Here’s to all the people who are about to change their lives, start a new business, or need a little inspiration. Cheers!

71. Don’t be blind to see the truth. It’s there. You have to look for it.

72. Don’t be blind to see the truth. You don’t have to follow what they tell you, but you do have to believe it’s true.

73. Quit being blind to see the truth. The truth is that you are a wonderful person who has the potential to be so much more than your current self.

74. Stop being blind to see the truth when it stares at you.

75. When in a state of blindness, we are seeing the negative of the real. You don’t realize it. Strive to be healed from blindness to see the truth.

76. One must struggle to see the truth and find their way through the fog of lies.

77. When you have to choose, do you choose to continue to live in darkness, or do you choose to see the truth?

78. There are a million reasons to believe in yourself and never become blind to see the truth.

79. Be bold to take a stand for what you believe in, and never let someone tell you that you aren’t good enough. Don’t be blind to see the truth

80. Don’t ignore it. See and listen to the truth.

81. When you lose sight of the truth, you don’t know what to do. But everything becomes clear when you discover your purpose and what you’re supposed to do.

82. When you are blind to seeing the truth of your purpose and what you’re supposed to do, you feel lost. But when you find out where you fit into the big picture, everything starts to make sense.

83. To see the truth, you must look for it. Don’t be blinded by life to ignore its beauty in front of you.

84. You’re looking at the world through tinted glasses of ignorance to its truth, but what if you take them off? You’ll realize how beautiful the world is with just how special you are.

85. We cannot hide from the truth forever. Ultimately, you must face the reality of your situation and accept it. Sometimes that’s easier said than done.

86. Ultimately, you must face the reality of your situation and accept it. It doesn’t mean you have to like it, but it does mean that you need to see the truth for what it is.

87. There’s no point trying to hide from the truth. Eventually, you must face it and accept what is happening. It’s never easy, but sometimes it’s necessary.

88. It’s like having a paper cut inside your mouth. It stings and burns, and the irritation persists no matter how hard you try to ignore it.

89. It isn’t very pleasant. It’s uncomfortable. And, in the end, it’s likely to get worse before it gets better unless treated right away; that is what being blind leads to.

90. You cannot be blind to the truth of your habit. At some point, you need to agree with the facts and accept responsibility for them.

91. Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be willing to see the truth that everyone else is missing. Your reality will become clearer, and your life will be filled with more joy, love, and abundance.

92. I’m not saying you have to believe in the truth. But when you realize that this whole life is nothing but a few moments of happiness and death, it’s time for you to seek the truth.

93. Don’t be blind to see the truth. It’s right in front of you.

94. You can’t see the truth if you’re looking away.

95. Don’t be blind to see the truth. It’s there. It will come out in the end. You have to look for it.

96. It’s never too late to change. Don’t be blind to see the truth.

97. Don’t be blinded by lies. Try to find your path despite all the obstacles in your way.

98. When you’re hard on yourself and don’t see the truth, it’s easy to let your life turn into a lie. And it’s not just about the lies you tell yourself — it’s about the things that hold you back from being authentically happy. But it doesn’t have to be this way for long. You have to look hard enough to find what matters most.

99. When you don’t see the truth, it’s easy to let your life turn into a lie.

100. It’s easy to believe the lies of your mind, but it’s not so easy to know when the truth is staring you in the face.

101. Be kind to yourself and see your truth as an opportunity to grow.

102. It’s hard to see the truth when it’s not what you want to see. It’s even harder to ignore it, but in the end, it’s better that you face it than let it drag on.

103. You’re welcomed with open arms when you truly see the truth of what you’ve been doing, done, or don’t do.

104. When you admit you’re blind to something, it opens your eye to see the truth.

105. When we don’t see things as they truly are, it’s easy to get trapped in our minds. Be willing to admit the truth about yourself and about others—because the more honest you are, the better you’ll be able to see.

Hope you enjoyed these blind to the truth quotes. Let me know what you think about them in the comment section below. Also, send them to your friends and family. Thanks.

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